Real Estate Transfers
DRtue Ensign to Castle Sutherland, Salem ï 1500 Wm. C. sutherland to Casüe Sutherland, Salem 2000 Conrad Krapf to A. W. Hamilton, AniiArbor Towu 309 C. Eberbach to A. W. Hamilton. Ann Arbor Town 2500 G. J. Pease to A. W. Hamilton, Ann Arbor Town 1200 Francés A. Buoth to A. W. Hamiltou, Ann Arbor Town 2500 A. W. Kamilton toJ. V. Sheehan, Ann Arbor Town 1333 A . W. Hamiltou to J. L. Rose, Ann Aibor Town 4400 A . W. Hamlíton to J. L Rose, Anu Albor Town 1333 F. K. Koeder, by adm.. to ChiistinaK. K.eder, York 7657 William Burke to O. B. Gardner, Pittsfield _ 100 Nannette B. Smith to Juo and Alice C. Dewev, Ann Arbor 3650 Edward Joos to John 8. Foley, Ypsilanti 1 Caspar H, Borgess to John S. Foley, Ann Arbor 1 John McMahon to Louis Schlewise, Manchester 60 Catheriue McCowan to H. 8. Bautill, Ypsilsntl 3C0 Peoiile's Bank of Manchester to W. H. and Sarah Gray, Sharon 900 Peop e's Bank of M&LChester to J. F.Wellhoff Sharou 900 Edward Gordon et al. to Vauduztr and Batty, Piitsfleli 5 Aveline Vanduzen et al. to Gordon and Jjanes Pitisfleld 5 Kate L. Goraou to Edward Gordon, Pittfr field 5 Adiiison thilds 10 Robert Simons. Augurla 420 L. L. Forsyih, by adm., to Spencer L. Shaw. Ypsilanti 850 CornllusGillispie to uaniel Ross, Anu Arbor 800 J. G. Bailey, ex . by c. c. c, to Wm. H, Maiher. Manchester 4232 Maria Glazier lo Olive B. Hall, inn Arbor 1500 L) man D. Norris to Thomas Matthias YpBilanli 1600 Thos. Matthias to O. E. Thompson et al., Ypsilauti 800
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Datus Ensign
Castle Sutherland
William C. Sutherland
Conrad Krapf
A. W. Hamilton
G. J. Pease
Frances A. Booth
J. V. Sheehan
J. L. Rose
F. K. Koeder
Christina K. Koeder
William Burke
C. B. Gardner
Nannette B. Smith
John Dewey
Alice C. Dewey
Edward Joos
John S. Foley
Caspar H. Borgess
John McMahon
Louis Schlewise
Catherine McCowan
H. S. Bautill
W. H. Gray
Sarah Gray
J. F. Wellhoff
Edward Gordon
Addison Childs
Robert Simons
L. L. Forsythe
Spencer L. Shaw
Cornelius Gillispie
Daniel Ross
J. G. Bailey
William H. Mather
Maria Glasier
Olive B. Hall
Lyman D. Norris
Thomas Matthias
O. E. Thompson