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SHILOH'S COTJGH and Consumption Cure íis gold hv us on a euarantee. I' cureR oonsumption. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Lovers muy not rroint to much, bu' thpy are more in presting tban most things women t'k abou'. Thp drueeits of Charleston, S. C, refuse to put up Dr. MeDw's prescription?. Society does not like a young pemon to act like an old maid, or a blue gtocking, or be instrnotive or pupprior. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made misprble hy t.hat terrible rongn. Shilnh'c Cure is the Rpmedy for you. Sold by Eberbacb & Sin. Th Grund Duk Constantino, onusin to rVip Czar, has recently bublished a book of poemp. THE EEV. GEO. H. THAYER. of Rourbon, I' d., say: ''TWh mvopif ad wi'p nwp onr Hveo to SHILOH'R CONSÜMPTION CURE." Sold by Eberbach & S .ü. 'T '■' only a q'ies'ion of Mm," and b p'o time, too a to whpn yonr rhpumat'etn will yield to Hood's Srsaparilla. Try Zola bpgan Hfp ns a poor and i bsonre lad, pmployed at $20 a'month in a bi'k sUkof the famous pnbligher, Hache'te, und rrom this he has risn to be the Chateüan de Medan, as he c llfd. A I.ady In Tx8 Wrltcs: My ca-e is of long standiny; has b ffld many pbysicianf: hve irid evry rem dy I coulii hear of, but Brsdfield's Femsle Regulator is all 'hat relieved me. Write Tbe PradSd R-g. Co., Atlanta, G., for further particulars. Sold bv all HrugF. Michigan (TentraI " The Niágara Fallt Route." OENTaAL STANDARD TIME. GOING EAST. r - t STATIONS. d J 1W. " 11 S Sa. Wb :■ Sfo. Líie M? M. A H. A. H. F. M. A. M. P H. P. M. Chicago Lv. 7 K) 10 S 3 10 10 10 9 = P. M. p. M. a M. Kalamazooo 12 5i 2 45 6 88 7 10 3 S5 2 27 Jackson Ar. 3 30 4 47 8 52 9 S IS 4 4!) A il ii Arbor.... 4 52 5 45 9 41 10 43 7 50 6 00 Delroil Ar. 6 35 6 50 10 45 11 5 9 20 7 80 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Buffalo Ar. 2 30 3 25 6 15 4 5o 7 50 OOTNO VfST. Ú 3 ï Bi S STATIONS. -' xËESScgSg l_ïl$lMlU A. M. A. M. P. H. A. M A. M P M Buftilo Lv. 1126 6 80 8 8 12 80 P. H. P M Detroit Lv. 9 10 8 00 3 50 1 -JU 8 00 10 15 Ann Arbor.... 10 25 8 59 5 17 2 ÜO 9 15 11 35 Jackson Ar. 11 45 10 00 6 oO 8 18 10 45 12 49 P. M. P. M. A. M. A M. Kalamazoo 2 50 12 13 9 45 5 07 1 20 3 (17 Chicago Ar. 7 56 4 8i „ 9 0 7 00 7 45 ♦Sunday excepted. JSaturday excepted. tDaily. O. W. RUGÓLES. H. W. HAYK8. G. P. & T. A.. Chicago. Ag't. Ann Arbor. Toletlo.Ann Arlior & Norti MicliiLaii B' Time Table KOing tnto effect Sund&y, Nov. 17, '89 Uumg Mortn. Uoiue South. a 4. a. stations. i. a. i. Fa1L Ex. Mail Southern División. Ex Ua„ 3L A. M. P. M. A. M. LV'E] [AEB P. H P. U. a. M 8 25 6 i .Toledo 1 10 11 15 _ 4 07 6 40 Monroe JunctfL V 27 10 0 „ „ 4 17 6 47 Dutidee 12 20 Hl 18 4 8 7 05 Milau 12 04 9 5S 4 5i 7 2 Pittsfleld .. 114 9 84 6 OU 5 07 7 „Au Arbor. 11 80 9 2.' 8 1 2 00 5 30 7 5ii Leland'ü 9 07 7 15 6 47 8 Whitmore Lakc 11 02 8 55 _ 5 58 8 10 .... Hamburp 10 ,V7 8 50 6 28 8 46 Howvl' 1' 25 8 17 7 15 9 KS Duraud 9 35 7 3 8 55 10 5 ...East Sagiuaw... 7 45 5 5 A. M P. M. A. M. A. II. r. M.JA. M. NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. 7 35 9 35 ..Durandrm 9 35 7 '0TZ7_ 10 15 12 4" ...Mt. Pleaeant... 6 4 4 85 „ 8 10 Cadillac. 2 i A.JM ■ P. M. A M. P M. All pastienger trains run daily excepl 8undayCounectlouB at Toledo wuii rallrotidsdlvcrKii g, At Manhattan Junction wlth Whecllng S Lkc Ei e E. R. At Alexi Junctior witb I'. " R P L e tt'y and F & 'f M R K A Monroe Jnnctlci 11D L. 8. at. M. ti. K'y. At Dundec wltb L81 M. S„ and M. & O. Ry . At Milán wltb W. st. 1. A P. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. 8. A M 8. Rj. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., nc at Sooth Lyon with Detroit. Iianalnx and Nortb ernR.R.,andaT. Rj. H. W. A8HLFV, A. J. PAISLEY, Superintendent, Gen Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Agent, Anu Arbor. At Ashley with the Toiedo. daginaw 4 Muskegon railway.


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