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Business is quite lively in Milán tbis week. Mrs. Elisa visited Ann Arbor, Wednesday. Miss Onie Williams visited Ann Arjor, Friday. Tbere are several vacant houses for rent this spring. Miss Millie Hitchcock is teaching school at Ir burg. The Sons of Veterans will visit the Dundee camp this week. Andrew Callis is improving his store with a new coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. F. Leonard and son visited Mooreville, last week. Mrs. J. C. Rouse left for Saline, Tuesday, to visit friends for a week. Mrs. G. R. Willjams returned from her Ann Artor visit, Thursday. Mrs. H. Sill and daughter are visiting friends in Detroit, for a few weeks. Mr. Zimerman moved his, furniture and jewelry goods into his 'new store, Monday. Robert Swayze and family moved to Weiland county, Ont., the last of the week. Prof. Stanley and sister, of Belleville, cilledon their Milan friends, last Saturday. The sugar refining group are once more domiciled in Milan, at their several homes. G. W. Begole and family have moved into Mrs. Chas. Stever's house, on Wabash-st. Rev. Jay Huntington and daughter returned Friday, alter a three weeks' absence. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Reynolds entertained friends from Detroit, the last oi the week. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, of Mississippi are visiting in Milan and vicinity, for a few weeks. I. M. Putnam & Co. have moved their goods from H. Zimmerman's into A. M Callis' store. David Jacobs sold a span of horses Friday, for $1,000, to a purchaser from St. Louis, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whaley, and Mr í nd Mrs. Geo. Whaley visited Leondona the first of the week. Dr. Chapin attended the County Medical Association at Dr. Kapp's residence Ann Arbor, Friday evening. County-st can boast of a lady whose age counts up to 99 years. Her name is Cecil, and she is well and happy. Mrs. H. M. Burt has moved her goods from A. M, Callis' store on Main Bt. to the "old brown store" on Bauer-8t Harry W. Edwarda is Milan's chieken surgeon, and a successful surgeon he is as a hen with a wooden leg will testify W. E. Goddard, of the University gave the young people at the Presbytc rian church a fine talk, Sanday eve ning. Dr. Haskell, of Ann Arbor, piejchec at the Baptist church Sunday. His sermón was full of interest. He spoke feelingly of Rev. J. Huntington's bereavenient, in the loss of his beloved wife. YpKllnntl. Perry F. Powers was in the city from Cadillac, last week. Prof. and Mrs. Cleary are houeekeeping on Huron-st. Geo. Alexander, of Cleveland, epent Sunday with his mother. H. P. Glover has invested largely in Jefl'erson-ave property in Detroit. Herb. Huniphrie, of Kalamazoo, spent Sunday with Ypsilanti friende. Mr. "Hon." Spencer, of Lansing, son of Capt. Spencer, formerly of this city, is visiting friends here. Kev. Mr. Chase, who is connected with Alma college interests, filled the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian ehurch1 young people, is a little over a week oíd and has 75 members. Mr. E. W. Boothe, of Detroit, had charge of "the Y. M. C. A. meeting Sunday p. m., and gave a very iuteresting and useful talk. The Normal News prizes for the oraorical contest are display ed in Dodge's window and certainly are very handome gold badges. The Y. W. C. A. members count up to 50 now and a more flour;shine associaion is hard to find. Instruction in nearly all branches is given each week. Mrs. Alexander, whose boarding house has been so popular for years among our ■ best people, especially eachers, has concluded to give up the louse after the close of school, and join ïer sous who are in business in Cleveand, Ohio. A "Bainbow" Social will be given at he beautiful home of Mrs. Helen Svift, nexfc Friday evening, for the beneflt of he Young People's Mission of Presyterian church. A 'Vuggestive menu" will be servid and 15 ceuts will be douated by each guest when the bat is lassed around. The Y. M. C. A. are receiving instrucion in conversational Germán by a young chap who gets the pronounciaion down fine but who displays supreme indifference to little matters of he comnionest grammatital construcion. However, such little things will e unnoticed by the teutonic element of uis city.


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