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i " How fat I'd get if I had one." iA 'o...

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i " How fat I'd get if I had one." iA 'ok it has handsome pietures and ralaable Information about horses. ïwo or three dollars for a 5a Ilorsc lilanket will make your hnrse worth more and eat less to keep warm. 5A Five Mile ... 5A Boss Stable Ask for ea i-i x ■ 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other style9 at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get them froni your dealer, write us. JA BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT TH E S'A UABtL Manufrt by Wm. Aykks A Bous, PhfUda wii make the famous Horse Branü Ilaker Blankeb) THE WORLD'S BEST Kid Button $2.50 Siioe Has no equal f or Style. Fit and Wear. PoeltlTeli tno best sboe in America for the money. Do not tx deeeived. 6ec stamp on bottom of each shoe. Taki DO otber. Bvery pair warranted. Btylish ana eMuai io uny S5 ihuc lu ttiu ujarkeu For sale U J. M. PEEPLES & CO., Chicago. por Lale:bt DOTY & FEXNER, Jlnn rbor, Mich. (HlERlVJElCp[QlUlElRlOlR] The only known speciflc for Eplleptic Fit3.-ff y-AIao for Spasma and í' all ing áickni"33."SS Ñervous Wcakncss qnlcldy relieved and curcd. Equallcd by none in delirium of fever.-ï aa-Neutrali" ., ;erms of dlsease and aicknese. Cores ngly K 4 ca and Btabbom blood sores. Cleanscs blo nickens sluggish circnlation. Elimlnatosl Carbunclos and Scalds.-S a-Permams '■ indpromptly cores paralysie. íes, Itisao ling and healthful Apcricnt. KIIls ScrofuW ii 1 Kings Evi!, t win brothe. Changos bac iw ,th to good, reraoving canse. f.l?J{outs büiotsness and clears complexion. Charming roiclrént and matchlcsí Iaxative.-j69 It drives Slck Ueadachc like the t WContaina no drastic cathartic or opiatos. Fromptly cores Iiheumatiam by routing it.-sn Restores lifo-giving propertlcs to the blood. -m ís gnaranteed to core all nervooq disorders.'S t TKdiable when all o platea fail.- Rofreshes the Bind and inTigorntea the bod). Cures dyspepsiaormoney refunded.ft fff" Endorsed in writing by ovor flfty thonsani leading physicians in ü. 8. and Europe." Leading clergymen la U. S. and Kurope." Siseases of the blood own It a conqneror.en I'or sale by all leading druggista. $i.W.-e Ihe R S. 1 RICHMOND NERVINE Cö„ St. Joseph, Mo. Sf uorrespondence freely answorrd by Physieiana, -. Fot testimoniáis aud circulara sénd ütauiu. Dryíikenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BY AOMINISTERING OR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given n a cup of cotfee or tea, or in articles of food. without the koon ledge vi the person taking it; it is ibsolutely hannlcss and wiH effect ■ permanent and speedy cure, wiièther the patiënt a nu ele ra te drinker oran alcoholio Wicck. T NEVE.R FAIL8. WeGUARANTEE complete core In ereiytnatauee. 48 page boot FREE. Ailih f- in confldanoe. GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1 86 Race St.. Clncinnati.OR. STREETER & CO, CRAIN DEALERS Wheeler Building, 6 S herman St, CHICAGO. ILL. We make loweat prlcea (or sll ktnda of uraln, hipplni; direct fn.m western stations lo all p-unn. Sen-I lor (Juotatio .13


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