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Hrrlet A. Warner to Martha J. Gray Sylvan 8 800 F. Sorg, byshertffto Anna"BeWÍñ'"Ann " Arbor Alonzj D. Dav. to Jorusha V. Nobïa, AdÜ Arb r oa( J. B. Dawsou by alt'y. tollïrï MÖÏtön"'AÏm Aroor H. J. Mann to Anna il. StëebT Ann"A'rbor ]ono Tho. Wilkinson u, ieo. V C'lark,"syTvan".' 'sKK. Auditor Gem-ral to H T. Morton, Saline 60 Auditor CñMie-ai to H. T. Morton, Ypsllantl 25 Mathew clarken, by adm to F. Besimer Ann irbor gj D. Kiesieart to N' Kiestead, Ann Albor.'".'.'.' 'ldo N. Kiesiead'o Willard Roath. Ann Arbor 110 Angcliue C'larKen to Mathew Ularken Ann Arbor 4, o C. Beahan to H. llurzel, Ann Arbor 2,nx Wm. ïuttle to A. F. Miles. YpsilantI 750 E. Gutekunst to N. Schmid. Manchester ... Ü50 F. Staebler to .lac. Knapn, Freeilom 2 (XK) F. D. Merlthew to N. 8enmid, M anchestfr. V& A. & O. A Hii;h to Lyman 8. Hulburt. SharoQ t 12 000 J. W. Gnmppcr to F. Stabier. Mancnetër'..'ñOO A. 8. Culburtson to Jos. Lowery. Sharon .. 2 000 Rachel Owen to Harriet Thompson, Ypsilanti 35 O.N. Conklin to C, W. Manifleld, Ypïilantl 5Qg DresBelhouse to J. I. & W. Gieske' Manchester , goog Milea Svveeiland to T. S. S.-arë' Bridgewater 4735 L. Oruner to Louisa Dolle, Ann Arbor .' '1.1O Robt. Cral)f to Nancy Crai. Saline Benj. Brown to Uottlfeb Abelie .Sclo 2 100 Benj Brown to F. J. and N. F. Beilly, Scio 2,4'K) L. M. C. Dwight to Benj. Brown. Scio 29t N. Dwtght by adm. to Benj. Brown, Scio... i 205 Jno. Devine by adm., to Mary Devine, Webster . 3 746 J.C. Demosh to Jno. & Lizzie Reddaway, Ypsilanti „ . f00 S. Tripp by heira to M. Brenner""Man" chester _ jq S. Tripp by heira to M. Bré'rjnër, "mTuchester _ 5Q S. Tripp by heirs to M. Uren ïi'eri" Manchester 15 Pratt and Burchard to Farmers' Baiik Grass Lake, Sylvan 1000 A. & R. M B ure 10 :. Pearson, superior...' 1 J. G. SchneMer to O. Schneider Scio 4 000 Jno. to Kate T. Schaffer, Ypsilanti ' 1