Thanksgiving Day, Thureday, November 28, 1889, our place of business will be closed. BAOH & ABEL. $10O REWARD To anyone flnding1 anything but MtiimHimiHiHwiiniuiKiitiiiHiiiiiiiniiitHiiiiiiiiiiiiMii.iiiiiiiiiiimiiti'nii.uiiiiuiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiiim Solid Leather In Our SECBS. i = iiiiiinuitiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiüiüjiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiitiiiiiiiEiMiuiii Job lot at less than cost to manufacture. Men's Calf Boots, 6 and 7, $1.5O less tban cost. Women's Calf Sewed Lace Shoee, 2} to 6, 75o a pair less than cost. Mieses' Calf Sewed Lace Shoes, 11 to 2, 50c a pair less tban cost. Child's Calf Sewed Lace Shoes; 6 to 10, 40c a pair less than cost. We have the above in pegged goods also. They are all Hand made and are great bargains. Come early. We also have a lot of Women's Kid Button Shoes, former price $3.00 and $4.00, now $2.00. Remember at all times we carry the most complete stock of Boots and Shoes, and from the best manufaccrers. SAMUEL KRAUSE, 48 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. Mie BRING YOUR MAGAZINES TOTHK ' k irlor Register Bindcry. FIRST CLASS WORK AND PRIOES VERY LOW. KITTRELCE & M0EA1T. IvíRS. E. A.HOYT, WiU Make a SPECIAL JALE ! FELT HATS, COMMENCING NOVEMBER 25. A Full line of Millinery, Fancy GoodB and Hair Goods can always be found at NO. 7 ANN ST., ANN ARBOR.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register