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Rochesteb, N. Y. Dec. 28. To WhomüMay Concern: - Hoving used the F. E. C. Kidney Remedy for a difficulty that no remedy seemed to reach, after trying various remedas adver'Ued, I can confidently recommend the F. E. C. 8 the tbing above allotbers for what it Í8 recommended. It is the only thing that has reached my (Hffitul y, atid has been of inestimable benefit to me. E. Hdntisgton. You occiionally find a women who thinks the is intellectual bt-caue she has has a lf.rge number of co re-pondentj. "I would not 1 ve ül-vgys," said the Psalmist in a rroment cf p etic rnpture. "ï wculii 'Ot piihr." savsJush Biliing, irrveien ly. Swe')y - but then wbile we do live, lei us h 1 1 on to ou ■ heal h and sjai its. The s'irest wrv to !■ tbij, is to nrf in a supply ol Dr. Buil's Cough Syrup. Try it. A women n ver beooraea so intelligent thnt she learns that it h no plf asure to others to hear her coax her children to speak a piece. "A stitoh in time saves nitie," and if you take Hood's Sarsspar IU now it may save monihs of future possible s:cknes3. Rusel Sere wears pumps for the fame reasen that Jay Gould wears rubbers. Lo'ik out tor connterfeits ! See that you eet the e'nuine Slva'ion 0 1 1 Do not let the rteUer sell you some "just as gord," but insist on ge't'.ns; the genuine with the Buil's Heaii tiade mark on the wrapper. The devil has pariii ularlv hot Sre for the who wants to sand her daughter husband huntinga' sixteen. M. L. Blair, Aldtrmin. 5'h Wa-d, Scran'on, P.. sto1 i Nov. 9. '8?: He bad ued Dr. Thom' K -lectrio O'l for fp-ains, burn, cu's, bru sesand rheumatim. Cured every time. MEMORY Mind wandering cnred. Books learned in one reaainR. TeatiraonialB from all parta of the plobe. Prospectus post FBETE, BPnt on nnplïcation to Prof. A. Loisette, 2Í7 Fifth Ave. New York. WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMEIMT For the Family, School, or Professional Library. Has been for maiy years Standard Authority in toe Gov't Printing Office and U. S. Supreme Court ItlsHimiy EeconeideOy 38 State Sup'ts of Schools and tne leaiing College Presidents. Heariy all the School Books puolislei in this conntry are based upon Webster, as attested Dy tne leaiing Scnool Booü: Pnmisners. 3000 more Words ani nearly 2000 more Engravings toan any otter American Dictionary. GET THE BEST. Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated Pamplilet with specimen paes, etc., sent free. G.& C. MERRIAM&C0.,Pub'r9,Springfield,Mass. WHAT pm"P consumption ÜUI ' 5 SCROFULA EMULSIÓN ?gSSSSITIS PIIDCC COLDS UUrCO Wasting Diseases Wondorful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsión is not a secret remedy. It containa the stimulating properties of the HypophosÏ hites and pure Norwegian Cod ver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. 8COTT &. BOWNE, ChemistS.N.Y. The HOTEL EASTMAN, HOT SPRISÍGS. AHK. The largest and iinpst Rsort Hotel Ín America, with the flne8t Bath Houses in the world connected, will open under management of O. G. Barron, of White Monntatn Hotels for season of 1890, January 15. Tickets ehould be bought via St Louis and Iron Mountain & Southern R. R. Printers' Ink, JOURNAL FOR ADYERTISERS., Is isstil weehlyt '" thfrepresrntfltive jouuil-thr trulMurnal of tehen, andttKntofmuld advqpiUUk hou) to write ati SwW imnient Pi4n( diiplay onctjfhfitnMtiipap02%Jpc; HfeouráÍtgt every voinfljtft admig disruHtiiuM. A,l rt rti.tlffi, theiadvittimabwl on JTrËfWrbffr 4tf more parfoMenty-five yean Inpiucing (idi-lsitii rontMLtVr many of the largtsCand mostixeaëful advev titer. A year't tubaiviplion costa hut Tiro dollar : sample copie Free. Addres : - CEO. P. ROWELL & CO.. Newspaper Advertismg Bureau, 10 Sprjce Si., N; Vort.


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