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eol Ad vire, Showlng Reaalt. Edward Silvey, Chiogo, eive testimony: "My wue bad Catarrh twentyfive yera ; suffered severeiy for six. years belore she began to use your remedy TTnable to breath except through the mouth; in most cntical conditioD. Tried ererything without relief, when Dr. Streeter adviaed her to buy Ciarke's Extract of Flax (Papillo ,) Catarrh Cure. Relief followed icnmediately. She continued to use it until she is now entirely cured. Her bealth has not been so good in many years." Price $ L.00 Waan the baby with Clarke's Flax Soap. 25 cents. Eberbach & S n, Druggists, now have tha Fiax remedies on hand. Just about these penitential times Fl ra McFlimsey and her mamma are bugi.y engaged in superintendiDg the preparación of Spring finery. James T. Gott, Carinl, III., Says : He paid thirty-one dollars doctor's bill for his wife in one year, and one botile of Bradfield's Female Regulator did her more good than all the medieine she had taken before. H. Dale, Druggist, Carmi, III. Wnte Bradfield Regl. Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by Eberbach & Son. The intellectual girl, now known as a BrowDingite, is said rarely to be a good dancer. IMclurs ! Of all the different schools in the country, have thou8ands die every year of Bright.g disease of the Kidneys, who could be living to-day if thsy had used Sulphur Bitters. They are unequalled in the world for all diseases of ihe kidneys. - New Haven Union. Windmiil t.tyle of waluing in women requires the arms to swing to and fro at ewy strut. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup and Piaster . are prescribed by the leading phyeiciaus of Michigan, its home state, and are remedies of unequalled merit for rheumati8m, blood disorders and liver and kidney complaints. It comes with the highest reoommendations. Mrs. Ednah D. Cheney, the biographer of Miss. Alcott, has written a sequel to Isben's "Dolí Hjuse." She calis her book "Noto's Return," gives her heroline a caleer, and present, it is said, "a moral lesbon with reference to the ennobling and advancement of women." The effect of using Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup is unlike all medieine containiug opiates or poison, it being entirely free from tbem. It cures rheumatism by purifying the blood. Hrs. Charlea Bigot, daughter of an olil Chicagoan, Healy, the painter, has written a story, of which the scène is Lid in Paris. It will be publisheJ by McClurg. When Baby was sick, we gaTe her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, sbe gave them Castoria. When fashionable affection is concent ated on dogs the children can safely go swimm: g. Hibbard's Rheumatic and Liver Pilis. No griping pain so commocly following the use of Pilis. They are adapted to both adults and children. We guarantee they have no equal in the cure of sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, bilinousness, and, as an appetizer, they excel any other preparation. WHO BUYS THE Boardman & Gray pi]sro p Many Good Musicians: WHO SELLS THE Boardman & Gray The Allmendinger Fiano & Drgftn Co. Faotory: Oor. lst and Washingtonsts.; Salesroom, 38 S. at. Agents for Steinway, Haines Bros., Boardman & Gray, Ivers & Pond, Newby & Evans and Opera Pianos. LEW H. CLEMENT, Manager Retaii. Departm't. Keep Cool! E. V. HAÑGSTERFER WILL FURNISH ICE FROM APRIL lst AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: Per month. 25 Iba. daily, except Sundays $4 00 5 " 4 times per week 3 50 25 " 3 3 00 25 " 2 " " " 2 00 Hotels, Restaurants, etc, 500 lb.Jots, 40 cents per hundred. It will be to your adyantage to conract at once, as prices will undoubtedly advance June lst.


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