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LAP DUSTERS A O FOBAICHCWC L " This is one of the 5Á Dusters. It is closelywovenandhandsomelyembroidered." Don't get stuck with Dusters which will let the dust through and spoil your clothes. 5A Lap Dusters 100SR. 5A Ironsides Sheet fsMV In SUble. 5A Clipper Fly Nets Fo&aZtY""d EquM to Leather at Hall th Colt. 100 other styles of Si Horse Sheets and Flv Neta, at prices to suit everybody. Foi sale liy all dealers. If you can't get theiu, wrile us. #ORSt BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE S'A LABFL Manufd by W. Ayres Sons. Phllada . wlw malee the famous Horse Brand Baker Blankets School of Expresi. 22 South State Street. JIISIC. J.a ifiiiif. of Kxpressive Speech. Germán. tHyntlietic method.) l'li} sM-ül ('llllllri'. (Detente.) liliul'ini -Ii-ii. Froebel System in Engltsh and Germán. ADDRESSORÍN CADY, PRINCIPAL. IA NEW LIISCOVERY: TESTICURA EXTERNOSUM g BY V IalbertxI -3 fibor the cure of Seminul 1 OO L; ae88, Impotency, Nocturnal " ■ Emissions, and Stunted o Q velopment. -Cn " P4 y absorption. Applied direct to 5 :he Parts. No nauseosa drugs that 50 1 3 ruin the stotnach (luaranteed J T3 E- i Vcure or money refunded. Bent f -3 C3 Vt0 any 1art " t'le ' " ee" S .surely packod free ttawf Vobservation upon y7 55 X. receipt of 2. X ADDRE8STHE ALBERT MEDICAL CO. CLEVELAND. O. Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Berry Plante, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Pears and Qrape vines a Spocialty. SSyrups and Home-Made Wines. Syrup of Raspberry ; Burtlatt Pear Syrup, Bone 6ett, Dandelion and Raspberry Wines and Shrubs for Liver and Kidniy troubles; Sweet Red Concord and Martha White Wines, especially prepared lor Invalids. Order Trees and Planta early, as we get most of them from the best Nurseries east. K. BAI7R. Went llurnii SI. To cnre Bilionsness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, tako Uie saie and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the NMAIX Si.e (401ittle Bcan to tlie bottle). The y are the most contüniiínt. Suitable ox 11 Arom. Prlce f cillier ie, 2Sc. per Itolllt'. % I W W 1 1 1 U MaHcd for 4 ets. (eoppers or ■uniwt. J.F.SMITH&CO.Makcrsof'IilLEBËANS'ST.lOUiS Ml. Mitcöeirs Etamatic Fias! ISSTAUT BELIEF POB ALL r.WEVXiTlC T ! . firrRBCURBforRhenmatiem,Kcnrn':rii; i Ëold by drnggiFta everywherc, or by mi:., 9 ■ Vovelty flaater Workit, Luwti., llf mi I The Latest Spring WALL. Styles of At Wholesale DA DCT D Prices. ■ CIY Gold Paper, 10c to 80c per roll, Solld (!old KmbtiKsi-.l Pa)n r. tofiöc Ier roll. If you rav k("K l) do anyjHtriiiK do not fail to s.ii,i fr mmpfei I ALFkEUIE.VT, 1S8 ubu.b Aif., CLI.-yo, JIL -BF?ADnELDS pBMVLE„„„„ REGULATOR pa1hDHÍS MEjVJSTRUATION ÖR MDNTHLV SICKNESS 1 T&KE.N OURIHS CHANGE Oí Uït GRtM OKHGE.R'(feSUfFERmsmUEW01Uül jöook TO'WOMAN'MMöA-fi? BRADFIELDREBUIATORCO. ATLAMTAEA. SQU3RYA1L DRUEGtSTS. iRülOTROÜÏÏ Cheap Lands ín the West. Along the unes of the BURLIXGTON ROUTE in Nebraska, Colorado. Wyoming and norttawestcm Kansas, partivularly on its new extensión in that terriory, there is still sorae Government Land awaitiu? settlement, as well as other cheap lands helci by individuáis. These lands are among thebe.'t 'o behd snywherein the country for agrleultural and grazing purposes In the eomparativeiy new districtsare many improved larms whlch can be parehased at a very low rate of that class of restless pioneer settlere who are ready at all times lo move 'further we t." In the terntory embraced by Ihe BURLINGTON'3 linea west of the Missouri River. there are in the Ticln:ty of two hundid new towns which offer to manufacturera and business men an excellent oppor.unlty to lócate wi'h proflt. Send to the undersigned for deseriptive pamphlets and other matter givlng locatioa and fu 1 particulars couceniing these lands. A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. A large, handsome Md of the United States, showing nortn and souih riakota, mounted and suitable lor office or homp use and usued bv the BÜRLINGTOS ROUTE, will be furnlshei responslble p mies free on applicatlon to the nndersigned. Playing Cards. For ten cents ei her in poetage or by applyine at Room 12, C B. & Q R. fi. General Office, corner of Adams and Frankliu utreets, Chicago, you can obtain a pack of the best quality Playiug Cards P. S. EÜSTIS. Gen'l & Ticket Agt.. C.,B ÍQ R.E o 20 8S Chicago, Ii.l. LQÖSE'S EXTRACT CLOVER.BL0SSOM yC4NCEBí' Fomale Weakness Sore, l'lcers, Tumors, i„i j, Klootl IVii-iiiiiiiiu, Salt llh.iiin. t'atarrh, Erysipela, Kheumatiam and all Klood and Skin Dlseases. Price 1 1. per Pinl Bottle. or 6 Bottles for 5. i Ib can Solíd Eitrao i2.o. J. M. LOOSE REDMCLOVER CO Detroit, Mich. soid bv aii druggi.u. Printers' Ink, JOURNAL FOR ADVERTISERS., Ië lbl teeekly, and In thfrrpresem nstfecrtiterLiii(ieatee to thtS&mfltL. rlmcertljrr l'Oy'' trhen, anlNÍrJpLlmuil odcywM hoto to write an a9m%tUe ment fji At display onefaftot iA-pj#jtylye; every oolnTIJt admiqf "fc'O''' diseussloM. Advertiëimg, rAJ pracUa9ptfAmti nyijjut - riiïmTEJis' -''fH"''!'''''A,"CBv' of more ÊhiPlJrnty-fire y&tniu ptueing advhAig contrAfor many of Ihe largeatatid wimifiLTkri-; 'ui adrrrtlsers. A ytat'ë jbeinpt m but Tteo dollars: iample eopitë i': re. CEO. P. ROWELL 3l CO.. Ntwspaper Advcrtising Burcag, io Spruce St., New York. " Maneéis Spëcific," llliiiAiirfil CURES Ncrvouxlipbiliiy, Exbaiwtlon, Prrinniiirf ■ lccuy, larliul or Tolnl lniolcuc, aiiu All WEAKness arising from ovor-taxatioii of miud or body. MEN SuffM-inR from ihe Dtsoaacs and WMklMU tliat '"VI" orí" i :i in outli!ill tuin eau iilv (in ;l SJncdy and nennmeni iemillii to hewtb sndoAFF Price, è'2.00 bymail scciirfly enleil. THE SPECTFIC is pvoparad from tlie pr'S('ription of an ohl an,l arperleoced physlclaa. am) my be rallad un m ft ramedr nneqnAled in effioacy, anI w thei recomnMIM it to tb notit'e of tho Medical ProcMíol OtntraUy. ofBue and Laboratory ifanccVt SpeclOc 13 E. 30tli St., New York


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