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There is nothing green about the grass widow. The effect of usine Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup is UDlike all medicine contamine: opiate8 or poison, ir being enurely free from them. It cures il.eumatism by purifying ihe blood. A goor! joke i told on the pastor of a ehurcb ia this city, who al one t me was deliveiiijg ai interestint; series of unday evening lectures. He wrs unable, on account f si;kufs=, to be present íor a ccu.'1j of wpejci, but i'ii ti.e first Sunday that he was preoeut be aróse in the pulpit and delivereJ the idéntica] sermón that he haf! ven two week before, much to the amusement of his con greeratioD. We are not si sure whether tnis lit Ie incident happeued "a long time ago," or whether it wiis wilhin the payt few week but re ir:elined to think it was the latter. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup cures rheamatism by stnking at the seat of the distare acd resloring the k dneys and liver to healthy action. lf tnketi a sufficient time to thorougMy erad'cita such poison, it cever fil. Colton : The society of dead au'hors has the advantage of tt:at of the living : they can not teil us how much better their next books ere tobe than apy they evtr wrote before. It Is Foolisb To seod for the doctor every time you don't feel jast right. Mv doctor's bill for years was over one hundred dollars ayear, which made a pretty big hole in my wapes For the past two years, I only spent ten dollarc, with which I bought a dozen bottels of Sulphur Bitters, and heal h has ben in my family since using them. Robert Johnson, Machinis'. Aubcrn, N. Y., June 9. i E. C. Medicine Ca - i have been a great sufiferer frum kidney difflculties for a number8 of years. Have t aken all kinds of remedie s without beneSt till I heard of F. E. C. Kidney Remedy. I have taken two boules with most .gratifying results. I am entirely free from beadache (from which I was a constant sufferer), and belitve the worst forms of kidney diseaees eau certainly be cured by its up. Mes Chas. O Wheeler. 1 14 Genesee Street. La Bruyere: It is good discretion not to make too muca of any man at the fir.t, bfcaue one can not subsequently r. ie the ante high enough to ple;.se him. For Rheuin.itism, Lumuago, Neuralgia, Cramp, and Colic there is no remedy sup e rior to the genuiue Dr. Thomas' Eulectric 0.1. Fuller : Those passionate pergODs who carry their hearta in their mou'hs are raiher to ba pitied than leared. Snppje they should swnliow! Urauilmotber Kays ! When she was a g;rl her mother always gave her sulphur Mnd mulasses to purily her blood, but she uow gives Sulpbur Bittets to her granduhilJren, as it h the best mejicine she ever saw. - The Father. S.r Egerton Br) dges : Authors Lave not always the power or iiabiis ot throwing their talent into cotiVeisatiün. Some ot iherii stutter. I Wishetl I Was lu-ii't! Af ter sutfering several years with tl e Ltiucorrl.a!!, and no doubt 1 would have been, only a lady indueed me to try Sulphur Bitter-!. Now I am wel!. Thrte botil-is cu'ei mj. - Mrs. C'opps, Xewpori, 1!. I. Swift : Whtn men grow virtuous in their olJ age, they are merely thiuking of ruiming fur Presidency. Erytiptlas ai.d Silt Rtieum was driveti entirely away from Mr?. J. C. Anderson, Peshtig, Wi., by Burdock Blüod Bitters. Nj equa! as a Blood puriBer. Shakespear : Trust cot hi:n that hath oi ca broken faith with the brotherhojd and signed a league controct. i.irllrni'r 1 ;lll ll Stel Ard my money paid for it. After havirg Liver Complainta tour year, ai d spending money on nostrurn' and DoclorB who didn't help me, I tried Sulphur Bitters. Six bottles cured me. I shall always u?e them.- G. N. Butler, Cohoes, N. Y. The Socialist party ot (Jermany numbtrs now nparly a million adherents, not quite one-fiftielh of the empire's population. To ïorvout Debilitated Men. If you will send us your address, we well mail you our Ülustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming efifeots upon the nerrous debilitated syatem, and how tbey will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamphlet tree. If you are thus afll cted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial. Yoltaio Belt Co.. Marshall Mich. Shakespear : Beauty lives with kindness. Kindness buys the seaUkins and opera-boxes. "One cent for seed." See page 5 of this issue. Shakespear : Be thou as chaste as ice. as pure as snow, thou sball not escape the g"p. _________ The "Mother's Frleud" Not only shortens labor and leasens pain attending i', but greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child if used a few months before confinement. Write to the Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for further particulars. Sold by C. E. Eberbach. Bett: Never build alter you are five and forty ; go down to the exchange and epeculate. ,______ "One cent tor seed." See page 5 of this iasue.


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