Susan B. Anthony
As we are to have the privilege of listening to this distinguished lady on Saturday evening, the following incident which occurred at St. Louis will be interesting: The delegates of the different states, through Mrs. May Wright Sewell, founder and director of the Uirls' ClasHcal School of Indianapolis, presented Miss Anthony with flowers. She rcferred in the most happy way to Miss Anthony's untiriDg devotion to all the unpopular reforma throuih years of pitiless persecution, and thanked herin behalf of thï youog womanhood of the nation, that their path had been made gmoother by her brave life. Miss Anthony was so overeóme with the delicate compliments and the fragrant flowers at her feet, that for a few moments she could not express her appreciation of the unexpected acknowledgement of what all American women owe her. As she stood before that hushed audience, her silence was more eloquent than words, for her emotion was shared by all. Witb. an effort she at last said: "Friends I have no words to express my gratitude for this marked attention. I have so long been the target for criticism and ridicule, and I am so unused to praise, that I stand before you surprised and dL-aroied. If anyone had come to this platform and abused all womankind, called me hard natnes, ridiculed our arguinents or denied the justice of our demands, I could with readiness and confidence have rushed to the defence; but I cannot maka any appropiate reply lor this oftering of eloquent words and flowers, and I shall not attempt it."
Old News
Ann Arbor Register