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C. Q. Taylor has been granted a patent on a forge tuyere. ____ The aewjsidewalks leading to the oourt house are being constructed this week. Rev. Dr. A. H. Strong, ofthe Rochester Theological Serainary, will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist church next Sunday. Mr and Mr. J. W. Robison celebrated their 'wooden wedding, by giviog a party to a small number of frienda, Monday evening. The remains of the late Rev. T. O. Gardner wete brought here from Hint and interred in Forest Hill cemetery, lagt Thursday. __ A tramp who called himself Fred Smith was genteneed to jail for three days by Justice Pond, Saturday, on pleading guüty of vagrancy. One of the pleasantegt socials of the season was that given to the Students' Christian Association at the Baptist chureb lost Friday evening. Welch Post, G. A. R. was inspected, Tuesday evening, by Post Inepector Pistoriou=, who was well satisfied with ihe condition of the post. Charley Stephens and family have moved to Ann Arbor.- South Lyon Excelsior. All right, Charley, we stand ready to welcome all new-oomers. Ray B.Fall gave his young companions a pleasant party at the home of his father, D. C. Fall, Saturday, to celébrate the eighth anniversary of bis birlh. Coropany A will meet, Monday evening, and again attempt to elect a captain, M C. S. Fall, who was elected a few weeks ago, will not accept the position. Fred Schumacher, wbo has been in the employ of Schairer & Millen ior several months, has purchased an interest in the business of F. G. Schleicher and began his new business, Monday. The Board of Health met for orgaD Catión, Monday evening. Eli W. Moore was elected president, and Dr. W. F. Breakey, htalth officer. Martin Clark was appointed special inspector. On Tuesday evening at a regular meeting of the Young Ladies' Society ot the Bethlehem church, the first money for their new church fund wa9 raised by them and ie now deposited in the bank. A number of the b:cyclists of the city met at the rink last evening to diseuss the advisability of foroiing a bicycle club. A meeting will be held at the same place, Mondy evening, for organization. Arbor Tent, No. 296, gave a pleasant banquet and social party to the members and their families, at the rink, last Friday evening. Over 250 were present and the event was a mest erjoyable one. Miss AlU E. Wilmot, formerly of Ann Arbor, has had a picture accepted at the salon, Paris, Franca, the largest and most important exhibition in the world. She intends to start for Eogland this week. The Ann Arbor Street Railway Co. met in Detroit, Monday, and organiced by electing the following officers : R. J. McLauhlin, president; J. B. Corliss, secretary and treasurer ; C. S. Fall, superintendent. Rev. Max Hein, of Appleton. Wi., will be installed es pastor ot Zion church in this city, next Sunday moraing at 10:30. Rev. O. F. EL Meiser, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, Detroit, will conduct the inatallation ceremonies. The annual encainpmeul of the Sons of Veterans will be held at Lanaing, June 30 to July 5. J. T. Jacobs' camp ol this city should press the claims of the Athens of the West as a suitable place for holding the encampment next year. The common council held a special session, of about fitteen minutes duration, Monday evening, for the purpose oi passing upon the modest bond for $80,000 which tbe treasurer presented. They considered it goed and accepted it Gov. Luce has appoiDted M. H. Lañe, of Kalamazoo, and C. H. Richmond, ot this city, to have charge of Michigan1 interests at the World's Fair at Chicago in 1892. The appointments are good ones, especially that of Mr. Richmond. J. L. Babcock'8 "park" on the corner ol Main and Williams-sts, which by the way ha never been turned into the beautiful breathing spot that rumor aaid it was to be a couple of years ago, has been leased for the sëason for lawn tennis courts. Tbe Washtenaw Baptist Association held a meeting at Manchester, last wei k Wednesday, at which tbe following office! g were elected : Rev. J. L. Cheney, of Ypsilanti, moderator; Rrv. E. A. Carman, of Ann Arbor, clerk ; W. J. Canfield, of Ypsilanti, treasurer. General Newbetry dropped in on company A, Monday eveniner, for the purpose of maktng an official irjspection. The boys were thoroughly drilled by Major Millard, and Lieut's Dengler and Campion, and acquitted ihemselves to the satiefaction cf the inspector. Chas. K Hisoock now wearg a handsome gold, diamond-mounted chtrm which was presented to him, Tuesdsy eveuing, by his fraters of Ana Arbor oommandery, as a token of thfir esteem and in appreciation of his services as eminent comr.iander during th nn-t two years. A. II. Heriou, tüe new editor of the South Lyon Picket, considera life worth liviDg now. He was married on April 25, to Miss Hattie E. Warren, of New Hudson, and smce that time his paper has had a brighter aud sunnier appearanca. Here's suocess to both of his ventures. A radical change is to be made in the running of trains on the Michigan Central after next Sunday. A new train, the Jackson accommodation, will be put on, going east about geven a. m., and going west about 7:30 p. m. The Grand Espida express will be made a fast train, nanking ooly two stops betweeo Detroit tnd J ackson. Two stuborn jurymen kept ten others and the deputy eherifif up uil last rugnt, contesting that the plaintiff in a sheep case should have $3 damages. After breakf8t this morning they agreed upon a verdict of no cause of action. It being the 65th anniversary of C. W. Sawytr's birthday last Saturday, his two daughters, Mrs. W. J. Colgrove, of Ann Arbor, and Mrs. W. B. Gildart, with their husbands and families, gave him a surprise at his home in Lyndon, and enjoyed the day very muoh.- Siockgridge Sun. A certifled check for $800 was received by tbe city officials trom J. B. Corlise, of Detroit, yesterday, as an additional guarantee that the street railway will be mnnirg in this city by Sept 1. Mr. CorliBS writes that the oompany will commence laying track within the next three weeks. The Wathtenaw County Baptist Association held its annuul meetmg at Manchester, last Wednesday and Thursday, a large delegation attending trom this city. The session was an interesting one, reports showing tbt two churches had been resuscitated in this county during the year. , Clare Duranrl, who hs been in the employ of the American Express Co. in this city for severnl years past, has been compelled to resign his position on account of ill health. His place will be filled by Elmer Hammond, of Chelsea, who has been in the meseenger service of the company. E. L. Scruggs, ayourg colored man and a recent gradúate of the Baptist Theological Seminary at Chicago, occupied the pulpit at the Baptist churih, Sunday evening, and preached a brilliant and interesting sermón. He will probably be called to take charge of the colored Baptist church in this ciiy. The council at Dundee are still considering whetner they should purchase a fire engine or let the town burn down some night. If they want a good, hand engine, let them consult our Board of Fire Commiesioner8 who have two or three first class machines wh;ch can be spared, and that they will sell very cheap. John Ryan, an oíd Irish pioneer of Northfield, died, Monday afternoon, of pneumonía. He was about 72 years old and has lived in this county nearly 60 years. He was one of those whole-souled Irishmen who was the friend of everybody. The funeral was held at the Norttifield Catholic church yesterday morning. There s no show on the road that has attau.e or that deserves a finer reputation than King & Franklin'e New Culoal Show which is to exhibit here May 27. Their business is phenominally large wherever they erect their canvas and they re decidedly presenting the c;raateit line of attiactions that have ever been displayed under canvas. Miss Julia Slatford died at her home in Ann Arbor towc, Monday morning, aged 55 years. The funeral was held at the residence, iwo miles norjh-west of the city yegterday afternoon, and was attended by a number frcm this city. The decea-ed was well known here, as ihe was born in Ann Arbor and lived in this vicinity during her entire life. In our advertising columns King & Frar.klin's New Colossal Shows are announced to exhibit here Kay 27. There is no show travelirg that comes to us better heralded or that has a bef er reputation among our show-goers. This year it comes to us in a new shape and with largfly added attractions, presenting a program entirely unprecedented. Ann Arbor is to have still nnother mannfacturing enterprise, the ünion ShadePull Oo., which was organized at Grand Rápida in March, and has now removed its office and factory to this city. The tockholders are Oo. W. Bulli-, Thomas C. Brown and JuRtin B. Bullis. The capital stock is $20,000, of which $2,500 is paid in. The company has leased the boiler shop on W. Huron-st, and is fitting t over for a factory. Teressa M. Walsh died at the residence of her moiher on Ann-st, Fridny, aged 20 years and 9 monthi". She was in got d health as usual until Wedne?day eTening, when she was taken with a vomiting spell which resulted in the burstiog of a 1 lo d vessel. The deceas-d wa a eister of Marshal Walsh and was a bright young lady who was. beloved by her friendp. The funeral was held on Monday, at the CatholiC church in Northfield. The Grand Commandery of KnighU Templar of Mie ligan, will meet at Detroit, next Tuesday and Wednesday. The delégate? from the lool commardery wi)l be B F. Watts, L. C. Goodrich, C. S. F-.M, W. G. Doty, W. D. Harriman, C. E. Hiscock and Reveral other past commnders. W. G. Doty now h lis the position of deputy grand commander of the order, and it is anticipated that after next Wedntsday he w:ll stand at the head of Templar Masonry in Michigan. Monday eveninjr as two Scio farmers were driving a young team on Liberty Street, the wagon pole broke, by Mack & Schmid's corner. This frightened the horses and they ran, but not far, as the wagon ran into the ditch and struck the crosswalk leading from the alley in the rear of Koch & Henne's. The shock threw the men, horses and wagon in oce mass, where they had to be separated by parties who saw the accident No damnge was done except the breaking of the wagon pole. Through an inexcusable overuight Thb Register neglected to give notice last week of one of the pleasuntest and most brilliant social eventa that has taken place in this city in bou e time. This was the marriapre of Mary A. Studley, daughter of Rev. W. S. Studley of this city, and Philip H. Gray ol Detroit, which was celebrated at the M. E. church, on Tuesday evening ot last week. The father ot the bride perlormed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of invited guests, including a arge party from Detroit, which was the former home of the bride. Miss Haywood and Mr. Robert Dewey, both of Detroit, acted as bridesmaid and groomsman. Over 700 inviUtions had been ent to friendg in all parte of the country, from Maine to the Paciüc slope, many of whom were unable to be present, but accompanied their regreta with tiful gifte, the collection beisg large and costly. The young couple left on the eveaing train on their wedding tour, and upoQ their return will make their home in Detroit, where Mr. Gray ia engaged in a successful business. Ths Register, although a little late, desires to unite with their hundreds of other friends in a wish for their future happinesa and prosperity. Another one of our citizens is to bs honored by the governmect. Tbis time it is J. T. Jacobs, whose name was sent to the President by Secretary Noble, Tuesday, strougly recommendiog his appointment as a meraber of the Board oL Indian Commissionerp, and he will undoubtedly receive the appointment withiD a few dsys. The place is one that Mr. Jacobs is peculiarly fitted for, as it needs a thorough business man, and the President is to be congratulated in finding in Mr. Jacobs ju8t the man for the place. Mrg. H. W. Rogers received the f ad intelligence, Tuesday, of the death of her neice, Mrs. Ellicott Evan?, at Halle, Germany, on the preceeding day. No particulars have yet been received but it is supposed that heart disease was the cause of her death, as she was hfflicted with this disease. Mrs. EvaDS bas made her home in this city for several years past and left here in February on a European trip, upon the advice of her physician. Her husband, who is an invalid, is in the city wiih Mrs. Rogers. The remains wül be shipped to this country as soon as possible and will be interred at Buffalo. H. J. Brown was bustily engaged, Monday morninp, in studying an accident insurance polioy, reading every portion carefully. Hm right arm hung helpless at his side, and his face wo:e a look of deep anxiety. His perplexity was cauaed by bis inability to decide whether he was ettitled co $25 per week, or a pltry $5 per week tor injuries he received Sunday. He drove to the home ot E. S. Cushraan, in Webster, Sunday afternoon, and in attempiing to step from his carriage to a horse-blook with a child in his arms, he didn't step far enough and feil to the ground. Hie right arm and shoulder struck against the horse-block, breaking oö the end of his shoulder blade, an accident which has proven very paintul and will keep him from business for a time.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register