Real Estate Transfers
Emeline Doty to E. A. Wallace et al., Ypsilanti 250 W. E. Potter to Franklin Peru, Augusta 500 C. F. BurKhart to E. A. Burkhart, Ann Arlf M# -A 700 Catheriü'e iïavenport to E. Davenport, York 3,500 H Arnold by ex., to Cari Nawroth, Norlhfleld 2,760 Hlram P. Lamb to J. A. McMahon, Manchester - 5.600 D. E. Culver 10 Amos Hall, York 6.S00 J. A A. Osborn to David Linsley, Augusta... 4,800 Sarah M. Grlswold to Rachel C. Cook, Saline - Ï1450 Ellen B. Tuttle to E. M. and J. Comstock, Ypstlanti - 10 W. M. Dewey, etal, to M. E. Miner, BridgeW. M. Dewëy" et' al, to jane C. Dewey 1 H. S. Holmee to V. D. Hendelong, Chelg 450 LymanH. Ames to J. V. & M. C. Koebbe, Saline 5,600 T. E. and j" w! Keating to Mary A. Keating. Aun Arbor WO T. E. Keating to J. W. Keating, Ann ArJjqp ww ,..... 2,5ÜU Martin M. Seabolt to Catherine E. Jonen, Ann Arbor 1.60 Frauk Braisted to Jane G. Barnes, peilantl 500 Franklin Cooper to Emery Chipman, Lima 5,500 G D Frederick to F. B. 5t C. Braun, Ann Arfoor 25 Matie Haeussler toJ. G. Feldkamp, Manchester 85" L. D. James to Seybolt & Allmendlnger, Ann Arbor 0 Zaraida Thompson to J. R. Miner, Ann Arbor LM? E. A. Gott to Galt and Miner, Ann Arbor.. 1 Miner aud Uutt to Clara A. Gott, Aun Arbor -' ! Clara A. Uott to Miner and Gott, Ann Arbor Gott and Miuer to Ed. A. Gott, Aun Arbor W. H. Wells to E. A. Uott, Ann Arbor 1 O B. Hall to Washtenaw Co. Agr'l and Hort'l Society, Ann Arbor 3,'00 Wm. McInteetoEmma Mclntee, Lyndon 3,000 W. W. ïozer to to C. K and M. A. Secor, Ann Arbor - 6000 M A Secor to W. W. Tozer, Ann Arbor... 2,500 Ma-y Phelps to E. and H. Knight, Sclo ariïi Lodl 2900 J). Comstock to Agnes Dresser, Ypsilanti. 1 Michael Nolan to J. and B. Eyans, Ypstlanti ! E. A. Ludlum to Geoige E. Moore, Ann Arbor i,'XI0 E A. Gott to Wm. Copeland, Ann Aibor 500 (ieorge Steeb to John Keppler, Salem 1 Isaac Dunn to H. B. Feldkamp, Anu Arbor - 6.00 Eugene and Mary Mclntee to Wm. Mclntee, Lyndon sfiOO
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Emeline Doty
E. A. Wallace
W. E. Potter
Franklin Peru
C. F. Burkhardt
E. A. Burkhardt
Catherine Davenport
E. Davenport
H. Arnold
Carl Nawroth
Hiram P. Lamb
J. A. McMahon
D. E. Culver
Amos Hall
J. Osborn
A. Osborn
David Linsley
Sarah M. Griswold
Rachel C. Cook
Ellen B. Tuttle
E. M. Comstock
J. Comstock
W. M. Dewey
Jane C. Dewey
H. S. Holmes
V. D. Hendelong
Lyman H. Amos
J. F. Koebbe
M. C. Koebbe
T. E. Keating
J. W. Keating
Martin M. Seabolt
Catherine E. Jones
Frank Braisted
Jane G. Barnes
Franklin Cooper
Emery Chipman
G. D. Frederick
F. B. Braun
C. Braun
Matie Haeussler
J. G. Feldkamp
L. D. James
Zaraida Thompson
John R. Miner
E. A. Gott
Clara A. Gott
Edward A. Gott
W. H. Wells
O. B. Hall
William McIntee
Emma McIntee
W. W. Tozer
C. K. Secor
M. A. Secor
Mary Phelps
E. Knight
H. Knight
D. Comstock
Agnes Dresser
Michael Nolan
J. Evans
B. Evans
E. A. Ludlum
Rev. George E. Moore
William Copeland
George Steeb
John Keppler
Isaac Dunn
H. B. Feldkamp
Eugene McIntee