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On The Campus

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The University hospitah are filled to ove flowing, not havi&g room enough for patiënt?. Miss Susan B. Anthony is an aunt of D. R. Anthony, law '90. While here 8he visited him at the Delta Tau Deha house. John H. Shaper medie '90, was tnarried during the vacation to a youug lady at his home in New York state, the young couple returning to this city Saturday. The programme oí the Engiueering Socieiy will be a paper on 'Canal Work," by C. A. Fisher; "Water Supply," by F. K. Kicg; ''Carviog Machines," by Mr. Titcb. The University by virtue of (he late arrivals, eau jjs'ly claim the honor of Deing the largest in the western world. It now leads Harvard by over a hundred. RaL! Kal,!! R.hü! U. of M. Mnjor Soule rerurned from the Indian river tíaiurday where he had been huntuig lor the past three weeks. He brought hume the caress-es of two deer, but relused to teil what they sell for in the aorta. The campus will be lighted by electricity. Eiiher the dynamos at the uaiversity will be used, or e!se ihe Thompsou-Houston company will luraish the light. The committee irom the board of regenta have decided to have the lights at all evetiU. The programme for Saturday night at tho Alpna Nu will be as follows: Paper, "A Summer Among the Ca :adiau I.-lands," H. W. Fairbanks; piano solo, Miss Fleischer; story, ''The King of Nortoma," F. N. Scotl; essay, "French Influences," R. E. Dunbar; piano solo, Miss Fleiecher. The programme for the meeting of the Adelphi Literary Society next Saturday evening at eight o'clock, is as foliows: Mu&ic, Mrs Prof. Hoflf; essay, "My Ideal Character of (he War," Mins Kirtly; r -iiding, Miss Willuuahhv; musio, Mrs. Prof. Hoff; deba' e - '' Resolved, that McClellan's action at the opening ot the war was juslib'able;" aff., A. W. Smith; neg., A. RandH'l; general debate: music, Mr?. Prof. Huff; Mri. Buckley, accompaniht. All are cordiolly invited. The Boston Symphony Orchestra is dpfiuitely engaged for Friday, May 16, '90. Ibis orchestra is one ot the most bnlliant concert orchestras in the world, and under tlie lead of tht-ir new conductor, Mr. Arihur Nickesch, the musicians seem to have gined an enthusiam which makes their pluying a revelation. The members play conamore, and the fpectacle of a (ioüductor dueciing everylhing Irom mem ry 18 an inspir tion in itself. The enterprise of the Universiiy Musi"al Society in securitiK so great an attraction should be rtcoguizfd nd supported by our cit:z;ns for several reasons. It is in the 6rt place a distinct advantage to both the city and University, for the elasi of citizens and students who look at the possibiluiua of ibe arti8tic cul ure afforded by a city or ingtituiion before making a dec sion r garding residence, contributes f.n element uf streuglh rather than weakness. Moreover, it is a great privilege to hear i-uuh a c meert as is possirle only in the larger cities. Again if the series is a Bucees it will be perpeoiited in coming years end will mot asuredly mke an irnpression lor good. The society is anxious that the cilizens and students should hive the b8t talent that can be sectired and cousequently we iusit that ih se who have not uken as-ociate membership tickets should do so at once. It will r q'iire the 6ale of 100 ,ti kets to make ihe society stcure Diiancially. AiiOiher ale of more tban this uuniber will mak p ssiiil still another concert ot the hluliesi grade. S-rid i'i your name and membership feee of $2.00 to Prof. Stanley who il ee that a ti;ket ia maikd iinmeiÍH-ly.


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