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BUSINESS CARDS. '1 ALEX. W. HAMILTON At lornejr at Law. Wlll practice in both State and United Statti Oourts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst flooTOf the new brick bloek. córner of Hurón and Fonrth reets, AnnArbor, Michigan. Q R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Uw, Hilan, Hlota. Money loaned for outeide partios. All legal buainen giren prompt attentlon. QE5T 0. E. G0DFREY. TO DO TOUB DBATIHG, Frelght work, Furnlture and Plano moving, oí anytning else that you need done. He has alltho latent appliances, largest drays and beet forcé of men. Jtesideuee, 46 N. 4t Ii-m. Teleplione 82 WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PAELOESl over Savinga Bank opposita ' ■ Oourt House Square. , Teeth extractad without pain by use m of Gas or Vitalized Air. OFFICE Over Sheehan's Book Store, m South. State Street HOURS : 9 to 12 A. M., and 2 to 6 P. M. WM. BIGGS. Cantractor ! Builderli And all kinds of work In connectlonM wltta tbe aboye prumpl y Jf ■ executed. I : j - Shop Cor. of Church-st and ünivereity aveWSI Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. Ann Arbor Fruit FarmlJ Berry Plants, Fruit and Orna-fl mental Trees, Pears and Grape' M vinea a Specialty. Byrups ancr Home-Made Wines. Syrap of Raipberry ; Bartlatt Pear Syrup, Bone sett, Dandelion and Raspberry Wines and Shrnbs i forLiver and Kidny troubles; Sweet Red cord and Martha White Wines, especially prepared for Invalida. Order Trees and Plants early, as we get most of them froin the best Nurseries east. E. BA IR. H( llu ron HU YOU CAN GET IT Calkins' Drug Store I 34 South State-st. ISTEW FIRM J IN THE , R S Barber Shopf i Everything neat and flrst-class. Be 91 of Workmen. Try us. 2 CHAS. SHETTERLEY & BR' 1 G. H. WILI 1 BEFORE PLACING YOÜR ORDER .49 FORA Fine Dress Suit 1 - L If you want a Nice Suit, the latet jfij Style, see G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR í No. 2 Wasbintfton SI. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF l'Ê A. W. HAMILTONÏ Offices, No. 1 and 2, First FIoor.H Hamilton Blook. JÊ Partles desirlng to buy or Bell Real Estáte wll 9 { findlttotheiradvantage to cali on me. I repreB 1 ent the following flrst-class Flre Insurance Com J pañíes, haviug an aggregate capital of overt I $8,060.000: f Ttae rnnd Rápida Flre Ins. Co., . V The Oblo Fnrmer'N Iun. Co., (lnsnrea i"S onlj delliii(CH!. lÁ Tbe tiernwn Flre Ina. Co., nf j Tbe Concordia Flre Ins. Co., I Tbe Citlzens' Flre Ins. Co., 4 Tne Wertcbester Flre Ins. Co., t Tbe Mllwaakee JHecbanlc's Mntm .1 I Flre Ins. Co., ■' Tbe New Hampshlre Flre Ins. Co., I The Amazon Flre Ins. Co. I Rates Low. Losse liberally adjosted utffl oromptly pald. I I also issuo Life and Investment Pollcies Ín th JlM Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. ám9H iets t6S,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Inmir-Y ' 1 anee, can have yearly Pollcies wrltten for them o . J Traveler'a Coupon Insurance Tickets lssaed - f Low Ratea In the Standard Accident Insurance 'Jf Company of North America. Money to Loan M M Current Ratea. Office houra from 8 A. m. to l2yS and 2 to . m. 'Qf ALEX. W. HAMILTON, M Hamilton Bloc 9 KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY i SOAPl


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