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The Democrats Won

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The city eleotion on Monday passed off quietly, both sid s making a siroDg efl'ort to elect tbeir ticket?, however. The demócrata gained a victory, but not a? essily u they had anticipated. The prevailing gentiment was that Alderman Reginald Spokes who was nominated for mayor by the republican city convention, would fall an easy victim to his opponent Chas. H. Manly, one of he atrorgest and best known demócrata in the cily. But ia this the demócrata were sadly mistakeu, as Spokes was defeated by only 110 votes, while a year ago Mayor Beakes had a plurality of 225. No strong fight was made on the president of the council for which the popular county clerk Fred. A. Howlett ran on the democratie ticket, and howed his popnlanty by receiving a plurality of 395 votes over Robert Campbell. The vote was light.only 1575 votes being cast agaicst 1725 list year. On supervisors not much stnfe was ihown except in the second ward, where Oesterlin had only 133 plurality, 90 tess than he had last year. John R. Miner was endorsed by the democrats of the flrst ward and had no trouble in being reelected. James Kearns, ex-register of deeds, was elec'.ed in the third ward, in place of C. L. Dow. Ambrose Kearcey, Amos Corey and J. W. Bennett were re elected iü the lourtb, fifth and sixth wards. In the first, second Bnd fitth wards the aldermanic fight was hot, Eugene Mann and C. -Eugene Mutschel who were nominated by the democrats and republicana of the first ward reepectively, are two of the 8trongest youug Germana in the city. The former however managed to secure a plurajity and was elected, givuig the deraocrats a rei reaenlatiou irom thu ward for the first time in everal years. In the second ward the strife was Detween Wm, Herz and Albert Sjhuraachtr, the form?r beine reelected by a gre&tly reduced plurality. In the fifth ward, where the democrats expeced littla trouble in electing their catididate, the votes were found to be a tie between Waker Taylor and James Saunders. In the f ourth ward the republicana endoreed W. J. Miller, and in ihe sixth ward the demócrata returned the compliment to L. P. Huil. Tha third ward elected Thomas Kearns, who has represented the ward on the council several times, by the largest plural, ty that any republican ever received there. As the demócrata have four of the six holdover aldermen, that party will have full control of the city government during the coming yeir. The couacil will stand four tepublicans to eight democratg, with the tie in the fifth ward uncounted. This will be diciled by casting lots at the next meeting of the couccil. The new city officials will commence ' the duties of their office next Monday. Tne supervisors Mand as btfore, two republicana and four democrats. Followiag is a detailed statement of the vote: MAYOB. Ist 2d 3ni 4th 5th 6th Tot. plur R. Spokes, R. 204 9S 171 86 67 87 716 C.H Mnly, D. 150 221 119 175 99 69 826 110 1. H. Warner, P. ïi 2 7 59 1 26 69 PRESIDENT OP COBNCIL. B. Campbell. R. 157 61 122 65 70 95 570 F.A. Howlett.D. 191255 171 196 91 55 965 895 P. Snauble, P. 26 5 7 11 S 22 74 SUPERVISORS. ( J. R. Mtner, R ..- 347 820 lat ward Demócrata endorsed Mluer (.O. W. Moore, P _ 27 {C. F.Schmld. R...„ „ ind ward E. Oesterlin. D 225 186 ( U. Markbam, P - 2 ( J. F. Schlandcrer R 109 d ward J. Kearns, D 180 13S (Colgrove, P - 7 ( J. M. Stafford, B f9 h WMd-i A. Kearney, D -..171 82 (.J.Sperry, P " I D. L Gates, B 72 &th ward- A. Corey, D 91 1 I N. Rokers, P _ - 2 ( J. W. Bennen, B 102 59 eth vuil H. T. Morton. D 43 (.H. Perfleld, P 27 ALDERMKN. ■ CE Mutschel, R 172 lat ward K. Manu. D 184 12 T. 8. Mann, P 26 (A. Schumacher, R 124 3d ward-i Wm. Her, D 196 72 (.O.H. Mltchell P 2 t T. Kearn, R 212 133 M ward { J. Walsn D „_....._..„._ - 79 i F. Ksslinger, P 9 f W. J. Miller, D. and R 258 241 4th ward-j W. Salyer, P 12 (.Scattenng - - ( J. Saunders, R - 82 6th ward W. Taylor, D 82 ( d. N. House, P ü .,, _.j f L. P. Hall, R. and D _ 144 U6 h waru J8_ D AlleDiP „ 28 CONSTABLES. ( Earls, R - 175 Kt ward-l Welnmann, D 178 S (Boylan, P - 2 (Schmidt, R _ 99 ld ward-i Gakle, 1) _ 215 114 (.Weinberg, P - e -, _„_ l Backhaus, R 182 7 d ward j Camplon D _ 103 SFreeman, R _ 80 Leonard, D 177 97 Strickier, P _ 12 Mh wardnR-:;:.;:::;;:::;:;;;;;;;-::;;;:iS M f Gldley, R 103 74 th ward]Sttllford'D - M n ward J(jll D 21 icourad, P 19 All Araand the Coniity. The returu9 (rom various parts of tbe csunty so far as they have been received, ghow the election of the following townsbip ofiBcers, neitber party gainiog or losing mueh from the usual resulu SALINE. Edward DePue, supervisor; W. P. Careon, clerk ; O. M. Kelsey, treasurer ; H. A. Hammond, justice; fteorge Peldkamp, highway commissioner. The entire ticket elected was democratie. YPSILANTI TOWN. J. J. Hunter, supervisor; George Crane, clerk; . J. Kelly, treasurer; W. II. Lay, justice; Ches. Fletcher, highway commissioner; M. G-. Moore, draiu commissioner; N. Watling, school inspector. The entire repubhcan ticket wa elected. TPSILANTI CITY. . Daniel Putnam, R, mayor; David EJwards, R., and Jas. Forsythe, D., cupervisors; F. P. Borgardue, D., justice; Frank Rathfon, R., W. W. Worden, D., Harlow Wells, R., Milo Shaffer, D., and Joha Terns, D., aldermen. With the hola-overs this makes tne city government republicao. AUGUSTA. W. L. Rogers, supervisor; F. J. Hammond, clerk; VV. A. Russell, treasurer; Frank Rust, justice; D. Hitchiogham, drain commiasioner; Frank Qotts, school inspector; I. Hitehinghatn and George Hammond, board of review; Jas. Bentley, H. Gable, H. Gotts and W. E. Porter, consttb'.es. All democratB. MANCHESTER. William Burtless, supervisor; Warren Kimble, clerk; Irwin Ulark, treasurer; M. T. Pront, justice; Wm. Heczie, highway comoiissioner ; N. Schmid, scnool inspector; M. Teeter, F. Sherwocd, J. G. Huber and J. Clsrk, constables ; M. T. Campbell and J. F. Spafard, Doard of review. The supervisor elect is a republican, the other oüicers being demLCrats. BBIDGEWATEE. Geo. Waltr, supervisor ; F. M. Palmer, clerk; H. R. Palmer, deputy clerk; J. K Lowery, treasure: ; M. J. Flynn and Franklm Johnson, jusucts; Ja;ub Blurn, hitjtiway commissioner ; Jacob Blum, drain commissioner ; Pnilip Blum, Jr., school iiieptctor ; Uñarles Tate, Criarles Gadd and Charles Bender, constables. All the olficers elected are democrais, tor the4first time in years. SYLVAS. J. L. Gilbert, supervisor; A. Wilkinson, clerk; Win. Bacon, justice; W. P. Schenk, treasuier; J. Keelaa, highway uommissioner; Arthur Cbapman dram cotutnifsuner; Luke Hagen, school inspeotor; M. Freer aad F. Sweetland, board of review. The treasurer, school inspector aud one member ot the board ot review are demócrata, the other cfficers being republicins. SALEM. A. C. Van Sickle, supervisor; F. C. WhBelár, clerk ; S. O Chapin, treasurer; Silas Pratt, Uhas. Kmgsley and D. D. Uook, juiticea; Calvin Austin, liigUway uümmi.-sioner; J. Quaukenbush, dram commissioner; J. Muna, school inspector; J. S. Rider, J. Öavory, A. Koe and A. L. Rorabaoher, constables. The officers elect are all republicana, excepting S. D. Cnapin and D. D. Oook. WEBSTSR. Edwin Bill, supervisor ; W. B. WiLon, clerk ; J. A. Cushing, treasurer ; Geo. W. Pnelpsi, jusii'je; Fuster Litchfield, nighway commissioner; Chas. R-Jgere, drain commissioner ; Bert Kenny, school iupptctor ; Henry Simms and J. H. Conlon, board of review ; (ieo. Brucklaeher, Jas. McColl, Wm. Soadin and J. H. Williams, constables. The democrats did not place a ticket in nonjiaation, so that the republicana elected the above without oppositiorj. AKN ARBOR TOWN. Thomas G. Burlingame, suptrvisor; Charles T. Parsball, clerk; Chas. Braun, treasurer; Walter S. Bilbie, highway commiasioner; John H. Cowen, school inspeotor; Augustus Savage and Henry B. Feldkamp, justicea; C. L. Tuomy and J. M. Braun, board of review; J. Fred Stabler, drain commissioner; Henry Braun, Cari Widenman, Wm. Burke and John Jetter, constables. The entire ticket elected is democratie. SUPERIOR. i Michael J. Howard, supervisor; Elijah L. Strang, clerk; James Gates, treasurer; Wm. Braun, highway commissioner; Geo. McDcragall, Fcliool inspector; William Geer, scbool inspector to üll vacancy; Geo'ge Burrell, drain commissioner; Séneca Bagley, justice; John W. Nanery, and Roben Martin, board of review Andrew 0. Gale, George Golby, Michael Eberly and Robert L. Clark constables. Tbe democrat9 were the 6ucce8síul candidates by msjorities ranging Irom 37 to 40, except for the cffice of highway commissioner thé republicana elect'ng Wm. Braun to this office by seven plurality. PITTSJULD. Morton F. Case, eupei visor; Benj. N. Smith, clerk; John E. Flegel, D., treasurer; Charles Mills, justice; Theo. J. Sinurthwaite, scbool inspector; Frederick Huizel, highway commissioner; Jame H. Webo, drain commissioner; member3 of board ot review, Mihon H. Begole and Frank C. Crittenden. A1I are republickns. ■oía Andrew T. Hughes, supervisor; John W. Barley, clerk ; Frederick Jedele, treasurer; John Heiber, higbway commissioner; Hirvey Allmeudinger, drain commissioner; Chas. W. SteDbius, school inspector ; James E. Dvií, justice; Charles S. Gregory, Wilham Aprill, board of review; John Weimer, Gustavus Spies, Patrick Sloan, Edward Fitz-immonp, constables. All are demócrata. BOAKD Or SrjPSSTISORS. Folio wing is the standing of the nezt board of supervisors, the demócrata having gained one supervisor, making the board stand 10 republicana to 18 demócrata: . Ann Arbor City, flrst ward, John R. Miner, R" " " fecond " Kugeue Oesterlin D " " M third " Jame Kearns, D. " " " lourth " Aiuhrose Kearney, D. ' " " flith " Amos Uorey. ü. ' " íiith " J. W. Beunelt, R. " " lowii, Thüs. BurliDgame, ü. Augusta, Walter Kugere, 1). Brlügewater, George Walter, D. Uexicr Jacob iedee, D. Freedom, Jacob Bieining, D, Lima, J. V. N. Gregory, D. Lodi, L. Svreellaud. l. Lyudou, Thos. Yuuag, D. Mauchealcr, Wm. BurtleM. B. Northfleld, Frank Punca, R. Pitisfleld, M. F. Case, R. Salem, A. Van Slckie, R. Saline, Edward DePue, D. Seio, Amlrew Hughes, D. Sharon, Albert Perry, D. Superior, Mlchael Howard, D. Syivan, James L. Gllbert, R. Webster, Edward BaU. R. York, Alfred Davenport, D. Ypsilantl town, J. L. Hunter, R. Ypsilanti City, flrst district, David Edw&rds. R. " " second district, James Forsythe, D.


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