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IKNOWN. M This Great Gcnnan Medicine Is the#. cheanestanrt best. 128 doses of Sl'L-# PHUUBITTE[{Sfor$1.00,les3than# 5 one cent a dose. It will cure thcF s □ worst cases of sMn diseasc, iromM a common pimple on the ïnccM íf Hito tiiat awful disease Scrofula. fii IDSULPHUH BITTERS 18 thejf ■II best medicina to use in all# " III cases of such stubborn andfour jijj. llldccp seated diseases. Lo#neysarccut lUnot ever tako ffotoiüer. Use BLUE PILLS J&Eiiïp'FS Ilormercury,they are dead#ö1 „ „ i t HU II the purost and bestia0-1' use Hlmediciuüevermade. „jplmp BïtterS 1 III KsIsyourTongueCoatecliy ' SS IK1 with a yellowst!cky#fcon't walt nntll yon U substance? IsyourJ'are unabletowalk.orlli breath foul andJfare flat on your back, I offensive? your#but get some at oncc,itl stomach is ont'will cureyou. Sulpliurl II of oi-der. Use# Bitters is H8übittebs # ïnTalid's Friend. S SSimmeiliatelyrtieyonnfr.the aged and tot III Is yonr Vi'-Wtering are soon nuwle well by II III ine thick,jrits use. Rcmember wliat you 1 Bi roiiy, clo.-cad here, it may save your I lludy, OTM[te, it has saved hundreds. II g. #Don't wait until to-morrow, I Try a Bottle To-day ! 3 M Are you low-spirited nnd weak, II] 3 Mor suffe'rins frnm the exrtesses ofll a#youth? If so, SULPUUK BITTEEsl II 'Wwill euro yuu. Send 3 2-ccnt stani))8 to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., for beat medical work puölislieU? If You Have CONSUMPTION COUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affecticn 6CROFULA WastingofEesh Or any DImim trhm Ou Throat and T.ung mr Inflamed, Lach cf Btrtngth or A'ern Fmrer, you can b relUsted and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN PURE CODL1VER OIL With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK. AJc for Bcott'B Emulsión, and let no ex ptanafto or loücttation induce you to meerpt a tuhtUtute, Sold by all Drugglsts. 8COTT fc BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y. WANTED. Aents in citles, towns, viUmjos and the country, u sell our apéela! selections of Oigan on our nen plan. CommisHion lure, For particular addrees PREMIUM CIGAR CO.. 161, 163 & 165 Rantiolph St., Chicago, III. FOR MEN, STRENGTH Over 100 testimoniáis received in one week to GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Gives vim, forcé, vigor and never fausto cure. PAMPHLET FREE. Theveryreadingof it wiU increase your self-conifeThtBrty Medicine Co., n8, FOR GRAIN RAISERS. Can they make money at present prices ? YES! HOW? By keeping the soil rich, By cultivating it .well, By using the best seed, THEN Have their Grain and Seeds Threshed, Saved and Cleaned BY THE NICHOLS & SHEPARD pjgTRRATOR It will handle Grain and Seeds FASTER, BETTER and CLEANER, than any other Thresher. It will save enough extra grain {which other machines zvill waste) to pay all threshing expenses, and often three to five times that amount. It will Clean the Grain and Seed so much better that you can get an extra price for it. It will do your work so much QUICKER, so much CLEANER, and so free from WASTE, that you will save money. SuchThreshing Machinery is made only by Vi _g=jt - f -J11" i ftMwTC TT"?.11 M m31 ï First CLas9 f- - mZéJkJmt ANCf qns X ie I.arjretit, Fatct and Flneet In the World. PfiWngiTf Hccomufiationa unexcelled. NEW YORK. LONDONOERRY AND GLASGOW. DEVONH. AprU26. I ANCHORIA, May 10. CIRCASSIA, May 3. I ETHIOP1A, May 17. HEW YORK, QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Th e Cel cbrated I May 8d M ay :s 1 st. ut CITY OF ROME. ! JmieüHth; July üöth. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rateson lowe&t tonus to ami frm tho principal SCOTCH. ENGLtSH. IflISH ND ALL CONTI M E tlTAL POIRTS. Excursión tickets Bednoed, marie avallable to return hy BithtTthepieturenqueClyde, KiverMbrey, North or South of Irelami Naplf s or (iibraltir. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT AND DRAFTS at lowest cur"ent rates. Apply to ony of our local eent, ur to HENDERSON BROS., ChicaBO.._ '. W. MKKAII, I.m-nl Axral.


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