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S Vjhe Best and Purest MedicineS Ijl'S'T EVER MADE. II LWïtwill drive the Hiimorfromyour II ysystom, and make your Hkinlll 11% MK3%Lck':m and Bmooth. Thoselll J "o TjJWPimplfB and Blotches] rn , t fy. ywhich mar your beautyrw la. 'o j v Oare cansed by impureM T or j' ejt",} 'iblood, anu can bcT I % %o%p.. f you arel I S Tho DowlX- VWS II small-only a tea%; 4. - '„ OA II lsioonful. It i th(ïi k "b % III best and rlmanegtkk} o & 'Vil II medicine. Tt-y it, ancf;0, -?A ■ -V I III you wlU be Batisfted. k.V orA?. III ■g Get it of your IJrugglst. %■ S ö Don'tWait. Getitatosck. t I If you are sufforins from Kii Ij] IE noy Dlsease, atul wish to live tok III oíd age, use SULPHUU BITXEKSV III Tüey fail to cure. I B Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ochvny & Co., Boston, Mass., f or best medical work publialied? _ DR. KELLY'S Great Health Secret w.„flpO ÜETVAÏ2X í?i i -i the Berm of dlseaae. n the rvsti-in. ïi'iY'VÏ,ï;"tl1i"!?.wo(ifrful cures. Address THE ton M., Cl.iciitro, IM., orask your druirffist totret it foryou. PricellOO per bottle. "Fan-umi, Willbuua & Of ÍJetruit, Michigan, wholrsaleaents llov Michigan." The HOTEL EASTMAN, HOT SPlUXiS. ARK. The largestaDd finest K si.rl Hotel In America, with the finest Bath Houses in the world connected, will open under management of O G. Bareon, of White Mountain Hotels for season of 1890, January 15. Tickets should be bonght via St Louis and Iron Mountain & Southern R. R. MILLARDTS HAIR GLOSSOMER. " '■LL sure cure or itchy f H sore scalp, Dandruff W & T1 Kcema, Dead or FaM'f j f ing Ilair and all scalp To wash the hair and cleane the scalp without injury uf I 1 1. 1. K Is líAIIC FOAM. 60c a quart. Prepared by H. K. MILLAKU T8 JMonroe St., Grand Kupfd, Mi -h. Var sale by all d-URjnsts and dealers, or sent postTuiito any addres. on recoiDt of above price. Send ■'circulara and testimoniáis. Drunkenñess Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given ín a cup ot coffee or lea, or in articles of food, without the knowledge of the pereon taking it; it is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether thepatientisa moderate drinker oran alcoholic wrock. it NEVE.R FAIL8. We GUARANTEE acomplete cuie in every instance. 4s vasrc book FREE Addresinconfldence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1 85 Race St.. Cincinnati, 0 THE International Typewriter A strictly flrst-clasa machine. Fully warranted Made (rom very best material by skilled work - men. and with the best tools ihat have ever been devised for the purpose. Warranted to do all that can be reasonably expected of the very best typewriter extanf. Capabie of writing 150 woids per minute- or moie, according to the ability of the op&iator. l'Klcu. $100,00. Tbe VIÍISII jii-. o.. Agente Wanted. PARISH, N. Y. 'íBrr STENOGRAPHY and TypeXlliIX. writing FREK. Firet-class facilities and best of teachers. Address with stamp for return postage. The IWKINII hk. (H.. 16-ltf Purish, 1. Y. LUMBEB! f LUMBERI LUMBER! If you contémplate building cal) at FERDON MMM Comer Fourth and Depot Sts., ar d get our figures for all kinds of LITMBEB We manufacture our own Lumbei and ?uarantee VERY LOW PRIOES -i ■ us cali nnil we 11 mabe ; t O .vour interest, un onr Inrirr i. mi weli KrndeU moík fiílly HUHtuluH our iwnrr tlon. JAMKS TO1.BEKT, trw. jf T. J. KKEt'H.Suin.


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