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LEGALS. Notlce of CbHneery Male. In pureuance and by virtue of a decree of tb Circuit Court for the Couiny of Wa-thteuaw in Chancery. Made and entered on the flrst day of October A p. 1889, in a oertaln cause therein pending, where in Wiiliam H. Mather ia complain nt.and J G Bailey, ejecutor of the will of Julia A. Reynold deoeasfd. and Eliza MontRomery are defendants Notiee is HerebyGtven, That I shali sell at pub lic auction or vendue, to hlghest Did.ler a the south front d.or ot the Court Housj, in the City of Ami Atbor, County of Washtenaw, Stite ot Michigan (ihat being the piare of holding the Circuit Court of said County), on Friday the thirtfenth day of December, A. I). 188a at 1 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all or so mnch thereoi as may be npcetwa y to raise the aniiiunt due to said complainant for principal ia teret and coste in mi cause, of the folLwini; described parcel of land, to wit: All of the following described land situatïd in the townfchip ol Manchester in the County o Washienaw and State of Michigan, The south-.ast quarter (S. E. %, or section nnmbe thirty-fi e(ii5)in township uumber four (4) south in range ntimber three (3 east. exceptine fllty flve acres off from the east side thereof hereto foreconveyed to Johnsmallv.leaving theamoun of land included in thls description, oue hundnt and five acres more or less. Dated at Ann Arbor this 27th day of October, A i) 1689. PATRICK McKERNAN Circuit Coort Commissiouer for Washteaaw Co 'nty, Michigan. Noah W. CufKVKR, Solicitar for Complainant. 81 TlHIUll. Ann Arbor, October 12th,1889. Office of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Inaurance Smipany Wherkas, On the 31st day of December 1889 the present Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance ('ompany will have been in existence ) years and according to the constitution and laws ol the state, its charter ill expire on that date, and a the Attorney Oener 1 or the state, has decide that no mutual insurance c-irporatio can eztend iis corporote exista nee beyo d:jo years: rherefore it has become nece&sary to organizo a new Mu tnal Fir Insurance ompany, to tafce the place of the present company, and to commeuce busi neus on the lst dy of January. 1890, and this uo tice i given for the purpose of iuforming al merabers of he present Insurance (Jompauy ant all other interested. tbat uch a company has been forined, and that it is proposed ;o transfer all now iiiMired m the pre-ient company, to the new company. on or belnri'th' lst day of Jauuar 1890, and that all inembera if the present com pany and all others intereMed, arelnvited and requt'Sied to attend a meeting lo held iu the Court House, in the city of nn Arb ir Mirh , oi Tuesday. Uctober29. lSfO.afio'i-lork p. ra for the purpose of hearing reporto the diiigs of such organizatlou. By order of the Bmr.l. Wji K. CHiLrw.Sec. EVERYBOOT MUM 1.11 UK It THE Detroit E7:ning News, The Leading Daily of Michigan. The ECHO, The Weekly Edition of the Even ing newa A -weeliiy family paper Of High Standing. Fegular Price $1.00 per year, pay able in Ad vanee THE ECHO -wil be furnished free tin January 1. 18OO, to all new sub soribers for the ooming year. A Oopy of Ihe Echo Free for one year if yon will send us 4 yearly sub soribers and $3 00 in Cttsh. EklIi sub senber will receive a picture of Chris Before Pílate. A copy of the Echo Free for one yea if you will Rend tis 10 yearly subserib ers and $(i.dO in cash. E.idi subscribe will receive a picture ot Christ Before Pilnte. A copy of the Echo Free for one year if you will send us 20 yearly subscrib ers and $10.00 in cash. Each subscriber will receive a picture of Christ Before Pilaje. Gei 20 subscribers at 50c each and we will send one copy of the Echo Free for one year, and each subscriber will receive a beautilul copy of Munkacsy's famous picture of Christ befare Pílate. Each person getting up a club of 20 8ul)scriber.-and sending u the $10 00 in cash will also reoeive a copy of "Five Months Abroad," a very interesting book of 450 pages, beautifully bound in cloth. Single Bubscriptions to The E'ho$l der year, with the Preminm Picture Clirist Before Pilate. Renewals wül be counted aa new subscriptions. Nfiid f " "limpie eopy and Clnb Hates. zms VB L1 s-i II WA 2 M X CO 1 ■ lii ira


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