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Tb, boys are hppj there's skating on the liver. Next week is ihe last week that tax s can hi paid. Rev A.sTcrmn will preach next Sunday morninft on " Moody and his work.' __ Top iurv in the ciicuit court va' dlSchugrt r the ierm by Judge Knne, Monday. Piof Onn Ody is to become director of the Cheqaamegoñ. He assumes the positiou m x , week. There was ikating oo ibe nver Siiurday, but ihe ice was so thiu that lew vuutured to try it. The nnuual meeting of ihe Alltnendinger P.aiio acd Ogao Co. will be he.d next Tuesday eveniiig A The Register goes to press, Dr J. N Mariin's coodiiion is reported (.hshtly iuiproved, aUhough süll dangerons. Geo A. Rhodes is on the sick hst this week and Geo. Haviland is taking his p!a e at ilartin's undertaking rooms. Oa Saturday morning at nine o'clock the (eaat of the conversión of St. Paul will be celebraied by appropriate services. The Geddes Sunday school will give a progres-be euchre p&rty at the house of Louis Joslyn in this city, Friday cvening. The infant child of Mr. and Mm. F. Killilea nee Loulse Mindermann of Mdwaukee, died on Saturday of pneumonía. Friday evening at six o'clock the ladies of the Baptist eharch will give their regular monthly supper, at the church parlors. Dancan J. Rose wants to be admitted to practce in the Washtenaw circuit court and has filed a petitioa for examination. . The officers elect of Ano Arbor Lodge, No 4-1 K. of P, were installed last Monday evening, Gilbert Bliss acting as installing officer. The Feldhaeser case was poatpoDed again by Juatice Pond, Mondav. Tbe exaruination will be held next Monday, ïf it is not again postpo-.ed. Tbe W. C. T. U. hold their monthly meeting at Hobart hall the last Wednesday oL this month instead of the first, as previously announced. The past week bas been a busy time for the undertakers and physicians, the latter fortunately for our einzen?, haviDg by far the larger number of calis. The Wednesday evening service of St. Andrew's church will be beid in the ehapel hereafter instead of at Hobart hall as heretofore. The change was made last evening. ___ The entertainment which was to have been given by the Wesleyan Quild, Monday evenin, was postponed on account of the sickaess of a large number of the participants. At a meeting oï Hobart Guild, Thursday evening, six new members were voted io, and it was deeided to placea likeness of the late Dr. Frieze in the ha.l. - Chionicle. The snow has had a faculty of premising Bome fine sleighing during the past week. The realization has not been enough snow to mako the smallest kind of a snow ball. Paul G. Teasmer of this city will be married this evening toMiss Rickie Weinberg, of Scio. This is the occasion for the new brick house which he built on S. First-st this fall. Our item regarding the soarcity of enow appears a little out of the season this morninfr, a3 the ground is now covered with "ihe beautiful," and sleighing is one of the posf-ibilitie?. At the Baptist church Friday evening, the Young Peoples' Society will give a Rocial and entertainment, " A Day at the Co'iseum at Rome." Profs. Kelsey and Chute will have charge of the afïair. For tho purpoae of tukiug the U. S. census Michigan will be divided into six distriots. The first district will be comprised oí Washtenaw, Wayne, Jackson, Lenawee, Monroe, Hillsdale, Branch and Calhoun counties. At last Ohelsea has found an opportunity to crow over Ann Arbor. Last year the loases by 6re in that village amounted to over $30,000, while Ano Arbor had to be satisfied with lesa than one-third of this amount. Rev. W. H. Davis oí Detroit, oscupied the pulpit of the Congregaiiona! churcn, Sunday morning. Ou Monday evening he delivered a lecture before the Young Peoples' Society of the church, on " The Law of Spiritual Conquest." Unity Club programme for next Monday evening consista of a talk on "The AIps," by Prof. Winchell, a .dcsoription of "A Climb above the Clouds," by Mr. Sunderland and Songs ot the Alountain?, in charge of Miss Lucy Cole. A mistake in the types made The Register eay in tha marriage licenes that Miss Neliie E. Lucas, who was married to W. H. Salyer, was 31 years of. sge, when the (act is that but 21 summers have come and gone gince ehe was born. The Chequamegons have more engagements to play this season than they can DU. To morrow evening besides furnishing music for several partios in ihis city, hey will send part of their membera to play for a party at Manchester. An amount of $750 was allowed by the board of supervisors towards paying the bilis that were made during the prevalence of small pox in Howell last winter. Brigbion Citizen. If Howell was in Washtenaw instead of Livingston county, tha bilis would have been cut in half, iust to make the city realize how much auihority the board of supervisors has, as was done with Aon Arbor's claim in a Bimilar case. ■ ■ Rev Mr. Adam?, father of Prof. Adam, will address the temperanoe meeting at Cropsey'8 hall, next Sunday afternoon at iwo o'clock. He wasaformer resident of Iowa and look an active part in the prohibilion campaigo in that state. Jadee inñe was greaüy amused by the verdancy of one of the jurors in the Knioht will contet, who conSdentially Bsked the jadge " if the iury desided this will worihless, will they be expected to make another will fur the deceased. The erio the weather and Bundry other n.atters5' kèpt eight of the city fathers awv from the regular meeting ot the common council, Monday evemng. Ho quorum being present, the meeting was adjourned until next Monday eveni'igBrother Pond of the Coartar, in a recent issue, describí the grip as "a heavy cold and a brilhant and lively ïmagication" After a week's struggle wth the disease he has concluded that there 19 not much imaginatioQ about it, but that lor a genuiue reality it cannot be beaten. The annual convocation ot the Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons ot Michigan wa held at Grand Rapids, Tuesday and Wednesday. ïne fraternity in this citv was represented in this city by B F WaU, L. C. Goodrich, N. D. Gates and W. G. Doty, who left Tuesday morning and returned last nih'. The annual meeting of the Michigan Furniture Co., was held Tuesday evemog and the followire direct ors re e ected : W. I). Harriman. L. Gruner. Moses Seabolt. Chas. E. Hiscock. AleiW. Hamtlton. E. E. Beal. Paul Snauble. John Moore's drug store is now lighted by a new system, eight Rochester lamps on standards about the store being supplied wiili kerosene through pipes irorn a reservoir n the rear part of the store. The larops are filled and read.y for use at any time, the principie being about the same as that used in the 'student s lamp. The idea is being agitated of asking the school board to hae the families of the janitors of the different school buildings live away from the school houses. The idea is a good one and should be adopted if possible. Several times it has been found necessary to close one or another of the schools beoause the jamtor'e family has been afllicted with some contagious disease. Rev Mr. Sunderland's sermón last Sunday evening on "The Good and Evil in the Teachings of Mr. Moody" drew a large congregation notwithstanding the storm. By request the sermón will be printed and may be had at the bookstores and news stands early next week. Next Sunday evening's sermón will be upon "Mr. Moody's Treatmentof the Bible, and its Effecte." The February moeting of the Washtenaw Pomological S iciety will be held at the court house on Saturday, Feb. 1, at two o'clock. The topics will be : Fungus diseasea, epecially of Uie tjrapevine, opened by Prof Volney Spaulding: exhibit of improved paper berry baskets by the Detroit Paper Novelty Co., and of other fruit packages ; exhibit of dried and green fruits. The Germán M. E. church, located at the corner ot Dirision and Liberty-sts, extends an invitation to students and others wbo ate 6tudying Germán and wish to perfect themselves in this language to attend the Sunday school at 9:30 every Sunday morning, where a class will be organized for them. This method has been adopted by them in the past and bas proven veiy beneficial to the students. "Because you are angelic is no reason why you should attempt to go up into the air, " is the phrase that E. H. Soott quotes lo one of our galUnt attorneys when he wants to gmoke, and the cigar is usually forthcoming. Mr. Sc tt was 6tanding on Main st one day last week when the lim'D of the law passed by wilh a young lady. While near Mr. Scott the young lady slipped and cearly feil, the above quotatioQ being the excruciating aüempt of our gallant lawyer as he rescued her. He wouldn't have anything if he had seen Scott standing there, as life has been a burdaa to him since. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of the bride's mother en E. Jefferson-st, Siturday afternoon at five o'ctack, the contracting parties being John E. M ore of Chicago and Miss Kate L. Coons of this city. Only the immediate relatives and a few friends were present. The youcg couple left on the evening train for Toledo, going from there to Cbicago,where the groom, who is a son o( John Moore of this city, 8 employee! asassiatant chemistin the Illinois Steel Works. They will live at Hyde Park, 111., where Mr. Moore has been this week furnishing a house to which his son could bring his bride. Last Saturday afternoon while Mrs. Charles Schultz and Miss Mary Ryan were ridmg on S. University ave, the horse they were driving ran away, throwing 'ooth oL the ladies out of the carriage at the corner of S. 12th st. Mrs. Sehuliz escaped injury, but Miss Ryan was less lortunate. Her head was cut open in several places and two ribs were Djured. She was carried into the residence of Mrs. Condón and afterwa'ds removed to her home on N. Pontiac st She lies in a precarious condition and her recovery is doubtful. The horse belongs to Mr. Schultz and thia is the second time it has run away within a few nionths, both times with serious resulte. An mterestiog dea his been developed by the Young People's Socieiy of the Baptist churcb for their social on Friday eveningot thisweek. It is "An evening at the Coliseum." Tbe structure iiself will be treated in a paper by Mr. Fred C. Clarke of the High School Faculiy, whose recent visit to Rome will enable hitn to give the resulta of most receDt excavations. Mr. J. H. Drake of the Univeraity faculty will gpeak of the games of the Coliseum, and Prof. Kelsey of the University will treat of the C-iliseum in literature. Musió and pictureg illustrating the subjpct will complete what promises to be a delightful and instructivo evening. The annual meeting of the members of the First Congregational church was held last Thursday evening, at which time Bvart II Scott and Charles Hurd were chcsen trnsiees. Mr. Scott succeeds himself, Mr. Hurd taking the place of Prof. Adam?. The jury which has served in the circuit court during the present term has gained a record, ün three different cases the jury has been locked up all night before reaehing a verdict, and in one of these cases the verdict then was tuit they could't apree.


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Ann Arbor Register