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It may be wise to think twice before sp-aking, but is is a sign that you are eett Dg old. THE RBV. GEO. hTtHAYER, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSÜMPTION CURE." Sold by Eberbacb & Son. Why Will You Allowyour health to gradually fail? If you are closely confined indoors with liltle or no exercise, and desire good health, you mast take care of yourself. Use Sulphur Bitters, and you wil! htwe a sound mind and strong body. Dose dat (ib by signs now an' dea pit fojled. Dar er oloudy daya wuiout rain. SHILOH'S CURE will ïmmediately relieve Croup, Whoopina; Coufh and Bronchitis. Sold by Eberbnch & Son. De tree ain't toa blame ef hit b'ars an apple now an' den wiri a wum-hole ia hit. CATARRa CUREÜ, health and sweet breath seoured, by Shiloh's Catnrrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Iojector free. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Sometimes yo' kin tote de load yo' self while yo' is beatiu' de balky mule. TH AT HACKING CODCH can be so quiokly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Eberbach Manv a man weeps at yo' po' luck dat wudn' lea' yo' a hoe. Like the face of a clock, the conditioa of the skin indicates the regularity or irregularity of the internal macbinery. Eruptions, ugly blotches and stubborn old sores are cured by Samaritan Nervine. At Druggists. 'Has not had a spasm since." Col. L. H. Water?, U. S. Dist. Atty., Kansas City, Mo. We are inclined to distrust a boy who does not like to play. Dry serïnons are bad enough, but for the minister to preach them through his nose is inexcusable. Dr. Buli's Cough Syrup will save both minister and sermón if taken in time. There is great charity for poor relations; everyone has them. Eczema, Itcby, Scaly, Skln Tortures. The simple application oL "Swatne's Ointment," whithout any internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Piles, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruption?, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is patent, effective, ond costs but a trifle. Tbe people all know how you act at home: you had better act decent. Salt ltli With its itchine, dry, hot skin, often broken into painfull cracks, and the little wntery pimples, oiten causes indescribable suffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla has wonderful power over this disease. It purifies the blood and expels the humor, and the skin heals without a fcar. Send tbr book containing maoy statuments of cures, lo C. I. Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lewell, Mass. Keep atiy letter 1 ing enougb, and it finally makes you asbamed.


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