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ROYAl POWOER Absolutely Pure. This powiler liever varies. A marvel of purity. strength and wholemmc ess. Mi ie ecouomical than the ordinary kinds ain] cannol be sold in cnmpetition with the mnltttude of low test, short wetght alum or phosphtui' prwers. Sold "itlu in Can.-. R0YA1 '(AKINii POWDER CO., 100 Wall t.. N . Y. oi:r as cent COXUXJI. Adveitisements, imch as To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exeeeding three linea, can be Inserted three weeks (or 33 nls. WATEI. For a year, suite of 3 or 4 nic 'T unfurnihed heated rooms In good locaiity First floor preferred. Addres "O" Kegister office, staiing price and locaiity. 98 W ATEI-A liberll price will be paid for ' Vol. I, No. 1, of The Coimopolitan. S. EegWA"ïTUI- Boy todojanitor work for course In Shorthand and typewriiing. Inquire at School of Shorthand, 3d flaor oyer ine drug tore on State street. W.TM- Wedesire to Contract for building stone for four hoiuea. Apply to Hamllton, Rose & Sheehan. ss TtTASTEI- An intelligent lady over 20, who TT is willing to work eight hours per day, for Light and Permanent Posiiion. Address "H,' this oflice. 97 WAJiTED- AGENT8- A gentlemen over 20 who Is wüling to work eigbt hours per day for Licht and Permanent Position. Addres "H," with stamp, this office. 797 WANTED- Suite and two single rooms, or suite and single room . Address Post Box 8142. 97 W ANTEO- Boy to learn trade. Enquire at 45 E. Huron-st. FOR MALE. FOR SAI.E- New milch cow, Jersey grade, a gentle mare, cheap Rorhester gang plows, Niágara grape vines, and other nurwry tock. W. F. Blrd, West Duron st. 98 FOR SI,F- Meat Market, also new wagon and Pony, goodlocation anda good tradt can be done. Good rea'ons givea for telling For particular, appl y 15 Willard t., Ann Arbor Mtcn. 98 FOR SAI.E- A seven room house on West Hurón st, enquire of J. Rice Miner, Hamilton Block or 48 S. División at. 79S FOR SALE- Ata bargain. New two aeated carrtage. Cost at factory J165. Bargaingiven. AlTln Wilsey. 798 POK SALE- Good house on S. Dlvison st near r William. Chtp Aeasj terms. C. T. Miller, 93 Shelby st. Detroit. 98 I7OK HALE- Safe In fint clasa conditlon, r made by the Detroit Safe Company. Apply to H. W. Douglass. 98 ÏT'OR KALE- "The Aermotor," a solid steel 1 wind mili with swing vane and Uiting derriek. Noclimblng tonil. Put up and warran ted forS65. Isaac Teny, Dexter, Mich. 7Ü7 Í7OB SA I.K- By .1. L. Babcock, 8 Iota on corner Main and Willlam-stfi., also 3 vacant Iota on Kprlrg st.. Felch addition. Inquire at Franklin House. 798 ■'oR SAI.E- A fine driving liorse, seven yeara old, spirited and gentle With or without phaeton and harness Address Box 3034. 77 FOR MAI.E- A flve year old drWing horse. A flne surrey- nearly new- set single harnpss and a bidé saddle. Address "F," Register office. 795-tf K KALE OR 80 acre farm one mile north of Leland's station on T. A. A. R. R., also pair work horses Apply to H. Richards. 9 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor. 796 FfOR SAI E.- Twentytwo Organ Stop Knobs at one dollar each with organ fcelebrated Beatlie) attached $25. 25 South Fourth st. 796 A W1LSKT. fOK KALE - Tbe Hnett stock of Church, " Chpel and I'arlor Oraans ever oii exhibition in this city. Special bargains in fine six octave organs. New Une octave organs, Í15.Ü5. 25 Snuth Fourth Striet. A. Wilsey. 795 FOK SALE- Cheap. Mmithly Msgnzines; 1850 to 1889. Atlantic, Scrlbnera, Harper's. Ceutnry. &c. Miss Wilkiuson, 5 Milist., Lower Town. 798 17OK SALE OR KENT- Farm of 120 aerea. . Inquire at 31 Thompson Street. ITOR SA I. E- At a bargain, 15 acre fruit farm r onemlle south of Uriversity. Nearly 6pposite new Hamilton auditiou and city park. Fine resideuce and grounds. Choioe peach and apple orchards. also smal] fruits. If more land is di'i-irei will wil l.'J acres adjolninr. Inquire of Mrs B. E. Nichols, aimi Arbor, or of J. Q A. ession,No. 5 N. Main St. 806 FOK SAI. E- TIn1 large des) rabie frame house on the corner of Bowery and DivUiou Sts. Sultablefora bardng house or private famlly. For the sumof Ï2.SO0. Apply o Mr. J. Q. A. jjeshions. tf FOR BENT. FOR About May lst. one of the flnest stores 1 ii the city will be rented oniyiora flrst dass business Kent reasonable. Address X, care Ann Arbor RegiMer office. TO RENT- Farm in Oaklanil Tounty - 180 acres: soil good; fencesand barnsgoo'i; hnuse fair: '2U0 tree. Cash lent. Will be at home Man h 31, 9n. ('all on or address A. M. Clark. 47 División ttieet, Ann Arbor, Mich. 798 ÍTMIR F'irnisbed or unfurnMied 1 rooms forlight boose keeping at No. 28 N. State-street. 7a7 TO RKXT - Part of a new house. cor. ofEast Uulvtrsity Ave. & Packard st. Inquire within. 797 TO Front room with alcove. 31! E. Liberty-street. 795 97 MIS'F.I.I,AMiOC.t. SIIAIIE ritEEN- We decreto contract for YouugShade Trets- Hard Maple and Elm- delivery in April. Apply to Haiuiltun, Rose and Sheehan, Anu Arbor, Micn. 7.6 LOST- A gold bracelet set with 3 large topazes, A reward Is ofíVred Cor the return of the ame to No. 17 3. División Street. 796 KOS ES- WHITE and COLOR RD, 60 cents per dozen, lliller Ave. Greenhouse. 796 r OT- On Friday night. a Dress Walst, beLi tweeu Post Ofllce and Brook etreet, on Mlller Avenue. Will fluder pleue leave at thii office.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register