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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of this State. CAPITAL, $50,000; SURPLUS, $100,000; TOTAL ASSETS, $66 1,186. Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find this Bank a Safe and Convenient Place at -whlch to make Deposita and do Businss. INTEREST IS ALLO WED ON ALL SAVINGS DEPOSITS of Sl.OO and upwards, aoocrding to the rules of the bank, and interest oompounded semi-annually. Money to Loan n Sums of $25 to $5,000. BECURED BY UNINCTJMBERED REAL ESTÁTE AND OTHER GOOD SECDRITIB DIBEOTORS : - Ohristian Mack, W. W. "Wines, W. . Harriman, William Deuble, David Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock and W. B. Smith. OPFIOERS : - Ohristian Maok, President ; W. W. Vines, VicePresidont ; O. E. Hiscock, Cashier. ReiDort of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, Dec. 11, 1889. EESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans and Discounts 325,491 81 q stock paid in 50.000 06 Stocks, bonds and mortgages etc 251,715 87 Surplus Fund 100,000 00 Overdrafte ■ 617 86 Undivided Proflls 17,202 75 Due&om bank. erre oitie..... 50.239 70 %SL;;;:::;;;;;;::::;;;;;::: 141jLg " " Cityof Ann Arbor 3,892 54 Svingi deposita 359.080 32 ' ' Scheol Dist. No. 1, Ann Arbor 10,903 41 Due t' bnks and bankere ,11??!? Fumltnre and fixtures 1,930 85 tertiflcates of deposit 12'371 51 Bills in transit 2,66100 t 61,768 51 Current expenses and tases paid 2,739 35 State op Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ss rhopka and rish items . 682 50 I, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier of theabovenamed Checks and casn items om ou Bank d8 Bolemnly 8Wear tnftt tüe aDove stateNlckels and peanles 62 meut'18 aae ,0 tbp best of my knowledeeand Oold _ 15,000 00 belief. CHAS. E HISOOCK. Cashier. Silver 1,900 00 Correct- Auest : Christian Mack, David RikO. 8. and Natíonal Bank notes 9,905 00 ssy, Wm D. Harriman, Uirecsoi, Sutecribed and sworn to nsa me. Ihislöth t 681,768 51 day o; December, 1889. HENfcY J. MANN, ' v.larv PntiHc


Old News
Ann Arbor Register