Utnbrella8 crvered while you wait at Mack & Sehmid's. The holiday exbibition at Sheehan's, the popular State-st bookseller's, to be opened this wetk, is in our opinión the finest to be seen in the state. 778 T. A. A. & N. M. Ry. is cow the short and direct line to Manistee. Lowr rates and quick time, via. Capernish. The markets are being flooded this year wilh cheap and adulterated buckwheat flour. We cannot always meet the prices at which these are sold bilt we can guarantee an absulutelv pure buckwheat flour at a fair price. Reniember that Central Mills produc's are the best, ALLMENDINGER & ScHNEIDER. Having learned that we are lucated in the center of the most remsrkable oil field in the world, we have decided that good business policy requires ub to make many changes in our pricec, all of wbich it is impossible to enumérate. As an indication ot what we mean, we quote: Ordinary Mich. Test oil @ 7c per gal: our 'Red Star" Oil (the best made) @, 8o per gal: Uütil the gasoline wells in this vicimty develope a larger flow of pure naptha, we shall continue the snle of best Deodorizíd Stove Gasoline @ 10 per gal: Ordinary Stone Butler Crooks @ 6o per gi-1: Standard Granula'ed Sugar @7Lc per lb; other grades at proportunate nrices: Puro Ground Pepper @ 22c per lb: 3 Gans 31bs Tomatoes for 25c: 4 ftn Fair Japan Te $1. We invite an examination of our stock and prices. Dean & Co., 44 S. Main Street. 81 Look Here, CltiiensofAnn Arbor. H. J. Brown has just secured the sale of the greaiest mi-dioal discovery of the age, the Dr. R. MacFariand's Iridian Pili, a positive cure for rheumatism, sciatic or chronic, iriflammatory, sick and nervous headache and stomach disorders. It positively cures the above complaints when used accordiig to directioas. We only ask a trial of oue box and if they fail to benefit you, then your money will be refnnded. Remember we say rcfunded. This is a highly concentrated preparation in pill form, entirely free from all deleterious iugredients, a combined alterativo and laxtive and blood purifying remedy; and those who are sfilicted will do well to try this greatest of all discover ies. Be sure and get the genuine, see trade mark design on each box, a pink wrapper and yellow telescope box. Fifty pills in each box, fifty days treatment for one dollar. Sold in Ann Arbor only by H. J. Brown. C'antion. Reports baving reached us that a young man calling himself Morey and purporting tó be in our employ is attempting to repair organs about the country, and, having been called upon to correct the damBga done by him in euch attempts, vre take this method of infortning our friends that no person by the nane of Morey is employed by us or known to us. And that no one is authorizad to make repairs tor us excepting such as may be sent. in response to orders left at f .ctory or store, when such work can be guaranteed and safety secured from impostéis and tranips. Allmenbinger Piano and Organ Company. A FEWWORDS FROM Santa Claus. Don't expect me to do it all this year. I'm the same oíd Santa Claus, but there are more people expecting Christmas Presents than I can attend to. So everybody ought to make it their duty to help me as much as they can. I have looked over the markets of Washtenaw County, and flnd the largest assortment of useful presents at Koch&Henne's Their store is just filled with beautiful things of the latest designs which they have just received especially for the Holidays. As I have said before, I am the same oíd Santa Claus. I have been about the country for a good many years but I never saw a lot of fine, useful goods, appropriate For Presents! sold so cheap as those exhibited at KOCH & HENNE'S. I will mention a few articles which took my fancy particularly : Their large line of Fancy Rush and Willow Baskets, Stands, Music Racks, etc, are really fine. Most of them are imported from Germany. They have a large, fine assortment of Fancy Chairs, and ROCKERS Rattan Chairs. Easels, Music Racks, Fancy Tables and Stands, Carpet Sweepers, Lace and Heavy Curtains and many other articles too numerous to mention. Don't forget their Carpet Department, for amone their fine selection of Art Squares, Rugs, Mats, etc, you will find presents that will always be appreciated. In short, KOCH & HENNE will please you at astonishiugly low prices. I am yours truly, SANTA CLAUS. Schairer I Milieu, LEADERS OF Li' PRICES ■ ♦ Prices that Pack Our Store Daily. Join the Crowd and gei y our Shareofthe Great Bargains WE ARE OFFERING. Our Cloak Department is the talk of the Town, no such values offered elsewhere. Our sales up to date doublé that of any year in business. Don't think of buying a Cloak until you examine our large stock. We guarantee all our Plush Garments to wear. The only House in Ann Arbor that will. Just keep this in your mind please when buying a Plush Cloak. Our Underwear sales are immense. We offer one Case Children's White Merino Vests and Pants at 25c. Children's Scarlet Vests and Pants 35c, 40c and 50c. Boys' Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers at 35c. Ladies' Heavy Long Sleeved Ribbed Vests at 25c. Ladies' Fine Heavy Jersey Vests White and Gray at 50c. Ladies' Fine White Merino Vests and Pants at 39c. Big bargains in Ladies' Wool Hose at 19c and 25c a pair. Ladies' fine Cashmere Wool Hose at 25c and 35c a pair. Children's and Misses' Wool Hose at 15c, 18c and 25c. VVe are still doing the Curtain business of the Town in Lace, Fancy Scrims, Madras, China Silks and Chenille. Don't buy a dollar's worth in this Jine until you see our stock. 20 dozen more Curtain Poles complete at 25c each. 10 dozen Holland Window Shades on Patent Spring Rollers, only 50c each. Beautiful line Lace Curtains, in Irish Point, Swiss, Brussels, Cluny and Madras. Chenille Curtains New Colorings, from $2.50 to $12.00 a pair. 200 Pieces Choice Dress Good at about Half Price. One lot Wool Dress Goods 36 in. wide worth 50c at 25c pe r yd. Big lot Fancy Wool Suitings 36 and 38 in. wide, all 25c a yard. High Class and Nobby Plaids and Stripes at 50c a yard. 53 inch all Wool Ladies' Cloths New Shades at 50c a yard. 15 Pieces Dairy Maid Flannels, something new, at 10c a yard. One Case more Dark Shades in Outing Flannels at 10c a yard. Big bargains in White Shaker Flannels at 5c to 50c. Scarlet Wool Flannels at 15c, 18c, 25c and 35c a yard. BUHKETS AND ! COMIBLES All seem to be in great demand. The change of weather, of course, is partially the cause of the rush, but not so much so as the very Low Prices at which we are selling them. You can buy a good 10-4 White and Gray Blanket at $1.00 a pair. Large Bed Comforts at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. We forgot to say a word or two about our BLACK DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Attractive Good at Attractive Prices. 40 inch Henriettas, Serges, Drap D'Almas, Whip Cords and Mohairs worth 75c all at 50c a yard. Black Silk, Warp Henriettas at 90c, $f 00, $1,25 and $1.50 a yard. 15 Dozen 5 Hook Foster Kid Gloves at 75c a pair. Ask to see the following Special Bargains in Silks: 20 inch China Silks at 50c a yard. 20 inch all Silk Surahs at 50c a yard. Pure Silk Rhadames at 75CJ and $1.00 a yard. T" Heavy Gros Grain Dress Silks at at 75c and $1.00 a yard. 20 inch Black Silk Surah at 50c and 75c a yard. If our prices were not right we would not have the crowds. Come Along and Join the Throng. Schairer & Millen LEADERS OF LOW PRICSS.
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