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Lots of new students at the Cleary business college. Miss Rorison and Miss Lenora Platt left for Detroit Tuesday. C. L.Yost has moved into his fine new home on VVasbington-st. Miss Dot Larwell of Adrián is the guest of Miss Dot Carpenter. Mr. Gorleyof 8t. Catherines, Ont., is tlie guest of his sister, Mrs. N. J. Clayton. Rev. Mr. Cheney and wife spent Thank8giving at the old hoine in Fay ette, Oliio. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Arasden and family of Manchester spent Thanksgiving in in our city. Rev. Mr. Hurlburt of the Oh o Theological Seminary filled the Baptist pulpit last tiunday. Rhea had a large and thoronghly enthusiatitic audience last Saiurday evening for her Empresa Josephine. Miss Grey, preceptress of the High School, had ihe misfortune to dislócate a toe last week and has not enjoyed life since. John Vanderburgh, superintendent of the St. Cdtherine.s and Niágara Central R. E., ppent Snnday at the home of li is cousin, Mrs. John Taylor. Rev. Mr. Mory was at the Grand RtpidsS S. convention this week and delivered an address ahout the big S. S. convenlion i L ndon last sumiller, Moiiey Oreek. Mrs. Josephine Coe is very sick. Winter has apparently beguu in earnest in thi vicinity. The Methodist and Presbyterians are maintaining Sunday evening meetings at ötoney Creek. Mwllne. Episcopal services were held last Sunday in opera hall. Mrs. Dr. Holmes has returned from her recent visit to Canada. A half-dozen of our young people went to Ypsilanti last week to nee Rhea. The Presbyterian Ladies' Society gavan afternoon social at Mrs. G. B. Ma son's Weduesday. It was well attended. Rev. Mr. Lang of Stoney Creek preached in the M. E. Choren Sunday evening in the place of Rev. T. J. Joalyn. The Presbyterian Y. 8. C. E will liold a oonnndram social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Croloot this Friday evening. Tlie lectnre Tuesday evening by Rev. Z. Giinnell of Detroit was fine and was lunch better ai tended than the lirst lectnre two week ago. Hllnn. Milán has one of diphtheria. Count one more buiuess house for progressive Milan. Mrs. Chas Si 11 returned to her home in letroit Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds entertained guests from Flint last eek. Eighty-five couples attended the Tbanksgiven dance at the Rink. Arba Andrews carne near losing a finger in the planing mili Monday. H. E. Burnham of Detroit visited some of his Milan friends last week. Asa Whitehead returned last week froto a three months' sojourn in Detroit. Chas Gauntlett has endorsed the P. of I. plan of selling boots aud shoes. Mrs. J. Bunce has put a new coat of pnint on lier house, greatly improving its appearence. Mrs. Albert Hayderi Ieft for Tecumseh Tuesday, where she will visit friends for several days. The Leonard Brothers closed their fruit evaporators the fire-t of the week until next season. The Baptist Missionaiy Society meeting was held at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Runse, Tuesday p. m. Miss Jennie Pyle died Friday, Nov 29. Hr remain were taken eat lor burial, L)r. hihI Miss Pyle attending ihem. Miss Grace Huntingnui will entertain the elocutionist, Mit-s iá. E. Rounds of Detroit, during her bojuurn in Milan. Mrs. Geo. Huntington of Detroit and Miss Alice Biirroughs of Saginaw are theguest of Rev. Jay Huntington and family this week. The celebrated elocutionist, Miss S. E. Rounds of Detroit, will give an entertainment at the opera house Wednesday evening underthe auspices of the Baptist Society. The social under the auspices of the Y.P. S. C. E. at G. R. Williams' Wednesday evening was well atteuded. Several new features being introduced made the entertainment a novel one. Emerj. Mrs. Geo. Pfeifle and Miss Aggie are on the alck list. Church next Sabbath at two o'clock p. m.; Sunday school at one o'clock. Died at the residence his sister, Mrs. A. Masón, on Friday Nov. 29, Wtu King. Mis Carrie Renwick has sufflciently recovered from her ülness to resume lier duties as school teacher. Died at his residence in Salem, R. w iiuer. The deceased leaves a widow, thr e Sons and three daughtera to mo .vn his loss. A change in eection foremen at this place, Mr. Hogan going to Howell to takf charge of that seclion. His place is ñlletl by Mr. Wendel f Oak Grove. The social at N. Sutton's was a succees, although on accourit of the bad roads the attendance was small. A grand time reported by all present; proceeds $3.46.


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