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About 300,000 teUplione- are n use in the Ucited S ate. Eczema, Ilrli.v, Scaly, Skin Torture. The simple application of "Swayne's OiNTMENT,"whithout any interna] medicine, will cure any case of Tetter, Sale Rheum, Ringworm, Piles, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly, Itchy Skin Eruption, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It potent, effective, ond costs but a trifle. Four telegraphic messages can now }', transmitted over one wire st oue time by using the quadruplex syutem. Peculiar In the combicalioD, proport on, nnd prepararon of its ingrediems, Uood's Sarna pirula accomphshes cun8 where other preparations entirely fail. Peculiar in i s goi d name at home, which is a "tower of strength abroad,"peculiar in ihe phenomnal sales it bas attair c i, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most successful medicine for purilying the blood, givmg strengtb, and creating an appetite. Telegraphing trom a moving train is accomplished thiough a circuit from the car roo1, including a current in the wire on poles along ihe track. THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, lud, sas : ''Both myself and wi e owe onr lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE " Sold by Eberbacb & Son. It is tl e man who can light good firps wno Hionest tble to bire otbers to light his fires tor hitn. CATARRH CÜRED, health and uweet breaih ecurerl, by Stnloh's Catnrrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Ntsal I j 'i;tr free. Suld by Eberbch & Son. More than 170,000 miles of telephone wirea are in operatinn in the Úuúed States; over thee 1,050,000 messages are sent daily. Sa vcU i'rniii C'oiisiuilpl ion. SiVPral physicians predc'td that Mr. Asa B. Rowley, druggisr, of Chioapo' wculd soon hbve consump'ion caused by an agravated case of Caiarrh. Cu=tomer finally inducerlhim to try Ulaike' Ex'ract of Flax [Papillo-.] Out rrh Cure. He say : "The ret-ult unprecedente 1. I com'mencedto gt well after the first ap '■ plication and arn now, after a few weeks, "eutirely curerl." It will do the same for you. Pnce $1.00. Try Clarke's Flax Siap for the Skin and you will use no other. 25 cen's. All of Clarke's Flax remedies are Lr sale by Eberbaeh fe Son. F.v hund'el volts of an elec'ric current is consiöered dargerous to human life but deatli depends largely upon physicil corditions. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by Eberbnch fe Son. The two things that honest people never excuse under any circumstmees are thievery and inaincerity. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures confumption. Suld by Eberbhch Sc Son. Ab ut 400 uf electrio railway are already in operation in the United Sta' e', and many more undt rconstruction. CROUP, WHOUPING COUGH ai,d Bronchitis immediately reliever) by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbaeh & Sod. When you can induce a man to hold yourhors in the rain hiw natural it is lo tarry around the fire on the insid ! WHY WILL YÜU cügb when Shiloh's Cure will give immmiiatR relief. Price 10 ets.. 50 ets., and $1. S ld by Eberbaeh & Son. An honest man will regret that he is not as good as a roman instead of pretending that he is better. i' s About I oh ii. It is a current report about town that Kemp'e Balsam for the Throat and Lungs is making some remarkable cures with people who are troubled with cougns, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis and consumption. Any druggÍ8t will give you a trial bottle free of cost. It is guaranteed to relieve and cure. The large bottles 50c and $1. LOOSE'S EXTRACT CEED LOVER RLOSSOM THE GfiEAT -Blood Parifler. Úm THiDC KASS - rr ctTRua Cancera, Humors, 8om, Ulcera, Swelliofr. Tumors, ADsceasea, Blood Poisoning, Salt Rheum Catarrh, Eryiipeias, Rheumatism, and alï Blood and Skin Diseases. Pbicx. Si per Pint Bottle, or 6 Boules tor ÍS. i Ib. can Sflk! f.t Cract $2.S0 J 51 LOOSK RED CLOVER C, Detroit, Mico. LEGALS. l'niiinic Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( COLNTY OF WASHTENAW, ( Ml At J Sewion of the Probate Court of the Cou ty of Washtenaw holden at the Probate Court the city of Ann Arbor. on Friday. the 27th day December in the year one thousand elght hu dred audeishtv-niue. "' Present: J. VVillard Babbitt, Judge of Probate tl In the matter of the estáte of Wifliam W Wint i deceased. On reading and filing the petition duly verlil, of Elizabeth H. Wines, prayingihat a certain i " strument now on , Ie in this court, purportine I be the last will and testament of said deceale . may be admitted to probate, and that administi tlou of said estáte may pe granted to hereelf exeeutrix, or to some other suitable person ü Thereupon it i ordvred that Monday, the 27t o day of January next, at ten o'cock in the for noon, be assigued for the hearing of said Det tion, and that the devisees. legatees and he n at law of said deceased and all other pe - Bons interested in said estáte, are required to a pear at a settsion of said Court, then to be holdei at the Probate offie ir. the city of Ann Arbor an_ show oause if any there be, why the prayer of thH petmoner should not be granted. And it Is far ther ordered that i-aid petitioner give notice t the persons interested in said estáte of the pen deney of said petition and the hearing thereota by causing acopy of this order to be published in the Vmi Arbor Register, a newspaper printe and elrculated in taid county. three successie weeks previous to said day of hearing - iA truecopy.) R ... „ ,, ' WILLARD BABBITii' Probate Register gj Q buucor.y Orüer. The Circuit Court for the County of Washte In Chuncery. Mary H. Southakd, Complainant i vs. ( Elliott M.ïouthard, Defendant. ) Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the c ïï. J, Washtenaw in chancery, at Ann Ai tji. Michigan, on the 30ih day of December, J Present: HoN. E. D. Kinne, Circuit Judge. of It satisfactorily appearlng to this Courl affidavit on hle, that the defendant El M. .-outhard, is not a resident of this S but resides at some point in the State of Alaba on motioi; of charles H Kline, complainant1 is ordered that the said delendant ott M. Southard, cause h is appearance to bs tjö tered herein within four months Irom the dal W this order, and in case ol his appearance tha cause his answer to complatnaut's bill of c Pi plaint to be iiled. and a copy thereof to be sel on said comiilainant'ssolieitor wiihin thirty a after service on him of a copy of said bill R n9tic.?f thls order. and that in default the said bill be taken as oonfessed by eald i resident defendant, and it is further ordered within twenty days after the date hereof the i eoniplainaut cause a notice of this order t t published in Toe ann Abror Register, a paper printed, published and circulated in i stc county. and that such publication be contin Or thrrein at least once in each week for six we n,i 111 succession, or that she cause a copy of this . der to be persnnally served on said non-res' tefS" defendant at least twenty days before the o ■ " time prescribed for his appearance. CHARLp H Kline. ECireuítIj'údl ' Bl Solidtor for Coniplainaiit. cv January 2, 1890, 7j, J? Administración Sale i.f Real Estale,STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( 1 CODNTY OF WaYNK, j a8 In the Matter of the Estáte of Phebe Merritt deceased. Noliee is hereby given. That in pursuance of hl order grauted to the undersigned James Merritt admiuistratorof said estáte, by the Hon. Edgar O . Durfee, Judge of Probate for Wayne Cciunty I on the Fourteenth day of May A D 1889 I there will be sold at Public Auction, to' thé highest bidder, on the premises herein deseribed on the 24th day of February A. D. 1889, at 1 o'eloc p. m. the following desenbed parcel of landBeginning at the northeast corne' of the eas half of the southeast quarter of section numbe ! one in township one south of range seven east 1 running west on the north line of aid east hal of said quarler rection forty rods, thence Bout) parallel with the east line of said eatt half o said quarter section twenty rods, thtnee ca - parallel with the north line of said east half of sai1 quarter eection forty rods, thence north on th east line of said east half of said quarter sectlo twenty rods to the place of beginning, conti ing five acres of land and no more. i '! DatedJi.yl7.1889. 790 iSsuaf " Probate Kotlee. 'I At a session of the Probate Court for the Countï of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in th city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the seventeenlH day of December in the year one thausand eigh hundred and eighty-nine. Present, J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Pr bate. In the matter of the estáte of Lorenzo S'i Lyon, deceased. Arthur S. Lyon, t-e administrator of said estat comes into court and represent that he is no prepared to reuder his final account as such at ininistrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, the tent c day of January next, at ten o'clock in the fort noon be assigned for examining and allowin 1 such account, and that the heira at law of salí j deceased, and all other persons Interested ijl said estáte, are required to appear at a seil í sion of said Court, then to be holden at th Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, in sali 1 County, and show cause, if any there be.whythii ■ said account should not be allowed: And it ii further ordered, that eaid Administrator giv] ' notice to the persons interested in said estáte oí the pendency of said account, and the hearim thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pub lished in the Ann Arbor Register, a newspape printed and circulated in said county, three suc cessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, ,JAt,ecopy.] Judge of Probate, 'i ' Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. m Kotlce of Cbancery Sale. In pursuance and byvirtueof adecreeof th4 I Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw inChancery. Made and entered on the írst dayof October. A ?■ }Vn o-fertein cause therein pending, wh ' ! in William H. Mather is complainant, and , , Bailey, executor of the will of Julia A. Reynolds deeeased, and Eliza Montgomery are defendants Notice is Hereby Given, That I shallsell at public auction orvendue, to the highest Didder at the south front door. of the Court Housa, in the ' City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw State of Michigan (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court of said County), on Friday the thirteenth day of December, A. D. 1889 at 10 oclock in the forenoon of said day, all or so much thereo) as may be necessary to raise the amount due to said complainant for principal interest and costa in this cause, of the folfow'ing described parcel of land, to wit: All of the following described land sltuatxd in the township of Manchester in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, The' sputh-east quarter (S. E. %) of section number thirty-five (36) in township number four (4) south in range number three (3) east. excepting flfty. five acres off from the east side thereof heretoforeconveyed to John Smally, leaving theamount of land included in thls description, one hundrec! and nve acres more or less. B"W at Ann Arbor this 27th day of October.jfe „. . _ PATRICK McKERNANT Circuit Conrt Commissioner for WashtenawT Couuty, Michigan. Noah W. CntEVKK,;Solieltor for Complainan, 8 ' Eberbacta Sona, Ann Arbor, anpply AgrentH Tor Ih Oreat French Kcra' S.1ï'wPK lel'J'S I'KKIOUICAI. from Paris, France, act only npon the generative oreans in femalee and posltlvely cure uprewion or the menses (from whatever cause,) and all periodical trouble peculiar to women. A safe, reHable remedy wananted to promote menetruation or money refunded. Should not be use! during pregTiancy. The large proportion of ill to whlch ladles are Hable ís the direct result of it disordered or irregular menstrua on. Ak any druggist, Ann ArÊor. AMERICAN PILL CO' Bpencer, Iowa. Robkbt Stkvknson & Co. I Wholesale Agenta, Chicago. 1 Commtnlonen' Notice. The undersigned having been appolnted by the Probate Court for aid County, Commimioners to eiamlne and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons agalnst the estáte of Benjamin E Nichols, late 01 said County, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed bv order of said Probate Court, for Credltors to pre'seu t their claims against the estáte of said deceased and that they will meet at the Abstract Office' ofHarriman Manly and Doty in the City of Aun Arbor, in said County, on Thursday the thirtieth day of January and on Wednesday the thirtieth day of April next, at ten o'clock a. h. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims Dated October 30th, 1889. tm } BENJAMIN BROWN, f _ , B WILLIAM D. HARRIMAX, CommissIonerf79


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Ann Arbor Register