On The Campus
![On The Campus image](/sites/default/files/aa_register/aa_register_18891128-p08-04.jpg)
The junior phatnvcs arenow werking on their ,'unknowns." Xeither the Argonaut or Chronicle will be issued this week. The Universiiy closed yesteiday for the Tbanksgiving vacation. There are 24 Japaneae students attending the University at present. The first inter-fraternity hop will be kiwn shoitly before Chrismas. The Phi Kappi Psi fraternity entertained a party oí friends Friday night. "Will the rugby eleven win the game at Chicago to-day ?" ia the great question. Wicks, S gma Phi, has been elected ch&irman of ihe sophroore hop committee. A fruit and flower nrssion has been organized among the young kdies ol the University. The Liter rv Adelphi will give a special musical programme this week, on Saturday evening. Takansuke Ireye, a judge of some distinction in Japan, is the latest entry in the law departmeut. Rabbi Grossman of Detroit will furnish a paper to be read at the December meeting of the Philo&ophical Club. The concert given by the Detroit Phüharmonic Club last Thursday evening was attended by a large audience. The meetings aeld by S. M. Sayford last week were of great interest, but the bad weather interfered with the attondanee. S. M. Sayford of Amherst, known as the "College Evangelist" lectured to, the students of the Christian Association Sunday morning. A opy of the address by Chancellor W. H. Payne at the opening of the 15th session of the Peabody Normal College has been received. The regents met laat Friday, considered some matters relative to the hospital in executive sess ion, made a few miuor appointments and then adjourned. Dr. Hodge has been appointed assistant to the chairs of theory and practice and surgery ia the hortceopathic college aud will begin work when college opens again. The juuiors will wear the silk-tile as a class hat. The committee has awarded the contract for furnishing them to the Two Sanas and the "swing-out" will occur soon afler vaoation. The resident members of the Psi Upsilon fraternity at Detroit tendered Bishop Davies, a member of the fraternily, a reception last Thursday evening. J. M. W neeier of this city wa9 ono of' the outoftown members who were present. The senior lits held an election Saturday morning, whioh resulted in a complete victory for the independents. W. J. Baldwin was elected president; Miss Catton, vice-president; H. 13. Dewey, orator. A number of the fraternity men withdrew from the meeting and the election of the remaining officers was poetponed. At the meeting of the Webster Society to be held Wednesday, December 4th, the following programme will be offered: Declamation, W. H. Wadley; essay, W. E. Bailev; oration, W. H. Park; debate - "Resolved, That w ornan is out of her place in the professions. " aff., J. W. Goodwin and C. B. Paolicek; neg., A. J. Smith and R E. Dean. The University rugby team left this morning íor Chicsgo where a game will be played Thursday. The Buffalo game was a good lesson to thi; boys and the team has improved wonderfully during the past week. The personnel of the team lor the game will probably be as follows, several oíd players being placed at the weak points: Boutwell, center; Harless and Trainor, guards; Prettyman and Malley, tackles; Gliddon and Straight, eeds; Abbot, quarter-back; MacPherranand Duffy, half-backs; Vanlnwagen, ful'-back. The team is the strongest that can be made up here and if they cannot carry off the pennant for the ''Yellow and Blue," kt will be useless for others to try.
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Ann Arbor Register