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KNOWN. M I I This Great Gcnnan Medicine is the#, II III clieapcst and best. 128 doses of SUL-jj I lpiU!HlüTïEUSior$1.00,lessthanS I Illone cent a close. It wlll cure tlie Lj J SS worst casesol skin disease, fronw M lila common pimple on tho i:ccM 7 jj Iñto that awful disenso Scrofula. IISSULI'HUR BITTEKS is thcW III best medicine to use in all# "" cases of such stubborn nnMoK II Illdcep seated diseases. Do#neysareiutl Ufnot ever teke of order. Use I Pi BLUE PILLS #9ÜL]'HURH tormorcury,theraredeaa uarc'si(; noJ] ■II ly. Place your trust in„t,„r,„,„t ..iifl I ■IISULlllUK iill Ll''líotm n llt,ñ lltbe purest and best#yuUie I I Imedicinu ever made. #gBlpinr M'Mi 1 1] !HlByourToiigTieOoatecl# f m la with a vel 1 ov sUcky MTion't walt nntll yo-n Eg t!t snbstance? la your#are unable to walk, or IT1 llbreath foul and#are flat on your back, II II offensivc ? Your#btt get some at omo, it II llstomach is out#will cure you. Sulpburll IHof order. Use#BUters Is E3 lïrrTi-;itS xniiiu xneuut Simmediato]yrtieyoung,thea(?edaniltot.- III Is your Ur-#teringare soon matlewell by II III ine thick,#it9 use. Remember what you III III ropy, clo-ÍTread here, it may save your III III udy, or#iife, it has saveel hundi-eds. 1 ö. )ou't walt until to-morrow, I Try a Bottle To-day! E3 1 y Are you low-spiritcd and wenk. III I 2 Mot suffc'rinir from the oxcessi-s ni I II igyouti" 11 bo, SULPIIUR BITïKRsl II Hl 'm cur0 you' Send a 2-cent stampa to A. 1'. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., ïor best medical work publisheü? DR.KELLY'8 Great Health Secret öilOO REWAED Wt:i be paid for any case ofCatarrh or Throat disease wlili Heclllu Annlhtlatorwillnotcure. A new discovt iv wliich killstlie perm of dWease in tneBjTrtem. ■ Ifl dally wnt'kiiiff wnmlerful cures. Adaress TI1K KE2XY MF.IICIKCO.,1Ö? iumI 1 Wutthlnfftmt stM Chivado, III., or ank yonrdnifrpUit toget it 0 per bottle. "Farrand, WillianiH &. Oo., Detroit, Hlchlffan, wholesalennenta for Michigan." TraÏÏTETSTH HOT PRlt. 4HK. The largeftand finest Rrsort Hotel in America, with the finest Bath Houses in the woild connected will open under management of O. G. Barbón, of White Mountain Hotels for sea.on of 1890 January 15. Tickets should be bougbt via St Louis and Iron Mountain & Southern E. K. MILLARD'S HAIR GLOSSOMER. fr & 5 A Bure cure for itctay PL sore scalp, DundrutT ttLc Íti Kczema, Dead or KixH■W-E- SI jnR nalr an(1 Sj 8crlp yínOS HM!H f OCl To wasll thehalrund cleane the scillp without njury use MII.l-AKlí's 1IAIK FOAM. . quart. Prepuredby II. K. M1I.LAK1),TO Uunroe St. Grand Kupltlw, Alk -!i. Kor sale by all d-ugüists and dealars. or sent post;.il toany addres. on reciot of above price. feend "circularB and testimoniaos. Drunkenness, Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given n a cup of coffee or tea, or in articles of lood. without the knowledge of tlie peron taking lt; it is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether tbepatientisa moderate drinkeroran alcoholio wreek, it NEVER FAIL8. We GUARANTEE a complete cure ineveryinstance. 48 page boos FREE Addresstn oonfidence, COLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1 86 Race St., Cincinnati, 0 THE International Typewriter A strictly flrst-class machine. Fully warrantedMade I rom very best material by skilled work men. and wlth the best tools ibat have ever been devised for the purpose. Warranted to do all that cn be reasonably expected of the very best typewriter extant. Capable of writlng 160 woids per minute - or moie, according to the ablllty of the opejator. PRICE, 8100,00. The IMKINII JIKi. CO.. Agents Wanted. PARISH, N. Y. ■nnrr STENOGRAPHY and TypeX wriling FREE. Firstclass facilities and best of teachers. Address with stamp for return postage. The PARISH MF. CO., 16-ltf lHrls!l,N. Y. LÜMBËB! LUMBERI LÏÏMBER! If you contémplate building cal] at FERDOX LiBËRÏili Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds ot LUMBEB We manufacture our own Luinbei and uarantee VERY LOW PRIOES S-1 ve as a cali we wlll mafe 1 1 to .vour interest, as oír larve and welt icriwleu atoek rully HiiHtnlu our asser. ilon JAMES TOLBKBT, Prvp. . j.HÜBCH.Sopl. BUSINESS CARDtó" LKX. W. AMILTON Win practicein both State and United Statu Uourta. Office Rooms, one and two, lst flooi rt the new brick block. corner of Hnron and Fourth jtreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. - R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at . Milán, Mlch. Money loaned for outside parties. All legal business given prompt attention. ÖET 0. E. GODFEEY TO nO YO! It liRAYIMi, Freight work, Furniture and Piano moving, oí anytüiiiK else that you need dorie. He has au uia latest appliances, largest drays and best forcé of men. Kesideuce, 46 'hfone 82 WM. W. NICflOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank opposite Court House Square. Teeth exlracted without pain by use of Gas or Vitalized Air. LoujsiHALL-nTHlTsrTTRT OFFJCE Over Sheehan's Book Store, South State Street HOURS : 9 to 12 A. M.( and 2 to 5 P. M. WM. BIGGS. Contractor i Builier 4nd all U íikIs of work Ín conncctlon wltli the aboye proniptly execnted. - Shop Cr. of Church-st and üniversity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. Aun Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Planta, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Pears and Grape vines a Specialty. öyrupB and Home-Made Wines. Synip of Raipberry ; Bartlett Pear Syrup, Bone sett, Dandelion and Raspberry Wines and Shrubs for Liver and Kidny troubles; Sweet Red Codcord and Martha White Wlncs, espeeiaUy prepared lor Invalids. Order Trees and Plants early, as we get most of them from the best Nurseries go- K. It A I It. West Hdmiu KI . YOU CAN GET IT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st. TSTEW FIRM IN THK W Barber Shop ! Everything neat and first-class. Best of Workmen. Trv us. GHAS. SHETTERLEY & BRO. OALL O1T G. H. WILD BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR A Fine Dress Suit! If you want a Nice Suit, the latest Style, see G. H. WILD, THE TAILOR. Vo. 3 Washington St. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AQKNCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offloes, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Blook. Partles desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll Bnd itto their advantage to cali on me. I represent the followlng flrat-class Flre Insurance Oom pantes. havlng an aggreg&te capital of over 88,000.000: The Grand Raplds Flre Ins. Co., The Oblo Farmer'i Ins. Co., (iusures only dwelllnB). Tbe Uerman Fire Ins. Co., Tbe Concordia Flre Ins. Co., The Citliens' Flre Ins. Co., The Wertchester Flre Ins. Co., Tbe Mecbanie's Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Tbe Hampshlre Fire Ins. Co., The A niazo ii Fire Ins. Co. Rates Low. Loases llberally adjusted and oromptly pald. I alio larae Life and Investment Pollclee In tht Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A iets 55,000,000. Persons deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly PoUcles written for them oi Traveler's Conpon Insurance Ticket taraed t Low Rates In the Standard Accident Insurance Company of North America. Money to Loan at Curren! Ratea. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12m. and 2 to . u. AL.BX. "W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAE


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