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Hibbard'ü R-eumitic and Liver PJK No; [ia!] si) coramorly fillowing; ihe use oí Pili.-. They are adipled to both adulis and children. We guarantee they have no eq'ial in the cure of sick headache, constipution, dyppepsie, bilinomness, and, as an appetizer, they excel any other preparaüon. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Cliilil, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gaTe them Castoria. - - - - - - - - Ls Bruyere: A slave has but one ma8ter ; the politician has many. A l. í tor From Home. Savs:- I have med your Extract op Red Clov r in my faoaily for the past year, with gre t succesB, mere particularly as regard my wife who has derived Greater Bnd Permanent rtlief by its use, after suffenug and beine treated by many Physicians for jears. I conaider ít my family medicine. As a Tonic and spring and tall medicine it is without fqual. For Constipation, DysdepU and Ótcmich trouble it is wi hout doubt the very best medicine on the market to day. You are at liberty to ue this as you see fit and 1 shall be elad at any time to give my experience with your Extract of Rad Clover to any who rnay write er ecquire of me. Yours. J. A. Bei.yka, 293 High gt. W., Detroit. To J. M. Loose Rad Clover Co., Detroit, Mich. Write for further Testimonial?. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Cicero: The contemplaron of celestitl things wil' make a man both speak and thiük mure sublimely and magnificently whea decends to human aflairs. That's what maks a fly caiching baseball player hold his heud high in toe winter season. "Oae cent fcr seed." See page 5 of this issue. La Rochefoucauld : Few people know how to be old - and even they don't wtnt t0m_____ The maiden's lover is usually a man after her own heart. 'NOi 9" I3 not 8n old style of machine inproved, but ia built on new mechanical principies. The prima donna's precbus tones win her many precious stones. Ihe Standard. "I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla as having passed above the grade oí what are commonly callud patent or proprietary medicines," said a well known physician recenily. It is fu'ly entitled to be considered a standard medicine, and has won thispooition by its unduubted merit and by the many remarkable cures it has effected. For an alterativa and tonic it ha nsver been tqualled." A pound party - Queen Victoria. She's a sovereign, don't you see? "Every Nprlnic," Sys one of the best housewives in New Eogland, "We feel the necessity ot taking a good medicine to purifiy the klood, and we all take Hood's SirsaparilU. It keps the children Iree from humors, my husbanii says it g'ves him a good puetite, and lor mvf-ll' 1 nm sure I could ntv.jr do all my work it it was not for this splendid medicine, li mskes me feel strong and cheertnl, and I ara naer troublel with headaciie gr tint tired leeling as I used to be." ________ ____ It is hrd o h l;zy man to be truthful, he is bappiffit when lying. PU. KH, FILES, PII.KS. Loose's Rd Clover Pile Remedy, is a positive speoific for all form of the disease. Blmd, Bleeding Itjhinti, Ulcerattd, and Protruding Pilea. - Priïe 50c. Kor sale by Eberbich & S)n. 'One cent lor seed." See page ," of this hsu!. The man who is ' b )tind to get ahead" should take eire and tijver get a rod tt rough 1 quor. Al vlce To Jlcillicr.. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sfrup should always bo used for ohildren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the b8St remedy for diarrhoei. Trenty-five cents bottle.


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