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BUSINESS CABDÖ. Wlll practicein both State and United buvt Courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst flthe new brick block. corner of Hurón and Fonrtl, Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. p K. WILLIAMS, Attorney at biw, Hilan, MI1. Money loaned for outside partios. All legal business given prompt attention. GET G. E. G0DFHSY TO IO TOUR OBATIH6. v Freight work, Furniture and Piano moving, oí anvthinir else that you ueed done. He has all the fatesfapplianceílirgestdriy.sand best forcé of men. Kesideuce, 46 "-„g, WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savinga Bank opposite Court House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by ute of Gas or Vitalized Air. lalldÉÑTIST OFFICE Over Sheehan's Book Store, Sonth. State Street HOURS : 9 to 12 A. M., and 2 to 5 P. M. WM. BIGGS. Coatractor I Builier Aml all kinds of worlt ín connectlon illi tbe aboye pritniplly executefl. ShoD Cr of Church-st and Unlversity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 124S. AnnArboiJVait Farm Berry Plants, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Pears and Grapevines a Specialty. öyrupa and Home-Made Wines. Syrap of Raspberry ; Burtlott Pear Syrup Bone sett, Dandelion and Raspberry Wines and bhrubs , forLiver and Kidney troubles; Sweet Red Concord and Martha White Wines, especially prepared lor Invalids. Order Trees and Plante early, is we get most of them from the best Nursenes K. BA17R. Wst Hnrtin St. Eberbach & Sons, Ann Arbor, snpply Asentí for the Great Frenen Bernely, IK. LeDICS PEBIODIOAl from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organs in females and positively cure supresslon of the menses (from whatever cause,) and all periódica] troubles peculiar to women. A safe, reliable remedy wananted to promote menstruation or money refunded. Should not be used during pregnancy. The large proportion of Hls to whfch ladies are liable is the direct result of a disordered or irregular menstruation. Ask any druggist, Ann Arbor. AMERKiAN PILL CO., Spencer, Iowa. Robeet Stevenson & Co., Wholesale Agents, Chicago. ATTENTION. No. 13 Anii St., is the place for Good Bargains! TISi-WAKK, BUTTO1NS, THREAI, HOSIEKY, ROt!KISi HORSES, fcX"lUSS W4OONS, CA!tS, LOP PAILS BROOMS, KKDSUKS, TOYS ANI 5vTriO3ÍS. GOOWS MARKKI DOWN TO THE lOWBtT PO1JIT. LAKOE STOCK, KEW fiOOBS. L. M. BENNETT. YOU CAN GET IT AT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. NEW FIRM IN THE 1131 Barber Shop ! Êvërything neat and first-class. Best of Workmen. Try us. GHAS. SHETTERLEY & BRO. OXjL O IN" G. H. WILD BEFOKE PLACIMJ YOÜR ORDER i'UR A Fine Dress Suit! If you want a Nice Suit, the latest Style, see G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR. No. 2 Washington INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offloes, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Blook. Partles desiring tobuyor eell Real Esto te wíl flnd lt to their advantage to cali on me. 1 represent the foHowing flret-class Fire Insurauce Comsanies, haring an aggregate capital of oveí t8,000,000: The Hrond Raplds Fire Ins. Co., The Ohlo Fariner's Ins. Co., (iiisurm imly dwellinKS). The ttermnn Fire Ins. Co., The Concordia Fire Ins. Co., The CHIzens' Fire Ins. Co., The Wertchester Fire Ins. Co., The Slilwankee Mecbanic's Mutual Fire Ins. Co., The New Ilampshire Fire Ins. Co., The Amnzoii Fire Ins. Co. Batea Low. Loases llberally adjusted and oromptly pald. I alio issue Life and Investment Pollcles In the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A tets 855,000,000. Persons desMng Accident Insurance, can have yearly Folíeles written for them oí Travelers Coupon Insurance Ticket lssued at Low Ratee in the Standard Accident Insurance Company of North America. Money to Loan at Curren Ratea. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12m. ándito . m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamllton Block


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Ann Arbor Register