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t'hange of Telephone. Those wishing hacks or carriaes or lo do any business with Holmes' University Livery, can leave orders at Calkios' Drug Store, State-Bt. 00 Children Cryfor Pitcher's Ca6toria. "One cent for seed." See page 1 of his issue. ItnruuiiiN. To make room for a large and handsome line of Infanta' clothes and Ladies' underwear, Miss Mary F. Miley will s-ell a large quantity of Zepyrs, Germantown, Saxony, Shetland wools, stampud goods, novelty braids, filling silks, etc., etc., at greatly reduced prices. Cali a-d see, at 20 E. st. 99 Mr. M. Haller, the furniture man, calis in this week's advertisment the attention of the public to his carpet satnpl s. He says the gystem of selling carpt ts works splendidly, lar beyond his expectatiot s. He can show about one hundred different patterns, and has just received few a more fine Body Brussels and Tapestry Brussels First-clase, latest style Carriages and Prompt Service at Holmes' Universiiy Livery. 00 Norman Wood, Esq., of Sjline, and C. K Godtrey, Esq , of this city tre the latest victima to the charras of the Ouild piano. To see it and Lear it is enough. It eells at sight. Alvin Wilsey is state agent. "One cent for seed." See pige 4 of this issue. Lonk llrre. Ciliiem of Ann Arbor, Tbe greatest nedieal discovery of the age. Tne Dr. R. MacFarland's Indian Pili, a positive cure for rheumatism, sciatic or chronic, inflammatory, sick and nerveus beadache and stomach disorders. It positively cures the above c mplaints when used according to directions. This is a highly concentrated preparation in pill form, eotirely free Irom all deleterious ingrediënt, a combined alterative and laxtive and blood purifying remedy; and those who are efflicted will dj well to try this greatest of all di coveries. Be mre and get the genuine, see trade mark design on each box, a pink wrapper and yellow telescope box. Fif'ty pills in eaoh box, Fifty days treatment for one dollar. Sold ia Ánn Arbor by H. J. Brown. Leave orders for Holmes' University Livery at Calkins' State-st Drug store. 00 'One cent for seed." Sse page 4 of t lis is!-ue. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Alumni Bleetlnic. The annual meeting of th Ann Arbor Water Company will be held at the office of the company in the Hamilton block, in the City of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, on Wednesday, the 7th dav of My, A. D. 1890, at eleven o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing officerg for said company and for the transaction of any other business which may properly corne before said meeting. The polls will be kept open one hour. The stock tr&asfer books will close on May ü, 1890. Alïx W. Hamilton, President. C. E. Hiscock, Secy. March 29, 1890. Wg Ars Ready for 7ou Have just received the finest and moet complete assortment of GARPETS Straw Mattings, Lace and Heavy Curtains, Window Curtains, Etc, Ever shown in the city. You wil] be delighted with the beautiful patterns we are showing in both IMGRA1N & BRUSSELS, And especially with the LOW PRICES we are ofiering them at. It will be useless to say mucli about our stock of FURNITURE As everybody admits that it Is the Largeet, Newest and most complete In the county and that Our Prices are the Lowest. We only want to add that we have secured the agency for nome of the beat Furniture manufactured by NELSON, MATTER & CO., PHCENIX FURNITURE CO., and other leadiner manufacturera. Also of the WELCH, THE WINDSOR and other F0LDINQ BEDS. Fineaud LOW-PEICED Chlldren's GarriaIf e. A large assortment at Bargains. We guarantce to make our Prices the Lowest. Hoch & Henne 156 A a S. Haln-kt. Aun Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Register