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ün'y believe half of what you hear that great people say; only believe half of what you hear tht little people do. Why Will Yon Allow your health to gradually Lail? If yoi are closely con6ned inoors with little or no exercise, and desire good hfulth, jou must take care of youwelf. Use Sulphur Bitters, and you will have a i-ound mind and astrorg body. Ii is a cold, clammy thinjj to say, but those people who treatlriendship the same ? any othe' selfishness get most out of it SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sbiloh's Ciirn is the Remedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Tbe 8ympathies of people are alway with the unfortuoate, because tbe people know they are so liable to be unfortunate ihemtelveg. It I Foollnh To send for the doctor every time you dot, 't feel jast right. My doctor'a bill for yenrs was over one hundred dollars ayer, which made a pretty big hole in my wtpes. For the past two years, I only spent ten dollar, with which I bought a d zen bott Is ol Sulphur Bitters, and health bai been in my family since using them. Robert Johrson, Machinist. A pup looks so mild and innocent that we sometimes think it wiil turn out better than ethers of its race, but it alv.-ays turns out a dog. Bnby's'TH. A letter from Mr. J. W. Ruby, Uuion City. Ind., says: "I huve used your " Cltrke'g Extract of Flx (Papilion) '■ C.'U'h cjre a:d find it a complete cure " for deep seateH cold. It. has done more "lhn two of our most skillful physicianp. " My children had the Whooping Cough "and with ihe aidofyour Cougb Cure, " thev had it very light compared with ' nt-ighbors' children who did not take it. "I bel eveit tob í the best Couh Cure iathu "market." S o it i?. A larga botlle only $1.00 Clark's Flax Son f ;r the skin. Il leadg them all. Pnce 25 een 's. Cough Cure and soap for sale at Eberbach & Soa drjg"tore. Dr. FRUTH Of New York, the well known and successful Specialist in Chronic Diseases and Diseases of the Eye and Ear, by request of many friends and patienis, has decided to visit Vim Arbor, 'I'ik-mIh.v, Jan. u'. ison. Consultation and examinaron free nnil orvnfidential in lus pail'irs, at COOK'ö HOTEL, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. DR. FRUTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK CITY, Ab'.y assMed Ly a. f '.ïll corps of competent phy Eioians and surseona, treats -B-ith unpuralleled Buccess all Chronic Diseases and Diseaws of the Eye and Ear of every upon the latest scicr.tific principies. Ha partieularly invites a'.l ivhose cases have been neglected, badly treated or pronounced incurable. Taticnts who are doingwell undcr the caro of their owa physicians nced not ca!l on us, as our proviaee is to treat those who cannot find rell t otherwise. Believing tbat scicnee is truth and "trutli is mighty and will prevail, ' 'when known. and knowing tbat disease tan be cured with posítive rertainty, he invites he atllieted to cali and -eceive adTice írec and be cured of thcir disensos. There is no tubject that roquires so mueh study a-.d experienceas tlie treatment and cu ofehronic diseases. Thcastonisbingsuceess auu rcinarkablo curea períormed by hira ia due to a thorougb. knowledge oí 'he Btrncture and functions oí the human sysf ?m, and the cure of disease hy natural remedies . Let those given up by othera cali for examination. He has suceesuluUy tieated tho íollowing discases sincehisarrlvalin tliis State: Eye and Ear disfases, Chronic DiarTwea, Chronic JnflammationoJ lite Womb, Chronic Inflammation of the B'arfder, Pvinful ir Irregular Memtruation, Fevér Sores and Ul'-er, Jncontinenct of Urine, Tape Ifoni, Crooktd Limbnand Enlarged Joints, Sptnal Curriiturea, Club Foot, Sip Joint Simase, White Swelting, Piprhargnig Absrrsses, Slerüüy or BarreTtnsss, Kcrrnusnes9 ana General Débility, Impoíency, Visease of the Kidneys and B'addei; Leucorrhea or Whites, Blotches, Pimples, Skin Dii eates, DyspepsUt, Constipation, ïhtrpsy. Cáncer, Epileptic Fits, Ervsipelas, Gravel, Goitre, Oleet, Gomarrhoea, H]idroeele,HearCJHKase,Headache, Pües,Hysteria,SyphilistSt. Vtíus Dancc,Chronie Dysenteryhnlarged Tonsüs, Fístula n Ano, Hernia or Rupture, Ovarían Tumors, Paralysis, Protapsus Vteri, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Serojula, Consumption, Chronic Cough, Female Weaknesjt, Spermatorrhea, Lheumatism,etc. All surgical operatlons performed Pree Examlnatlon of ttie Urine. Each persoa applying for treatment should bring an ounce of theit nrine, which willreceiveacaroíul Chemical ana microsoopical examination. Bemarkable Cures perfected in oíd cases wbich have bn neglected or unskillfully treated. No expeiiments or failures. Parties treated by mail r express, but where possible personal consultatlon preferred. Curable cásea gua'iuteed. Listof questions iree. Western Add esa, DR. I'Ul'TII, Toleilo, O. LADÏÊS7GËN1LLMLN, AND SfUDENTS' The real Kntcllsh IT.s rlil i.u wlll restore that lot Vitality and a Kugged, Healthy Conditlon follow lts use. Buy at youi druCTrist's, one paokcge.íl ; six for 85. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.. DETROIT. MICH Sold by JOHN imoitK. FREE Uy Hcniliii); yonr addrcs to It. MARKS. General Colonization Aent Southern rrifle Kailroad Cnmpany, 'OÍ Clark Nt., Chicago, you will receive freo a book on Ufe on I Small Farms in California.


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