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Michigan State News

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The other evening Blorence Xightingale, the ls-year-old daugliter of A. O. Nightlngale, of Au Sable, left the house todiaw water from the well, and was geized by threo men, Andrew Bennet t, his brother Gilberl and William Flynn. Her throat was fllled w i th paper, and they ent the olothesllne and tied her fast. They tben put her into a buggy and drove out of town, ftSSttulted and left luT. Hermoanings were lieard by a Mi1. Black who. fiudin;; her insensible, carried her to his house whero she carne to Butficiently to teil that she scratched one oi the men' a taces. The flesh was still under her finger nails. Snow had fallen and the men were traoked to tlieir hotel, thence to a saloon, and all three were placed in jail at Tawas C'i ty. LURED TO A DEN. Terrib e Btorjr Told li.v ;i Glrl Who Esoaped from Worse TIimii Nlavery. The story of a girl whose pareats are well-to-do in Woodstock, O., and who was lured from a Toledo hotel to the "State Road House," on the Ausable river, near Potts, Oscoda County, by Proprietor Murrin, was recently brought to light. In this infamous den, with her companion, she went last winter and was torced to see the rough lumbermen. With a companion she flnally cscaped. All the girls are kept in debt to the keeper and are never allowed to get out of his debt. They are guarded day and night, beaten, forced to drink and prevented from committing suicide. She says S100 a day is taken in from the lumbermen, who are made drunk and robbed. The authorities of Oscoda were moving; in the matter. Health In Reports to the State Board of Health by forty-eight observers in different parts of the Sr.ate for the week ended March 22 indicated that membranous croup, inflammation of the bowels, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, pleuritis, scarlet fever, erysipelas and maasles increasod, and inflammation of the brain, puerperal fever and cerebro-spinal meningitis, decreased in area of prevalence. Diphtheria was reported at thirty places, scarlet fevor at forty, typhoid fever at Beven and measles at fifty-flve places. Fire In the Agricultural College. The botanical laboratory at the Agricultural College jn Lansing was burned the other morning. Most of the valuable collections and apparatus were saved by the students. The laboratory was built in 1881 at a costof 8(5.000. The Wheeler herbarium, purchased a few months ago by the college, was lost, as was Dr. Palmer's collection. The total loss aggregated 10,000. The flre was caúsed by a dofective chimney. ' Short hut Newny Itetm. No more peddlers are to be allowed to do business in Negaunee. Mayor James M. Turner sold recently at his stock farm near Lansing ten Clydesdale stallions at an averaee of 81,000 each. The Muskegon Fish and Gamo Protection Association will pay S10 for every violation of the fish and game laws. San Francisco' Palace Hotel recently ordered 250 paper blankets from the Mudge Paper Company at Port Huron. Mrs. Frank Trowbridge, of Uig Rapids, who was shot by her hi.sband just before he commiUed suicide recently, is recovering slowly. An ineendiary fire the other morning at Bay City destroyod Rust Hros. & Co. 's mili, causing a loss of $50,000; fully insured. Emily J. Rhodes sued the village of Union City, Mich., for Y10,000 damages, and was recently awardcd ?:;,000 by a juryCharles Hamilton, who accidentally shot himself at Coopersville, died there the other day from the injury. A bath-tub factory is the latcst industry established at Flint. The First National Bank of Marquette has increased its capital stock from 5100,000 to 5150,000. The poor old blind mother of the murdered policeman, Srhumaker, of Detroit, died recently. She never recovered from the shock of her son's death. Ez-Sherlfl Clippert's barn. in Springwells, burned the other night. Cause, children and matohes. Jonesville will be in a pieklo all this summer. as a largo factory for preserving cucumbers is to be established there. Elson Partello, a farm laborer near Ludlngton, ate sumo wild parsnip recently, and now he is dead. The new private iusane asylum at Flint is to oost 119,000, and will be known as the Dak Grove Sanitarlum. Counterfeit gilver dollars are troubling the upper península business men. A six weeks' Bhool of pliarmacy will be held ;:t tlr; imiversity this suramer, cost of tuition The value of beei, lior anddairy products shipped from Detroit during February was (46,588. James O'Nell, of Charlotte, who lately lst liis wife, was found dead in his house ly hls son the otber afternoon. A bottle tlut liad oontained chloroform was found in his room. lic was an old and respected citizen. -Airs. l'clix l'epin, of Iron Mountain, was run over by a Milwaukee & Northern switch engine the other morning. Bothlegsarè cutofl and she could not live. ttel mortgages aggregating $83,000, in favor of two local banks, were filed at Detroit the other day by the Detroit Steel & Spring ('ompany, whose overstock of raw material was said to have made that action necessary.


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