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DR. HARTMAN'S GREAT LEOTTJRB ON SPBOIFIO DISBASB. TKRKI 111, F. l.IA Itll-Il I i:s FROH MODERN NOCIAI, CVSTOHS. A Lcctare tbat Everyone Shonld Read, Reflect 1'imiii and Obey. Specific disease is due to the presence of a peculiar poison in the system eonveyed by infection. Whether the poison saturates tne whole system first and afterwards breaks out into sores, or whether the sores are first, which poisons the system, are questions which have been discussed by the medical fraternity, but without any common agreement. The conclusions which my reading and experience have led me to are that it is an animal poison, not a microbe,which first effects only the part receiving the poison, and afterwarda the eore (chancre) contaminating the wholc system. SYMPTOMS. A few days after an exposure one or more small, innocent-looking blisters or water pimples make their appearance, which disappear of their own accord. For a short time after the disappearance of the blisters no symptom of any sort is noticed, and the patiënt quite commonly thinks all is over. Afier an interval, which varies in different cases, the glands in one or both groins become enlarged and painful. These may break and become running sores (bubos). After these disappear a respite from all symptoms is had again, which once more encourages the patiënt to believe that it is ended. The next thing to be looked for in the course of this dreadful disease is the appearance of a rash on the skin, congestian of pharynx, hoarseness and ulcerations af the tonsils. There is in some cases another interval of entire cessation of the disease after the above symptom subsides, to be again followed by a papular eruption of the skin and mucous membranes and occasionally falling of the hair, pains in the bones, and iritis (sore eyes). All these pass by sooner or later, and a long time of coparative freedom is now enjoyed by the patiënt. But the end is not yet. Small gnmray tumors make their appearance in the substance of the tongue, bones, skin and other organs of the body. A general vitiated, deteriorated condition of the whole body is very apt to follow, from which the patiënt never recovers unless properly treated. This most dreadful disea;seis very easily transmitted from one person to another. Hundreds of cases occur as the result of the most ordinary usages of society. The habit of putting pencils to the lips that have been used by others in the same way óught to be avoided. Drinking from the same drinking cup or glaes, using the towel, napkin, or knife that is used by others, each has bejn the rneans of spreading this awful disease among innocent people. The habit of indiscriminate kisping cannot be too strongly condenined, as it is a fruitful source of infection. A pipe, spoon, penknife, dental instruments, surgical instruments of many kinds, each have been the means of conveying this poison. Anything that comes in contact with a mucous surface which has had previous use by another person is Hable to spread the poieon. The milk, saliva, tears and perspiration of an affected person has been proven to be capable of causing the disease in another. TREATMENT. The external (local) treatment which is an important part of the management of any case vnll not be discussed in this article, but the reader is referred to the pamphlet "Hls of Life," or the medical work, "The Confidential Physician," where the subject is fully explained. But as to the internal (constitutional) treatment, which is the only hope of permanent cure, I dësire to show that there is an absolute specific in reach of all which, if taken according to directions, will cure every case. I refer to the compound known as La-cu-pi-a. It is usually stated in works on the subject that is takes from two to five years continuous treatment to eradicate this poison from the system, but a great many cases are permanently cured by the use of La-cu-pi-a in a years' time (or less even), although some cases require longer treatment. In the vast number of cases that come direetly or indirectly under my observation many are cut short in their career by the use of La-cupi-a. For instance, if La-cu-pi-a, with proper local treatment, is begun as soon as the first lesión appears, the disease is often entirely eradicated in the first year of its duration, and many of the otherwise tedious history of symptoms prevented. Old cases that have been allowed to run unchecked for a number of years find in La-cupi-a an unfailing remedy. It is the most perfect medicinal eompound ever yet devised for the treatment of this terrible disease, for it is equally applicable to it in all its stages and after effects (Sequelae), as well as the different ages and conditions of life which the patiënt may happen to present. It is wonderful the number of cures this admirable eompound makes every year, saving a multitude from lives of wretched misery.


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