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Court has adj lurned until Fb. 24. Chas. Dozee and wife, a 15-poucd boy. A son of County Clerk Howlet 8 d wn with scarlet fever. Dr. McLaohlin has opened an office in the Hangsterfer block. A private skating party was given at ilia nnk, last Thursday evening. Edward Barnett and Miss Mary M lier were married last Fiiday eveuiug. The officers of Ann Arbor Lodge, I. O. G. T., vtere inetalled Tuesday eveuing. Wm. Miller, a tramp, was sent to jail for 20 days by Jusúoe Butts, Siturday. Rev. D'. Buckley was entertained by A L. Noble during nis stay in the city. The next address before the We-leyan Guild will be dthvered by Bishop Newman. Rev. J. M. Gelston isto deliver the next lecture in the Y. M. L. A. course at South Lyon. Charks II. Gibson has sold his barber shop to two of his employees, Kahoe and Miller. Next Friday evening a social will be fr'ven at the home of J. J. Parshall, on the Geddes road. The post gradúate of the 0. L. S. C. will meet wilh Miss Emma Hayley. next Monday evening. Rev. S Ha-kell will address the temperanc- meeting at C.opsey's hall, next Siindny afternoon. Prof. Wilcoxsou ot the KaUmazoo college, will fill the pulpit at the Baptist cliuroh, next Sunday. A party ol 15 Caelseaites carne to Ann Albor, Sturday evening, to ntteiid the lecture at Uuiversity halL 4 ■ ■ Company A eave an invitation inspection and hop Monday evenin?, at which a large crowd was present. Wm. Eisele, a brother of the late Anton Ei-(le, died of consumption Sunday, in Iosca township, Livingston county. J. R. Sage of thiscity bas asingingclass organized at Hamburg, which he gives iustruction to every Friday evecing. William Gwinner had several fingers badly cut Tuesday by getting them mixed up with the knive8 of a straw cutter. F. Esslinger has occupied the pulpit of the Germán M. E. church the past tw o Sundays, Rev. Mile zer being on the s:ck lis'. A social party was given to a nurnber of friendg f rom the city, bv Ooieman Sperry. on the Saline road, Friday evening. The widow of the late William Coue'n? nis alrcady received the insuranee on bis life from the Maccabees. That's prompt action. The new alternating dynamo tor the elcctric lifiht works has arrived, but will not be run until the new engine is received. The ice men are wondering where the summer supply of ice will come from, and are praying for a blizzard to strike this locality. The board of trustees of the Methodist church have re-elected Prof. Winchell, p-esident, and A. L. Noble, secretary and treaturer. The report of the Farmers' Institule at Saline this week carne just a Hule too late to appear in this iseue. It will be publihed next week. Dr. Nancrede has purchased the residence of the ate Dr. Friese, comer of Ingalls-st and Oornwell place. The cocsideration was $8,000. The date of Bishop Newman's lecture before the Wesleyan Quild has not been decided upon yet, but it will probably be sometime during March. The widow of ChrÍ9tian Sunzi receives $564 from the Germán Workingmen's Society of this city, of which organiztion the deceased was a member. At a meeting of ths county Superintendcirs of the Poor, held Tuesday afternoon, Dr. B. B. Sjdworth was elected county physician lor the eusuing year. Pi-of. Ilinsdale preached at the Baptist church last Sucday morning. Rev. Carinan fitill being ncable to Sil the pulpit, no service was held in the evening. Nancv Fisher, a disorderly perion, was sent to jail for five days by Justice Pond, last Thursday, and she agreel to leaye town when her sentence expired. Next Sundav, Feb. 9, Rev. D. M. Fisk of Jackson, will preach in the Congregational churoh. Re?. J. W. Bradshaw will exchange and occupy Mr. Fisk's pulpit. A large number of invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. James Clements, for a reception to be given at their residence on S. State-s', Friday evening. W. T. Stimson has parchase I a lot off the old James homestead on Liberty st, and will erect a house thereon in the spring. Dr. Studley will preach next Sundfy evenhKj in the Methodist church on ''The History of a Notable Text whicfc was quoted by St. Paul. " Everybody made welcome. llenry A. Hatch died at the residence of his mother on William-gt, Tuesday, of consumption, The deceased was 37 years of age, and had lived in Ann Arbor nearly all bis life. Last Saturday tbere were 86 children in the sewing school. Friends are invited to visit them any time. They meet over Mr. Cropsey's store every Saturday frcm two to four. Norman Clark plead guilty to stealing $38 from bis employee, ia the circuit court I Friday, and Judge Rinne genteneed him to the House of Correction at Ionia for eis raonthi. The sewin m chine which was offored at the rlrawitg of J. T. Jacobs & Co. on New Year's day, haa not yet been called for, and ït is not known who has the lucky ticket. "The Center," formerly puhlished at Lnsing, Micb., has been sull ar.d moved to Adrián, Mich . where under the new name, Michigan Messenger, it will hereafler be published. The argument for a change of venue of the Sraith Piirifier Co. caestrorn the Ja?kson to the Wayne circuí', wbo heard by Judee Kinne in chambers, Friday, d the request was granted. At ihe next meeting ot the Pomological S'iciety the topic for discusión will be '"The Iinprovement of our Country Roadí," a topic which i of vital interest to rilizeu nd farmer alike. A me'hodist reunión íp tobe held at the rink in Detroit, Friday t-vening, at which a number f rom this ei y ex peet to be present. Prof. Henry Wade Rogers is to be oce ot the sreakers ot the evening. The new board of directora of the Savings Bank reorganzed Monday evening, by eleoting the following officers: Christian Mack, president; VV. D. Harriman, vice president ; C. E. Hiscocl:, cashier. The IL & S. club of this city, consisting of J. A. C. Hildner, Leonard Hildner, Simon Dieterle, Herman Gundert and Nath. Stanger furoishe music fjr the farmers' iostitute at Siline, Monday evening. The controversv btween W. M. Whi!e and the Board of Supervisors, in regard to the ngLt of way to the j iil barn, has been settled, Mr. White deeaing a rlght of way on the lot jast sjuth ot the j-il to the county. It is probable that a commandery of the "United Friends of Michigan," a mutual imuance sosiety, will be established bere, R. Osius and G. Katzenberger hiving been employed to organiza a biaccti here On Friday a change in the ownershp of our contemporary, the Argus, was announced, E. 3. Morton retirmg fróm the partnership on acuouut of his coatinued ill health. Mr. Beakes will conduct the business alor.e, hereafter. of our c'.ty drug!Hts fays his salts of quinine increassd öve-foll duiiag the grip season; but during the past week thcy havs dropped nearly to their usual amount. That is encouragir.g to the gripïtes if not to the druggist. Cbailes Perrin was arraigned in the circuit court Friday, on the charge of stealing a clock trom a school house near Ypsilanti. He plead not guilty and was remanded to jail to await trial, not being able to furnith $200 bail. C. W. Wagner has just rec ived a new Columbia ladieg' safety bicycle, which is a model, He ia ai.xious to get the ladies of the city to beoome expert bicyclists, and makes a standing offer to teacti any of them to ride, at the skating rink. Henry B. Mastín of Bowery-sf, met with a painlul accident, Tuesday noon, which will confine him to his bed for severalmonth. He accidentally feil down an elevator shaft at the Agricultural Works where he is employed, tallina; 16 feet and breaking his left leg near the ankle. There u still $11,708.64 ot the tsxes uncollected, the ammnts outstanding in the different wards being as follows: lst ward, $3299.31 ; 2ud ward, $2609.56; 3d Wiird, $1561.14; 4th ward, $2719.08; 5ih ward, $497.38; 6th ward, $1022.17. Miss Minnie Pavis has accepted the pogition of pianist tendered her by the Choral Uuion of Detroit and leaves for that city next Friday. She will make Detroit her future home, but will however retain her class of scholars in this city. The Methodist church was crovtded Sunday evening, and many were unable to gain admission, to hear the lecture by Rev. Dr. Bucklay, before the Wesleyan Guild. The add ess was one of the most scholarly and interesting ot the course. The Allmendinger Piano & Organ Co. re-elected the following offlcers at the annual meeting last week: F. Scbmid, president; Herman Hutzel, vice-presideat ; F. H. Belser, treasurer ; E. K. Frueauff, seoretary; D. F. Allmendinger, superintendent. The Uoity Ciub program for next Mooday evening, Feb. 10, consista of a s'ory, "Crazy Nap ; A Tale of the Pacific Coa-t," by Mrs. Peckam ; "Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works" in charge of Mrs. DeWitt, Misse8 F sher and Taylor, and a piano solo by Mrs. Buckley. A warrant was isued by Jus ice Butts jesterday for the arrest of Samuel R g ers, who was charged by Jerry Collins with stealing a suit of clothes from his house. He was found by Oollins and returned the cbthes, after which the ofi'ners took hitn in charge. The ladies of the Cong. church are already preparing for a fair to be he'd next Dea, the proceeds to go toward purchasing a carpet for the audience room. The first meeiing was held at Mrs. Dr. Allen's, Monday, and the next will be held at Mrs. Ed. Sumner'a, Feb. 17. The Wesleyan Guild social which was postponed two weeks ago, was held at the M. E. church, Monday evening. The Ghequamegons furnished some excellent music and a supper was served by the guild. Ry. Dr. Buckley delivered a short address on "John Wesley." Mr?. Spencer Sweet of the 3rd ward, was bittea in the leg, Saturday, by a small dog belonging to John Keenan, and has suffered badly since from tbe effects, it being feared that the result might prove fatal. The dog will not bite another pernon, as Marshall Walsh proceeded to shoot him at once. Tbe examination of the parties charged with assaüting Wm. Feldhaeser, at the party given by the Lsndwehr recently, was concluded before Justice Pond, Friday. August Tessmer, Byron Bailey and Jjhn Andrews were bound over to the circuit court for trial, and Ed. Morrison and Chas. Hermann were discharged. Tessmer and Bailey were admitted to bail in the sum of $1,000, and Andrea gave $500 bs'1. Oran J. Negus ol Summit stdied Sunday, from the effects of the grippe. He was takea down a couple of wetk's ago, nd after remaining in the house a few days, went to work agaic. He caught cold which resulted in pneumonía. He leaves a wife, to whom he had been married but a few monthü. Rev. Mr. Sunderland's subject at the Unitarian church next Sunday evening will be, " How to gtudy and how not to study the Bibte. Fictitious dates, misleading chapter headings, wrong translations, etc., of our common Engüsh Versión." Evetyone is pirticuUrly reqnested to bring a Bible. B. F. Watts reeeived notice last Thursday of the death of his sister, Elizabeth Watts Gibbs, which occurred at Harían, Iowa, on Sunday. She was 65 years oíd and was bom in Gressham, Norfolk, England, her early life being epent in Ypsilanti where she was married in 1847 to Orín Gïbbs of that place. This is a good time to keep the front door of your house locked, as this city is infested with a gang of sneak thieve?. Five overcoats were taken from the hallway of one boarding Iijus, one evening last week, while the owners were at supper. Several other cases have been reported to the authorities recently. Mrs. Abigail M. Pattengill died on Tuesday, of compliciitions of the heart. Bho was 73 years of a? and was in feeble health for some time before her death She was the mother of Pr f. A. H. PatJ tenprill, of the 1 terary faculty, Prot. J. G. Pattengill of the high school faculty, and Mrs. J. C. Knowlon of thia city. A wnrrant has been issued in Justice Butts court for the arrest of Frank R. Gardner, a medical student, clurging him with to s ïpport hi wü'e and child, who carne here Irom CbicKO a couple of weeks ago. As Gard'ier has fled the city and is now safe in Canada, ttie warrant will prove of little avail at present. The second of a series of addresses to be given b"f jre tie Young People's Society of the Congregationat church, will b delivered Sunday evening, by Rev. D. Si. Fisk, of Jackop. His subject will be, "Each in the hour of his Power." This is an ajit i-ulject and as Rev. Fisk is known to be a very interesticg peaker, a rare trent is expected. It is pniposed to replace the fiilewaiks leading to the several entrences of the court houe with a new kind of stone pavement, and supervisors Beinett nd Case, with T. J. Keech ai .d Nelson Sutherland, visited Jackson last 1'hurKday, to envestigate this pavement. It is clairaed that this pavement is lar better and much cheaper than stone. Francia O. Monroe dii-d in Wi b 'ter township, Tuesday, aeed 55 y-rs. His death was oaused by lung troublet. The deceased ras well known ia this vicinity, having been employed on the Boyden farra for a number of years. During the war he perved in the 8th Mi h g vn Cavalry. Toe funerM waa held thia al'temoon at two o'clotk at the Webster church. Camuña M Street, wife of Wrn. S reet, died at their home on Ji Ü' isoo-et, Saturday, aged 73 years. She euffe'ed for several weeks with grippe, her death being caused by heart disease anJ pneumonía. Tbe family moved here from Omaha, Neb , last summer, the daughter beiní: a teacher in the high school. The funeral was held at the residence, Monday afternoon. Paul Teesmer, jr. , has not yet learned to chop off the head of a duck, without hitting his own hand. He knows more about it tban he did before last Sunday, when he struck a hard blow with a sharp hatchet, at the neck of a duck whiuh he was holding. He missed tbe duck tut 8truck his own thumb, cutting off nbout an inch of it as nicety as the most ekilled surgeon could have dore. On Feb. 18, Ann Arbor Comajacdry, K. T., will ineugurate a custom which is expeeted to be kept up yesrly hereafter that of holding a reunioa social of the families of all Ki;ights Templar in thi j'irisdiction. This includes many at Yp?i lanti, Chelsea, Manchester, Müan an( Dexter, beisides those in th's city, tu preparations are beii g made to eutei tain from '200 to 300 on that evening. Wm. Sianton, a hard vipaged tramp talked so earneslly to T. F. Hill, Mjnday making him believe that he was an 6C quaintance of his relatives in Kan?a?, tha a big silver dollar was the result of the interview. But Stanton did not make good use of the money, and with his part ner, Ed. Rogers, was placed in jail on a charge of beggirg and vaerancy. Justiee Bulls sent Stanion to jail for 20 days an Roger9 for five days leBS. I( you will remember the followi-g during 1890 it may save you some trouble During this year March, August, and No vember each have five Sundayc The; commence on Wedneaday and on the same day of the week. Washington's birthday Feb. 22, comes on Saturday. All fooi' day on Tuesday. Memorial day on Fri day. Bmancipation day on Friday. The first Sunday in Lent is Fab. 23. St Patrick's day is on Monday. Spring be gins Thursday, March 20. Summer begin June 20.- One of the large plate glass windows in Gruner's fhoe store, waa damaged in a pe culiar manner, one day last week. A farmer named Fitzgerald climbed into hi wagon and starled to drive off his horses forgetting at the time to unhitch them from the post to which they were tied The horses backed and a snap broke, piece striking the window and crackin the glass sligbtly. Mr. Fitzgerald eettlei the damage with a ten dollar bilí, but h will not forget to untie his horses here af ter. Auna Hubner has filed an answer ii the circuit court to the bill of divorce filec by her busband, John O. Hubner. Sh denies that she ever acted in an imprope manner, or that she ever entered a hous of ill-fame. She claims that she hai been a careful and piinstaking mother and that the complainant has tieated he with extreme oruelty. Sue says that th complainant is possessed of property val ued at (3,500, and she atks the court to grant her temporary relief until the tria of tbe case is deoided. Mrs. Louis Blitz, wife of the proprieto f a clothing store in this city, who ives n Detroit, was quite senously inured in that city recenily. To save her 'rom being run over by a runaway team, policeman pushed her one side, causing Irs. Blitz to fall and sustain internal inunes. Last week her condition was eemed critioal but ahe is now recovering An ezamiaation showed a clot of blood on he spine, and an operation was necessary o remove this. Her sister, Mrs. S. S. Jlilz, of this city, ha,3 been with her durng the past week.


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