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Chenp Excuralons lo Kangas and tlie West. For a number of years the people of t) e East have had do opportunitj to visit ilie Farmbg and Stock Country in the Wm during the Spring Time at low railrotd rates, but th;s jer the Sar.t Fe Rule (Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroar) hun decided to give such an opportunitj , and will i-eli excursión tickets on ihe rV ' named below, at such low rales that tb cost of the trip will be witbin the reach c any person who thmks of going Went to purchase a farm. The two dates fixed up on for these cheap excnrsions are Tuesdav, April 22nd, aud Tuesday, May 20tb. The tickets will be sold only on these two dates, and will be good for return for thirty days from date of eale. On these rates you can reach any point on thtbanta Fe System in Sansas, Indian Terntory, Texas, Colorado and New Mexico. Through traics run frcm Cr ieagc and from Kansas City ovtr the Atchion Topeka & Santa Fe Ra:lroad. Rialto Buildinp, Chicago, I'L Jno. J. Byrne, Assf. Gen'l. Pr. Agt. It is probable that Mrs. Francis Modgson Burnett will not return to tb country from abroad unill nert fall. Susan Coolidge willjoin the literary exodus to Europe this summer, and inttndf to reinam abroad for tix monihs. Tennyson has quite recovered from bil rectnt illuess, and is erjoying tl e prim roses and the violi-ts of his beautifu! island. Fonnd In tbe Kewpaper. From the Cresco, Iowa, "Plaindeiler.1 "We have Lever, as our readers for nearly thirty years in this country can testify, written a 'puft' of any pateoi medicine. Duty as well as inclination impel us to depart from this studied silenoe, to say to our readers and the public that, havmg been cempletely prostrated with violent and distressing ccld, after three days fighting it with ordinary remedies and gettiDg no relief from their use, we obtained a bottle of Ciarke's Extract oi Flax (Papiilon) Cough Cure, obtained alrnost instant relitf and a steady improvement under its use." Lsrge bottle' only $1.00. Ask for Clarke's Flax Soaü "Best on Eaitb," 25 ceutg. Both th above for sale by Ebeibach & Sjn. Carasolettes of crimson, crinkled tissue are adjusted to the gas-buroer in such a way that the light stre&im down throuth the inverted shade. To Nervona Debilita tel Men. It yon will .-end us your auarew, we wll muil you cur iilustrttd explaining all about Dr. Dye's Celtbrated Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects upon the nervous debihtated system, anii how they will quickly restore ycu to vigor, and manhood. Pamphlet tree If you are thus affloted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial. Voltaic Beu Co., Marshall Mich. Girls in bright red jackets of box cloth are seen in the park every afttrnoon, walkirg or drivirjg. Wbat It Costa Must be carefully considered by the great msjority of people, in buying even necessities of life. Hood's Sarsaparilla commends itself with special lorce to the great middle classes, because it combines positivo economy witb great medicinal power. It is is the only medicine of whieh can truly be said ''100 Doses One Dollar," and a bottle taken according to direciions will average to last a montb. If every body's business is nobody's business, what becomes of the idea that "the ïrjury of one is the coDeern of all?" _______ 18 Negroea ! Who 1-ft the United Siates for Liberia last year have lately returned, being unable to stand the olimate. Everybody going to a new chmate should have a b.)ttle ol Sulphur Bitters with them as a safeguard against diease. - Hartford Courant. Advice 'lo tloilKT-. Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should slways be used for nhildren teething. Il soothes the child, soitens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Tsventy-five cents bottle. The poet Whittier is represen te d by a friend as iudiscriminately declining all proposals forliterary woik, owiDg to feeble health. We oan ill aíFord to have this poet hBag up his lyre. Acute and chronic rheumatism cn be effectually and perman'ently cured by the use of Hibbard's Rheuma'.ic Syrup and Piasters. IE you want to seem tall and comroandins; ca ry a white parasol and weara white hat or white aigrette. Hibbard's Rheumatio Syrup cure9 rheumatism by striking at the seat of the disease and restoring the kidneys and liver to healthy action. If taken a sufficient time to thoroughly eradicate such poisoD, it cever fait?. Stated by H. B. Cochran. druggist, Lancaster, Pa. Have guaranteed over 300 bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsis, sour stomach, billious attackp, liver and kidney troublea. Mary J. Holmes, the noyelist, received roynlties on 77,000 copies of her books sold during 1889, Bhowing that littrature, with some, is productivo of satisfactory resulta. Hogg was only a fourih-rate poet, but he is the only literary man who ever had a pen named after him. Sume Kemarkable Cures ot deafneas are recorded of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric üil. Never fails to cure earache. A black fan of turkey's feathers is coneidered chic with tue most delicate evening toilet. Wfcen a man turns to oue for advice, nine times in ten the advice given turns to naught. In its treatment of rheumatism and all rheumatic troublee, ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup stands first and foremost above all others. Read their medical pamphlet and learn of the great medicinal valué of the remedie which enter into its compofi tion.


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Ann Arbor Register