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KIRK'S AMER1GAH FAMILY H D tafLgJp rafjg&BÍ 3 J3 Xf any deaier says lie lias the W. Ti. Doufflag Sïiot's without iniiiic and price stampea o Ui bottoin, put liiin down uk a frauu W. L. DOÜCLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Best in the wor'.í. Examine hl __ S5.OO GBNITINK HASD-SKWED SHOK. W4.00 HAND-SEWICD WKIT SHOE. IS.-i.50 PÓLICE ANI FAKMKKS' SHOE. 82.5O KXTKA VAMIE CALF SHOE. .25 WORKINGMAN'S SHOE. S.00 and SI. 75 BOYS' SCHOOI, SHOES. All made ia Congress, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE LAFDrEs. Beit Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. Examine '. Ioii{flas 92. 00 Klioe fo üT'ii(lonn"Mt and I ■! ie. WM. REI1THARDT& CO., 43 S. n.HX STREET, Ami Arlmr. HUMPHREYS' Dh. Humphreys' Specifics are seientiflcally and carefully prepared prescriptlons ; used f or maiiy years in private practlcewithsuccess.andfor over thirty years used by the people. Every single Speciflc is a special cure f or the disease named. These Specifica cure without drugglng, purging or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed tne sovereien remedí eseftheWorld. LIST OP PRINCIPAL NOS. CURES. PRICES 1 Fevers, Congestión, lnflammatlon. .. .25 Worm, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.. .25 3 ('ryiuir Colic, or Teething of Infanta .25 4 JHarrnea, of Ctiildreu or Adulto '5 5 líysentery, Grip Ing, Bllious Colic 25 ('finiera ÍÍInrbus, Vomiting 25 7 Conshs, Cold, Bronchitis .25 8 Neuraleia, Toothache, Faceache. . . .25 9 Headaches SlckHeadache, Vértigo .25 10 DyspepBia, Billous stomach 25 11 Snppressedor Painful Periods. .25 12 Vhites, too Prof use Periods .25 13 t'renp, Cough, Dlftlcult Breathing 23 lï 8alt Khcuin, Er.vsipclas, Eruptions. .25 15 KheumatiMin, Kheumatic Pains 25 lö Fever and Aicne, Chills, Malaria 50 ir Piles, Blind or Bleealnir =50 19 CatarrU, Influenza, Cold in the Head .50 20 WhonpiiiK CnuEli, Violent Coughs. .50 24 (ienernl Debility.MiysicalWeakness .50 27 Kidney Bisease _ íííí j 28 Nervous D.bility l.t0' 30 lirinary rcnkness, Wctting Bed. .50 32 DigeageaoftheHeart.Palpltatlonl.OO Sold by Drugglsts, or sent postpald on receipt of price. Dr. Hcmphreys' Manual, (144 pages) ricfily bound In cloth and gold, malled free. Huraphreys' Fulton St. N Y. SPECincs. SAttANUtt The only Known tpedjlc for Eplleptlc rits.-am S-Also for Spasms snd Falling Sickness.-i NervonsWeaknessqulcklyrelievedandcured. Eqnalled by none in deliriom of fever.S Aj-Nentrallzes germs of diaease and sickness. Cnxes ngly blotches and Btnbborn blood sores. Cleanscs blood, quickens elnggiab. circulation. Elimlnates Bolla, Carbuncles and Scalds.-e yPermanently andpromptly cnres paralysie. ïes, It i a ciarming and healtaful Apetient. KIIIb Scrofnla and Kings Evll, twln brothers. Changes bad breatb. to good, removing cause. tWitouta bllionsness and clears complexion. Caarming resolvent and matchless laxative.-S9 It drives Sick Headache like the wind.- t"Contains no drastlc cathartlc or opiates. Promptly cores Khenmatism by routing it.-E Restores lite-glrliig propertles to tüe blood.-fc Ia guaranteed to cure all nervous diaordere.-B fW Eellabla wlieu all opiatea fall.-ea Eefreshes the mind and invigorates the bodj. Cures dyspepsiaormoney refundcd.-S ey"Kndor8ed In writing by over flfty thousano Leaaing phyiclans in ü. 8. and Europe.-B Lcading clergymcn in ü. S. and Enrope." Diseases of the blood own it a conqueror.-l For sale by all leading druggista. fl.50.-Ll Ihe DR. S. A, EICHMOND NEEÏINE C0„ St. Joseph, Ho. Correspondence f reely answered by Physicians, v For testimoniáis aud circulara seud stauip. MILLARD'S HAIR OLOSSQMER. & . $'' A sure cure for ttchy PSy BOre sciilp, Dandruff ■Fjv TK Kezema, Dead or FaH 'S y ing Ilair and all acijp ajJJTBRTTMi discaoes. jAlKH MARnN. WV1 To wash the hnir und c'ean'e the scalp wlthont injury un Mll.l.AUU'S AIK {{AM. c a quart. Preiired by II. E. MIIJiAB, ia tl. .in SI., Grand Kapld, Mi. For sale byall d-uggists and dealers, or sent post■.il toan; addres on reclpt of above pnce. Sena 'circulara nnd teatlmonials. dfW PENNYROYAL WAFER3 K Are succ-ewfully UBed mjnthly by over 10J0Ü IBSI.adles. Are Safe, F.ffei-tai iitui PUascinL 1 J" ÍIxt box by malí, or at drugglsts. Sculed Pir3y J!tóular2potin;e tamps. Addreas WT TUK KlHEKA CUEMICAI. fflXPiüV, Ftohnr Block. 151 Woodward ave., Detroit, lllch.


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