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jMlOHIGAN fTENTRAJj " The Niágara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. GOINGjEAST. i J ij 7 1 w m Si -sl i ii ri -j ts? ?w S5J ?o h Sw A M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Chicaeo Lv. 7 55 10 35 3 10 10 10 9 25 - ] P. M. P. M. M. Kalamazooo 12 55 2 45 6 58 7 10 3 35 2 27 Jackson.... ...Ar. 3 30 4 47 8 52 9 36 6 15 4 45 Ann Arbor.... 4 52 5 45 9 41 10 43 7 50 6 00 Detroit Ar. 6 35 6 50 10 45 11 50 9 20 7 30 A. M. A. M. t. M. P. M. Buffalo Ar. 2 30 3 25 6 15 4 55 7 50 GOING WEST. s á á si s A STATIONS. S .C n 3 C g m "3 tj 1.MMMÜJÍ A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M A. M. P M. Buñalo Lv. 1125 5 30 8 812 30 Detroit Lv. 9 10 8 00 3 50 i 20 8 00 10 15 Ann Arbor .... 10 25 8 59 5 17 2 20 9 15 11 35 Jackson Ar. 11 45 10 00 6 60 8 18 10 45 12 49 P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Kalamazoo 2 50 12 13 9 45 5 07 1 20 3 07 Chicago Ar. 7 55 4 35 9 Ou 7 00 7 45 Sunday excepted. $Saturday excepted. fDaily. O. W. RUUGLE8, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Ag't. Ann Arbor. Tifio ÍArtoi NortñMicliigaB R'y Time Table íjoini? lnto effect] Sunday, Nov. 17, '89 Golng North. Qolng 8outh. SS 4. a. STATIONS. 1. 3. I 1. Pat?. Ex. Mail Southern División. Ex Mall pJ, aTm" p. m. a. m. Lv'eI [Arr p. m. p. m. a. m. 3 25 6 00 .Toledo 1 10 11 15 ""i;" 4 07 6 40 Monroe Junct'n 12 27 10 08 4 17 6 47 Dundee 12 20 10 18 '"■".:: 4 S5 7 05 Milán 12 04 9 58 4 53 7 2 Pittsfield 11 42 9 84 VoÓ 5 07 7 33 ..Ann Arbor... 11 30 9 22 8 15 2 00 6 30 7 50 Leland's 11 lfi 9 07 7 15 . 5 47 8 OS Whitmore Lake 11 02 8 55 . 5 53 8 10 Hambur? 10 57 8 50 "'"... 6 28 8 45 Howel! 10 25 8 17 . 7 15 9 S5 Durand 9 35 7 30 8 55 10 55 ...EaetSaginaw... 7 45 5 55 A. X P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. NORTHERN DIVISIÓN. 735 9 35 Durand 9 35 710 10 15 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 48 4 35 3 10 Cadillac a.m. 2 05 "" A. M. P. M. I P-M. All passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Connecüons at Toledo with rallroadBdlvergtag, A t Manhattan Junction wlthWheeling LakeKne E R. At Alexia Junction with V.C R. R., L. 8. K'y and F. & P. M. R. B A' Monroe Jnnctlor with Ii. 8. A. M. 8. At Dundee with Lli M 8.. and M. O. Ry. At Milán with W., St. L. 4 P. Ry. At Pittafleld with L. 8. & M. 8. E'y. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Centml R.B.,and at South Lyon with Detroit, Iiansing and Northrw:iselVÍ-.T-B'-A.J.PAISLEY, Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. At Ashlej with the Toledo, Saginaw & Muskegon rallway. LDDSE'S EXTRACT fLOÏER DLOSSOM ThegrSTB1oo(1 Pnrifler. ui M v r 2 TRADE MARK it cunas Cancrs, Humors, Sore, Vlcen, Swelllnge, Tumors Aoscesses, Blood Poisoning, balt Rbeum. Catarrh, Erysipeías, Rheumatism, and all Blood and Skin Diseases. Price $1 per Pint Bottle, or 6 Boceles tor #5. rS can SoMd ExtractRS..50cLovEB „ Detroit, Micn. zimf a tt-1 Dl 1 CO Li I 5Ue ?i ra X CD 1 W era tj "T, SS3XSÖ ïiff vra MILLARD'S HAIR GLOSSOMER. A surecure for Itchy W'Bj Bore Bcuip, landrufl 4p 'v ioTi Eceema, Dead or KaH, 'C'tï fnc Hair and all Bcalp To waall the hair iincl rloarxe the sciilp without injiiry nee HIIXAR1)' IIAIIt FOAM.aOc a quart. Prepar„lbv 13. E. MHXAKft 13 Monroe !l.. Grand Ruplcla, M, h. For Bale by all d-ugu'stB and delrs. or sent PO3t■1 to any afldres on reccint o.f above pnce. Sena "rircillars and testimonial. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD thrrossest misrepresentations by enïious wou dbe commditors, sndinBpitaof "bMeattempta torob" hnn of the fruit of hi labore, (all of wtaich demónstrate the DDdoubted Buperiority and populanty of his teaohing). Prof Loitette'sArtof Never Forgetting is recognized to-dar in both Hemisphere as marking an Eppch in Memory Culture. Hia Propectu (sent post free)giye opinions of people in all part of the globe who hare actaall Btndied his System by correspondence. showini that hia SyBtem ia wied onlv whlle bemo tttidud, not


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