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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organized 1869, under the General Banking Law of this State. Capital, ):0,000. fcp!, $100,000; Hal Asset?, $55:,1S5, Business Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ladies and othsr persons will find this Rank a Safe and Convenient Place at whlch to make Deposita and do businas. INTEREST 13 ALLO WED ON ALL. SAVINGS DEPOSITS of $1 OO and upwaide, accrrding to the rule3 of the ban, and interest! compouaded semi-annually. Money to Loan n Sums of $25 to $5,000. 8ECURED BY UNINCUMBERBD EKAL tSTATB AND OTHER GOOD SECURITIB DIRECTORS : - Ohristian Mack, W. W. Wines, W. . Harriman, William Deuble, David Rinsay, Daniel Hiscock and W. B. Smlth. OFFIGERS: - Christian Mack, President ; W. D. Harriman, VicePresidnt ; O. E. Hiscock, Cashier. . Eeüort of the Condiüon of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank At Ann Arhor, .M ichigau, at Ihe close of business, Dec. 11, 1889. RESODKOE3. LIABILITIES. Loansand D.scount 325.W1 81 Capital Stock paid in f 50.000 0 Stock, bondad mortgagce etc 1.7.6 gSaftfeH====rZ Ï55S 79 üverdraft. fi" D)TiaenI nnpald - 110 00 Due trom janks in reserve cities tü'23'J70 Commercial deposits 14I.S05 24 w-A-fj ■■- siwiasSi-ssSEEEï: x " School Dist. No. 1, Ann Albor 109 3 41 c erlificates of depoait 12 37151 Furmture and flxtures lfi Bills in transit 2,661 00 Qp MlcHIaAN Coü(iTy QF Wa8iitenaw. w. Ciirrem expense and taxes paid 2., 39 to , Cha8.e. HmoocB. Cashier of theabove uamed Checks and cash items wrj nu Bank, du tuiemuiy vw tüat tüe aiiove utateNlckele and pemiles 88 62 mem 8 irue, to thp heat of ray knowledseand ," 18,01)0 00 belief. (HAS. E HiWXX K. Cashier. 1 WK) 00 COKRFCT-Altwt 'HRISTíAN MACK, DaT7I tl&D. S. and Saturnal Bank aoK-, _J1 suUcribe.1 and sworn ■-:.-.. hm .4 I 681,768 51 lftï o.' December, UW) HENkY J M ANN,


Old News
Ann Arbor Register