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A large number of valuable Oriental I manu8_:nptg have been disc.vered in Philadelphm They were bronghtthere by returned Ameno .o missionanes and consist of rare A rob c, Peraian and Indian documenta. It ís Foolish TWnd for (he doctor every t,m v. u don t f-el j i,t riht. Mí doctors bilí for yers i w8 „ver one hun.ired dollars year wh,ch made a pre-ty big hole in my wayes' For the pnt two yenrí,, I only spent t-n dollar, ,,h which I bougbt a d mn bott Is of b ilphar Bitter?, and heul h haS been in my Pjnce usin? them. R.bert Johnsjn, Mchinis'. The San Frencisco Letter thinks that one of 'he caues of the depression io he Galiforn.a wme trf de ig to be íound o the pr.Miuctionoftoo much poor wine.'1 SLEEPLE3S NIGHTS, made miserable hy that terrible oough. Shiloh's Cure ,8 the Remedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & Son. } The rise of the prica ot ivory may be'descnbed by (he sUtoment that the great cutWry firrn in Sheffield, Rodgers & Sons, used topayLG00a ton, but they have lately paid 1,280 and in some special cases L2,00. BurgPrices. Best Roller Process Flour j 4 40 25 pounds Roller Process Flour 55 Granulated Sugar _ ." - No. 1 Japan Tea !!......"..'..'.'.... 40 Good Japan Tea 25 Fair Japan Toa, 6 pounds lor ."....... 1 (o Citrón per pound 25 Baker's Chocolate I.'".".'.". 40 Mixed Pickles perBottle 10 1 Pound A.and H Soda 1 " Cocoanut "Z."S ........... 20 1 " Fariña a 1 " BirdSeed ....Z!!!!." 5 1 " Baking Powder 20 1 " Ground Pepper 20 3 pound box Crackers 18 Brush Soap '.'.!".!!!!! 10 Ginger. 20 7 Pounds Rolled Oats for 25 3 " Raisins for 95 4 " English Currants 25 3 " Best Starch for 17 3 " Corn Starch 20 - " Best Rice 20 3 CansComfor _ 25 3 ' Tomatoes .-.".'...„.ÜÜI 25 lOlbs. Sack Salt Z 10 L6 !bs. Dairy Salt „ 40 56 lbs Rock Salt 1"!HÜ 35 i Oz. Lemon Extract 14 4 Oz. Lemon Vanüla Extract 19 10c Stoye Polish ...Z..1..". 5c Carpet Tacks 4c Best N. O. Molas?es ........." 65 Good N. O. Molasses " 45 Vin8" „„.„I.. 12U New Mess Pork _ 7 cod Fish _ i!"""!'.!!............ 7 Best Plug Tobacco per pound 30 Smoking Tobacco per pound 15 Bath Brick „ m"m][ 5 Yeast Cake "."""..'.." 4 Everything first class. Everything warranted. Everything goes for Cash. Any amount delivered 5c extra at F. BURG S. No. 4 E. Washington-St. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Plante, Fruit and Ornament Trees, Peara and Grapevines a Specialty. fcyrups and Home-Made Wines. Syrap of Rapberry ; Bartlott Pear Syrup, Bone sett. Dandelion and Raspberry Wints and Shrubs for Llver and Kidny troubles; Swect Red Codcorci and Martha Whito Wine, especially prepared lor Invalids. Order Trees and Planta early as we get most oí them from the best Nurseries' east. E. HAI'K. Wfsl llnroil NI. llA NEW DISCQVERY! TESTICURA EXTERNOSUM i yíTK a SXALBERTXl L i'or the cure of Seminal j OO ex. ness. Impotency, Nocturnal " !" Emissions, ar.d Stunted b lö velopment. „-Curp go OS y absorptiqn. Applied direct to C9 ■ " the Parts. iSo nauseous dnxa that 331 L3! rum the stomach iJuarantoeJ . -a t- ura or mocey refundad. tientx "3 , tJ toany po.rt if the U. S. jr L V obsetvutioa upoo jr ? ■-%■ Vrepciptnf B2. X ACDREBSTHE ! ñ-BERT MEDICAL CO. CtEVELftaD, O. GrocerMv , 07HEMWWEEk C.H .PÈARSON & CÍ -BALTIMORE.Ma I -_- - - _- ÍaThe Best and Purest MedidneS 5V EVER made. L, Aïtwili lri ve the Humor fromyonrlll %,. CijWclfan and smooth. Thosel I 0 ♦3jLpinnles and BlotchegUI □ ■%, ZrWjwliic limar your bcautycq I a Po %, v r are caused liy impurcU -n eA %, LPloml ancí can beB :■&% ÍV . V íhe ?rcat I il ■UMI fflepoonful. It is thc5f % o J II III beet and henpestv o $ 'III Hlmeaiclne. Try ft, and, C ■%, Hyou will lc satlsfled. P o,A9 1 1 GetltoíyourDruggtst. k %vv5XlU IÜDON'TWaIT. GETlTATOSCEk E If you are sufferinR from Kld ] ney Disease, and wish to live tok II oíd age. uae SULPHUR BUTEltS Tliey uever íail to cure. II Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Orclway & Co., Boston, M:iLs., for beot medical work uubllsaed? bil L JW ' ■ I"Kla' name nd Jf w .f f ", )rU'e ari' "niped on the Dottom. Ir the dealr ouniiot mipply you. end direct to factory, enclosing advertUer' W. L DOUCLAS $3 SHOE cenlemen. Fine Calf, Heavy I.aoil Grain and Creedmoor Waterproof. Best in the worlil. Kiamine hls 5.00 GENUINE HAND-8KWKD SHOK. 4.00 HAND-8KWED WELT MIOK. S3..10 PÓLICE AM) FARMERS' SHOE. f .SO EXTRA VAI.IK CALF SHOE. BZ. 25 & S'J WOBKINGMEN'S SHOE8. i.00 anI 1.75 BOYS' SCHOOL .SHOE8. AU made ia Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2SHOESlafds 1.7S SHOE FOR MIS.SES. Best Material. Bedt Style. Bet Fitting. W. L. Souelas. Brockton, Mass. Sold by Examine W. I,. l.mL-ls S'J.oo Sboe far Gentlemen and l.mii. ■. WM. REINHARDT& CO., 43 8. Jl Al X STREET, Anu A rl.or. Henry Richards, NO 9 DETROIT NT. Dealer in all kinds of HARI WOOD, LUMBKR, FENCB POSTS, etc, alao all kinds of STOVE AND CORD WOOD I am also Agent for the celebrated CHAMPION EINDERS ANO NOWERS, And Keep a Full Line of Repairs for the Same. Telephone No. 5. RWSBY & SBABOLT 2STO3. 6 -AJÈsrrD 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbo; , Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of even thineln e BRÖCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugari All prime Articles bougkt for Cash and can te 1 atlow figures. Our frequent iatge invoicee pi Toas is a sure stsm that we glve bargalnï In QUALITY AND PRIOB. Weroastonr own coffees every week,alwï fresh and good. Our bakery turna out the verj best of Bread, Cakes and crackers, uall ara ee m. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor Haznilton Blook. Partles desirlng to buy or ell Real Estáte wlll flnd lt to thelr advantage to cali on me. I repreêent the íollowing flrat-clfts Flre Inmirance Cora. 8?obo% Ttn.s a "W8 capital of oveí The rand Rápida Fíre Ins. (o., The Ohio Farmer's Ins. Co., (Inonres only lrlliiiKx:.' The Germán t'lre Ins. o., The 'oncordla Flre Ins. 'o., l'heCltlxems'FlrIns. '., The Wertchester Flre Ins. ro., The MllwHHkec Kecfaanic's JHnlnnl Flre Ins. Co., The New Hamnshfre Flre Ins. Co., The Auiazon Flre Ins. o. Hate Low. home Hberally adjnsted %né Dromptly paid. I alao liane Life and Investment Polldes Ín tb Conn. Mutual Life Inreraiice Oompanj. A. eta 155,000,000. Pensonj deslrlng Accident Innranee, can have year!y Folíele wrltten for them or Tnveler'i Coupon Insurance Ticket lamed at Low Ratea In the Standard Accident Inunraace Oompan; of North America. Money to Loto at Cunni Ratea. Office houri from S a. m. to 12v. and 2 te .v. 40 ALBX. W. HAMU-TON, Hasuioo Bloek


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