Real Estate Transfers
Win. Wagner to C. L. and F. Pistorious, AnnArbur ' Ella H. Guest to George C. Pasre. Dexter... 4oO L D Morris to F. E. Graves. Ypsilanll 4,500 Mary McFarlan to M. McDougal, BridgeW&tGF ■■■■ ■■■1E1 IMMIMMIWWW ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■' jOUU J G. Alter,' by ex., to Jno. Ueo. Alber, Saline 9-0 H. Mason, ty ex., to Rnby P. Mason, Ann Arbor 1.200 E P. Mason to Betay A. Mason, Ann Arbor J Betsv A. Masón to Ruby D. Mason, Ann This. Blrkëtttö "k! W.La'rkins, Dexter 800 H. W. RogCM, by helm, to Eliza A. Raihbone, Anu Arbor R K FellowstoEmllyE Fellows. Sharon 7,600 M. A. Burt to Anna A . Kelly, Ann Arbor.. 100 hoger Pettlbone, by heirs. to E. Pettlbone, Superior, eight pareéis, Ï200, 250, 200, $270, SiiO, 8200, 00, Í250 M. M. White to Board of Supervisois of Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor 1 Jeremtab. Walsh lo Elmis Mathia?, Northneld 1.200 Thos S. Sears to Fred Kapp. Northfield.... 5,000 J. G. Heydlauffto Catherfne Zahu, Urna. 1 Bernard ElfringioJay Everett, Sharon 1W Ella Pralt to Augusta Pratt, Augusta 1,000 Albert Pr,ut to B. F. Lambert, Augusta..... 1.000 Lena BrookertoLena Frtderick, Ypsilantl 1,000
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
William Wagner
C. L. Pistorious
F. Pistorious
Ella H. Guest
George C. Page
L. D. Morris
F. E. Graves
Mary McFarlan
M. McDougall
J. G. Alber
John George Alber
H. Mason
Ruby D. Mason
Thomas Birkett
R. W. Larkins
H. W. Rogers
Eliza A. Rathbone
R. K. Fellows
Emily E. Fellows
M. A. Burt
Anna A. Kelly
Roger Pettibone
E. Pettibone
M. M. White
Jeremiah Walsh
Elmis Mathias
Thomas S. Sears
Fred Kapp
J. G. Heydlauff
Catherine Zahn
Bernard Elfring
Jay Everett
Ella Pratt
Augusta Pratt
Albert Pratt
B. F. Lambert
Lena Brooker
Lena Frederick