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KIRK'S AMERICAN FA NI I LY SOAE lfany dealer aayn he UaHtüe W. T.. Tancifka Shoes without imme and prico itampea oa the bottoin, put hiin down aa A fruu W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Best In the wor'.J, Examine hl ".()() GENUINE HAXDSKWED 8HOK. 84.O0 HAND-8EWED WKLT SHOK. S.i.SO PÓLICE ANI) FARMERS' SHOE. 83.50 EXTRA VAI.UK CAI.F SHOK. 8-Í.25 WOKKINGMAN'S SHOE. 83.00 and 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOKS. All made in Congress, Button and Laoe. W. L. DOUCLAS 33 SHOE LADIE8. Best Material. Best Style. Best FlUinc. U not sold br your dealer, write _ W. 1.. DOÜGLAS, HHOCKTON. MAAS. Exsmlnp W. I.. Uoncla 82.00 Mioe f gentlemen hik) l.iltix. WM. REINHARDT & C0.f 43 B. MAIN STBKF.T. Ann Arl.or. HUMPHREYS' YEIERIHABY SPECIFICS For Borses, Cattle, S'neep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTHT. 500 Pagre Bonk on Trraimrni of Animal and Chart Som Kree. CURES Ffvers, 'ons''itioii, Inflnmmntfon A.A.Spinnl .MrniiiiiitiN, Milk Kever. It. lï.-SiraiuM, LamenMHt Rheumatiam CC- Distemper, Nnsii I Diarhanes. Graba, W orine. I'-. I: - ('utiiftiH, Henves, Pneumonía. F.F.- Colicor Gripe), Bellyache. í-.. - "! iHoirrhit'i'i Jlemorrbnffes. 11.11. - Trinary and Kidney Diseases. I.I.- Ernpfive DiNeaseH, Maniré. .1. K . - DiHi-iiNf of DiüiHlimi. Stable Case, w!th Speolflca, Manual, Wltch Hazel Oll and Medicator, 87.00 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), .60 Sold by DruKBists; or Sent Prepaid anywhor and in any quantity on Receipt oí Prico. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y. PI I nUlrlPHEEYS' PJI HOMEOPATHIC ff ff liiiSJsPECIFICNo.Jö M30e!S. TheonlymcoMsfnlremedrfoc Nervous Debility, vital Weakness, and Prostratlon, from oTer-work or other oaokm. 91 per vml, or & vials and Jartce vial powder, for f&. SOLDBï DRÜQOI8T8, oriënt pontpaid on rooaiptW price.- ÜMphrejV M.dklaet., 109 flW, K, I, The onlT known epedjlc for EpUeptlc FIts.6 mr Mbo for Spasmi snd FaUlng Sickness.- NervoDJ Wcakncse qnlckly reUeyed ond cnred. Eqnalled by none ia delirium of feTer.-e 3-Neutralizes genas of disease and eickneu. Core ugly blotchei and Btnbbom blood ore. Cleanaca blood, qulckcna eluggifh circulatlon. SllmlnateB Bolls, Carbunclca and Scalda.-B WPermanently andpromptly cureaparalyal. ïe, It ii a charmlng and healthfol AperieoL Kllla Scrofnla and Elngs E vil, t w In biothen. Changea bad breath to good, remoTlng causo. tVBoutt bUlonsnesa and clears complexloa. Charming reaolvent and matchleei laxatlTe.- It drlTca Sick Headache like the wind .- rWContains no drastlc cathartic or oplatei. Promptly curea Itheumatism by routing lt.-S Eestorcs llXcgiving propertlea to the biood.-fc Is guarantoed to euro all ncnoua disorder.- (7-Beliable whea all oplatea fall.-fcX KefreaheB the mlnd and invlgonitea the bod}. Cnreadyspepaiaormoneyrcfundfd."e tyËnuoraed in writlng by over flfty thonaa Lcading phyelcisna ín U. S. and Furope.- Leading dergymvn ia U. S. and Europe."S Siseases of the blood own it a conqueror.-W ïor sale byll leading dxuggints. $i.öO.-e II DR. S. A. BICDHÖ.VD .V ERVI E C0„ Si. Joupi. b. Oorrespondeneefredyanswereci by I'hyslclaa. w For testünoQlals aiiil circulara seud ütamp. MILLARD'S HAIR GLOSSOMER. .Jff-. A ure cure itohf ■íjt S.1., nore scalp, Dandrui iïR Kczema, Dead or FTJ-S- E V int Ilsr and all joajj ..gdaisaai dlscuses. To wan the huir hik! cleanc the 8l"lp 'ÜB22.t quart. Vrep.ired by II. E. MII.I.AKU, 'M M. nroe 8I„ Ornnd Eiipld, M 'li. V -sale bvall t-u(riits and dealor. oríent pow'.iHottny adtlres on reoriut of ubove pnce, sena ""circulara and testimoniáis. to. PENMYROYAL WAFER3 J Are ilfllllj Ml nijnthly by over 10JW C Ladl' B. Are safe. h.ffe,ti,ü and Hramntn t' toer Iku by mail, orat druKfflKU. SeaUd Par9 y1 liculan '-' l!ste stainps. Address the kVkkka Chemical Compnt, Plshor Block. 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mica.


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