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ROYAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of purlty, Ftrength and wholesome: ess. Mf re económica! than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in eoinpetition with the ii:ultitude ui' luw test, short weight alum or phospbnto powrters. Sold orily in Can. ROYAL BAKINO POWDEK CO.,106 Wall 8t.,N. Y. OITR 35 K.VT CWLDKH. Advertisements, such as To Rent. For 8ale, and Wants, uot exeeeding three line, can be Inserted three weeks lor 35 rrnla. W ANTEO. WAXTED- Glrl to do general hnusework. Apply at6 3owery. Mrs. F, Stufflet. 800 WANTEI- A young man to learn good trade. "Star Bakery,'' Wm. Salyer. 27 Washington gt. 800 WAJfTED- A partner in a gooil establlshed business, with a capital of Í8Í0. to $1000 Address J. 8., 1119, Ann Arbor. 00 W ANTEO- A boy to check hats and eoats at the General Library of the l'niversity. Cali at the Library for iulormalicn. 69 WANTED- At 33 S. Divlsion-st, a girl for general housework. 99 TlANTEI- For a year, suite of 3 or 4 nice unfurnished heated rooms in good locaüty. First floor preferred. Address"C" Kegister office, stating prlce and locality. 98 Boy to do janitor work for couree in Shorthand and typewriting. Inquire at School of Shorthand, 3d floor over tne drug store on State street. WNTKIt- Wedestre to Contract for building stone for four houses. Apply to Hamilton, Rose ! Sheehan. 98 WANTF.D- AGENT3- A gentlemen over 20 who is willing to work eight hours por day for Liïht and Hermanent Position. A ddress "H," with stamp, this office. 97 KOK SALE. FOR RALE- House and Lot. 43 East Huron st Enquire of A. S. Drake, Cook Home. 800 TIANO-For sale, Chickerint? Upright. Cost X $460; will sell for 250 cash, if sold sonn. Can be feen at No. 5 N. üniversliy ave. 8t-801 HO1TSF. AND LOT- For sale cheap; SI.100. on easy payrnents. Apply. 48 9. Mam st. 801 Fr SAI.E OK REVr- Fora term of years, a .esidence on Miller-ave. Nine acres of "land. Bood buildings, plenty of fruit. Enqulre of G w. Shetterly, at house, or C. J. Shetterly, No 10 Maln-st. 99 FfORSALE- Good farm work norse. Cheap for cash. J. M. Smffoid. No, 19 S. Maln-st. 99 FOR SAI.E- New milch cow, Jersey grade a gentle mare, cheap Rochester gang plows, Nia?ara grape vines, and other nursery stock W. F. Bird. West Huron st. 98 T7OR SALE- Me&t Mnrket, also new wagon r and Pony, good locación and a good trade can be done Good reaons glven for selling. For particular, apply 15 Willard st., Ann Arbor Mich. 98 FOR SAI.E- A seven room house on West Huron st., enquire of J. Rice Miner, Hamilton Block r 48 S. División st. 9s FOR At a hargain. New two seated carriage. Cost at factory !165. Bargalngiven. Alvin Wilsey. 98 OR SAliE- Good house on S.Divisonst. near William. Cheap & easy terms. C. T. Miller, 93 Shelby st. Detroit. 98_ UB SALE- Safe in first class conditlon, r made by the Detroit Safe Company. Apply to H. W. Douglass. 98_ ro SA I.E- By .1. L. Babcock, ft lots on corr ner Main and WilMam-sta., also 3 vacant lots on Spritig st., Felch addition. Inquire at Franklin House. 98_ FOK NA I.E- A five year old drlving horse. A fine surrey- nearly new- set singla harness&nd a side saddle. Addres "F," Register office. 85-tf ti-OR SAI.E- At a bargaiu, 15 acre fruit farm 1 one mile south of University. Nearly opposite new Hamilton audltion and city park. Fine resideuce and grounds. Cholee peaeh and apple otchards. also smsll fruits. If more land is desired will sell VPí acres adjoining. Inquire of Mm. B. E. Nichols, Ann Arbor, or of J. Q. A. Seslon'.No. 5 N. Main St. 06_ FOR SAL E- The large desirable frame house on the corner or Böwery and División Sts. Suitablefora boarding house or private family. For the sum of Ï2,8OO. Apply o Mr. J. Q. A. Sesblons. tf FOR RENT. TORENT- A farra of about 50 acres one mile north of tbls city adjoining the Hurou rlver. Adapted for garUening or mllk business. Apply to J. 8. Mann. No. a. Fourth st. 89 TO RENT- In part or wholc. a new house1 corner of East University Ave and Packardst 99_ FOR RF.NT- About May lst. one of the flnest stores in the city will be rented only for a first class business. Rent reasonable. Addreas X, care Ann Arbor Register office. 99_ TO REÏiT- Farm in Oakland County - 180 acres: soll good; fences and barns good; house fair: 200 apple trees. Cash rent. Will be at home Man-h 31. '90. Cali on or address A. M. Clark. 47 División street, Ann Arbor. Mich. 98 HISCEL.L.ANEOI7N. At 00 HEWAKD and no questions asked ij. - for the return of the cap and light black cheviot overcoat taken from Hobart Hall, Monday evening, Apr. 7, 1890. F. Ladd Sayler, Room 9, 20 S. I2th street. 0ü_ Wn. mEKIXG'S AU Steel Binders, Mowers, twine and repairs kept constant!; on hand at No. 1, 8. Fourtn-st , Ann Arbor by J. A. Marshall. Agt. 99_ NEW ORF.ENIIOPSE.- A good assortment of house and bedding plants. opposite Forest Hill Oi metery gates. J.Goodhew. 99 CAI.I. AT- MarvF. Miley'sand obtain abargain durlng the reduction sale for the next three weeks. 99_ LAlUiK IKIISK At Email plant price at Miller-Ave Greenhouse it belng Eastt r week. Good for churches. 99 E.TS W A TED-To sell the Singer Mfg. " Co's. Sewing Machines, in Washtenaw Co. Liberal terms t right men. Apply, tíinger office Ann Arbor, Mich. 99 GREAT Auction Sale of Real Estáte.- The . iowing riescrlberi property wil) be sold to the highest binder at the Miuth door ot court house on Saturday, the lOlb (iay of May at 10 o'clock a. m The store and land No. 4. E Huron-st. ; house and lots No. í 3 and 55 and heuse foundation and lol 57 on Detroit-st. The sale will be for ca--h A deposit snmrient to secure bids wiil be required. Deed to bedelt ered and balance pald within one week after sale. John Clancy. 801


Old News
Ann Arbor Register