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Snved From Consumpll m. Sevfrsl nhysician predicted that Mr. Asa B. Rowley, Druggiest, cf Chicago, would soon hhve consutnption cauaed by an aggravated esseof Catarrh. Cus'omers finnlly inrluced him to Iry Cl irk's Extract o' Flax (Pipillon) Catarrh Cure. Hesays: 'The result was unprecederjted. I cora oienced to get well after ihefirst npplica tion and am now, sfter a few week, entirely eurel." It wiil do th sarae with you. Price $1 00. Try Clarke's Flax S'-p for Skin ai d vou will sa do other. 25. cents. All of Clik'a Fl-ix remedies are for sale by Eoerbach & S n. Never Neglect a constipated condition of the bowels, or serious results surely follow, suoh as piles, impure blood and many chronic oomplaints. Burdock Blood Bitters is the remedy. The cost of a high clsss eight-wheel passenger locomotive is about $8 500. ííVT. Ql! Ssws fast and makes a Li Q, W perfect stitch with all kinds of thread on all clas3es of material. It is always ready. There are 208,749 railroads bridges in the Uaited Siates, spanning 3,218 miles. "Why doesn't he take Hood's Sarsaparilla?" is the general inqu ry of friends when a person Buffers froni any disease of the blood. The highest railroad bridge in the United States is the Kmzua viaduct of the Erie road - 305 feet high. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup curea rheumatism by striking at the seat of the distase and restoring ihe k'dneys and liver to healthy action. If taken a sufficient time to thoroughly eradicata such poison, it never fails. Quinsy troubled me for twenty years. Since I started using Dr. Thomas' E ;leotric Oil, bave not had an attack. The Oil cures ore throat at once. Mro. L;tta Conrad, Standii-h, Mlch., Oct. 24, '83. Weak back and depressiou of spirits, with sharp shootiug pains in the región of the Kidneya, always indícate that those organs are unheahhy or diseased. The F. E. C. Kidney, Blood and Liver Remedy will relieve you in a few hours. Tbe average daily earnings of an American locomotive is about $100. It Is Foolisb To send for the doctor every time you don't feel just right. My doctor's bill for years was over one hundred dollars ayear, which made a pretty big hole in my wapes For the past two years, I only spent ten dollars, with which I bought a dozen bottels of S jlphur Bitters, and health bas been in my family smce using them. Robert Johnson, Machinist. The cost of a palace sieeping-car is $15000 and if "vestibuled," $17,000. In Texas they believe in answering a fooi according to bis toJIy. To Kcrvmi. llcliili tntvi KIen. If you will send us your address, we well mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr. Dye'g Celebrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the norTous debilitattd system, and liow they will quickly restore you to vigor, and manhood. Pamphlut Iree. It you are thus affl cted, we will send you a Belt and Applianeps on a trial. Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall Pugilists, when on their guard, advance and give the countersign. "One cent lor seed." See page 4 ot this issue. A man is like a lock, in tbat both ere "hot" by turuing the ti'.mbler.


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