For Charity's Sake
Tle Chequamegon Orchestra is a mu sieal organization that Ann Arbor ma well be proud of. No sweeter musi can be rendered by any orchestra, an none take more pains in rendering am selecting new music. On Friday even ing the Chequamegons will give a con eert at the opera house, the proceeds o which will go to the Ladies'Aid Society of the M. E. chureb. The members o the orchestra have been constantly praeticing for this event for severa months past and a rich treat inay b expected. The program me to be ren dered is as follows: PART I. 1. Overture Oharacteristlque. "lhe Raft," Schlepegrell ORCHESTRA, 2. Vlolin Solo, Fantasia on "Old Folks at Home," Stobbs. GEO. W. STORMFKLS. S. (a) Valse Lento from Ballet Sylvla, Delibes. (ft) Cardas "National Hungarian dance," Hasselmann. OECHKSTBA. 4. Vocal Solo, " Sunset." D. Buck. MISS ALICE CRAMER. 5. Zitber Solo- "Traum dr Sermerin." (Dream of the Fairies.) MR. I. J. OHMAN AND ORCHESTRA. PART II. 6. Concert Waltz - "Love's Confession." Waldteufel. ORCHESTRA. 7. Flute Solo, " Come Back to Erin," Grand Fantasia, Armstrong. MR. FRED MCOMBER. 8. Bass Solo, MR. HARRY M. JOY. 9. " Der Kleine Neckar," (The Little Tease) Polka Moz. Caprice. ORCHESTRA. 10. "The Forge in the Forest," Michaelis. A desriptive piece. (Synopsis) At Night ; Daybreak; By the brook; The clock strikes five; Prayer; The forge; Anvil chorus. ORCHESTKA.