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See the rew Patent Shirt Waists for oys at the Two Sariüi. Read their advertisement. . "One cent for Seed." See page 5 of his issue. Increase in other branches of my business, whereby greater attention is required, I have disposedofmy wall-paper stock, the removal of wbioh will be May 8t. For this reason, during the month of Api il, I shall sell any goods in this department at about price. If you intsnd uying any wall-paper in 1890 it will pay rou to improve this opportunity. Sale vill continue but one month. E. Kandall. After April first ladies wishing sweet Fersey Cream can ba eupplied at Mrs. Yale's 20 S. Siate-st 796 "One cent for Seed." See page 5 oí this issue. The T. A. A. & N. M. Ry will sell tickets on account of Easter Holiday, Apr. Llt'd and llith, at one and one third fare or the round trip. Tickets good to return April 22d inclusive. The Michigan Central Rail Road is now 8elling tickets to all points in Ohio and Pennsylvacia, via Detroit and Cleveland Steamers. This makes a cbeap, short and most desirable route for that tection of the country. The Michigan Central is the only raüroad that makes a reduction to the studentp, going home during the spring vacation. The annual meeting of the Ann Arbor Gas Company will be held in the ofñce of the company, No. 6 W. Huron-st., at 9:30 a. m. Mondar, April 14, 1890, for the election of officers and such other business as may come before the meeting. 798 "One cent for Seed." See page 5 of th3 issue. The markets are being flooded this year with cheap and adulterated buckwheat flouf. We cannot always meet the prices at which these are sold but we can guarantee an abaolutely pure buckwheat flour at a fair price. Reniember that Central Mills products are the best. Al.LMKNDINOKR & SCHNEIDKR. Bargalns. To make room for a large and handsome liae of Infanta' clothes aDd Ladies' underwesr, Miss Mry F. Miley will sell a large quantky of Z-pyrs, Germantown, Saxony, Shetland wool?, stampod goods, novelty braids, filüng eilk, etc., etc., at greatly reduced prices. Cali and see, at 20 E. Washington st. 99 ''One cent for Seed." See page 5 of this issue. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Look II 'i-c, itix.ins oIAiiii Arbor. The greatest oaedleal discovery of the nge. Tne Dr. R. MaeFarland'a Iadian Pili, a positive cure ior rheumatism, sciatic or chronic, inflammatory, eick and nervous headache and stomach disorders. It positively cures the above c implaints when used according to directions. This is a highly c incentrated preparation in pill form, eniirely free from all deleterïous ingrediënt?, a combined alterative and laxtive and bloid purifying remedy; and those who are efiLcted will do well to try this greatest of all diiOveries. Bo sure and get the genuine, see trade mark design on each box, a pink wrapper and yellow telescope box. Fifty pills in each box, Fifiy days treatment for one dollar. Solc ia Ann Arbor by H. J. Brown. Animal Meeting. The annual mee ing of the Ann Arbor Water Company will be held at the office of the company in the Hnmilton block, in the City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, on Wednesday, the 7lh dav of May, A. D. 1890, at eleven o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing officers for said company and for the transaction of any other business which may properly come before said meeting. The polls will be kept open one hour. The stock trassfer books wil cloBe on May (5, 1890. Alex W. Hamiltok, President. C. E. Hmoock, Seoy. March 29, 1890. UNIVERSITY HALL, ïïiday, April 25th. - ) u. of m. (- Glee and Banjo Clubs ! TioUelN on Sale Woliicln.y. April 23 at AndrewH A C'o.'s huI Wanr's Bonk Mure. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY, jMopday, jipr'il 2i?t. 1HE FA140U3 ORIGINAL Mendelssohn Quintetto CLUB, OF BOSTON. TIIOS. BÏAS, ... Director - 488I8TID BY- MISS ELIZABETH HAMLIN Prima Donna Soprano. PEICES: 35c, 50c and 75c. 8ORESERVED SEATS AT WAHR'S BOOK STORE.- YOU CAN G-ET IT Calkins' Drug Store 34 South State-st.


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Ann Arbor Register