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Michigan Píentrai; " The Niágara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIM.E. di Tl Il i ::::: S L : ft '■ ga jt-3.= ; i j j i j i 0 M I a il i i - 1:8288 L iSSS i ; Ftl I f ü il sssssa ssasss m O o O -w W "OiO-HC-toc xrffl I ill Ifl - 5 I O 00 UJ C " fc L - 'iO9)IAO)Q dg 55o5j65ír-. OJ3S : ei 1-1 r- rf) 05 ü 1ö I "1 If71" 2 ÍSg t-oooio g Jj I 00 -e .-- ■L o 8 TeTI S g ii ü O ja 8S8SSS 5 S8SS88 7li 4 y i ,L♦ 888S ! á& SSS8ÍJ2 d I I d 11 "ï g SS83S2 jgSgñS i. m iijjiJi : i ? ! i : :S = SSjjf Eg: ácsálS tDally. Sunday ezcepted. O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES. Q. F. & T. A. Chicago. Aa't. Ann Arbor. BlLlpiÏÏ CheaiD Jands inthe West. Along the Unes' of the BURLINGTON ROUTE in Nebraska, Colorado. Wyoming and northwestern Kansas, partieularly on lts new extensión in that terriiory, there is Btill some Government Land awaiting settlement, as well as other cheap lands held by individuals. These lands are amone tbebest to behd anywherein thecountry for aericiiltural and grnzine purposes. In the comparatively new districts are many improved tarms which can be purchased at a very low rate of that class of restless pioneer-settleni who are ready at all times to move "further wet." In the territory embraoed hy the BURLINGTON'S lines w est of the Missouri River. there are in the vieln:ty of two hundred new towns which oflerto manufacturers and business men an excellent opportunlty to lócate with proflt. Send to the undersigued for descrlptive pamphlets and other matter giving location and fuil particulars conceming these lands. TZ A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. A large, handsome MaD of the United States, showing north and souih Dakota, mounted and suitable lor office or home use and issued by the BURLINGTON ROUTE, wlll be furnlshed responsible pirties free on application to the undereigncd. Playing Cards. For ten cents eilher In postage or by applying at Room 12, C B. ft Q. K. R. Geiieral Offlue. corner of Adams and Franklin fetreets, Chicago, you can obtain a pack of the best quality Playing Cards. P. S. EUSTIS. Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt.. C, B. & Q. R. R. n-2fl-S8 Chicago. III. 5.695 MINUTES GOING TO California! tía i 111: You get the only line of Through Care without change CHICAGO TO LOS ANGELES AND You Save Twenty-Seven Hours For Full Particulars apply to your nearest Ticket office, or GKO. I.. .l 1,11 A.V. PaH. íl.. 58 Griswold-st. DETROIT, M1CII. Toledo, Ann Arte &Nortb Michigan R'y v Time Table ftoing Into effect Sunday, Nov. 17, '89 Going North. Uoiug South. 4. 3. STATIONS. 1. S. Mail Mail Ex. &Ex Pass. 4 Ex P. M. A. M. p. m.ip. M. 3 25 6 00 Lv...Toledo.. .Ar 1 lOill 15 _ 8 30 6 05 ..Manhattan J'n.. 1 05 11 10 ... 4 07 6 40 Monroe Junctfn 12 27 10 28 4 17 6 47 Dundee 12 20 10 1 1 (Si 7 05 Milán 12 04 9 68 17 a.m. 4 5íi 7 11 Plttsfleld 11 42 9 34 A. M 6 00 5 07 7 33 „Ann Arbor... 11 30 9 22 8 15 6 30 6 30 7 50 Leland's 11 15 9 07 7 45 6 40 Worden's 7 85 7 00 Sonth Lyons 7 1 5 6S 8 10 Hamnursr 10 57 8 50 6 01 8 15 .„Hamburg J'n... 10 52 8 45 6 25 8 42 ....Howell J'n.... 19 28! 8 20 6 28' 8 46 Hqwell 10 25! 8 17 7 35 9 85 Durand. 9 85 7 80 8 55 9 55 ...East Saffinaw.. 7 45 6 68 8 (X) 10 10 Owosso 9 10 6 40 8 05 10 20 Owosso J'n.... 9 k 6 30 9 07 11 45 Ithaca. 7 50 5 82 9 22 p. M St. Louis 7 82 6 18 6 9 32U2 03 Alma.„ 7 28 5 18 51 A. H. 10 15 12 45 ...Mt. Pleasant... 6 45 4 35 p. u. 5 3Ü 180 Clare 15 4 00 8 49 V 80 3 10 Cadillac 1 50 6 SO 8 10 aS 50 .....Harrietta 9 69 5 30 9 80 d5 00 Copemish 9 05 4 40 9 86 5 26 ...C 4 W M J'n 8 18 8 66 10 22 5 52 ...Onekawa J'n 7 47 8 80 , 11 16 6 15 ...F & P M C 7 25 2 40 1128 6 25 Manistee 7 15 2 80 V, 11 00 6 40 Frankfort 7 50 2 60 All passenger traína run daily except Sunday Connectlous at Toledo wlth rallroadsdlvergln; At Manhattan Junctlon wlth WheelingA LakeKri E. R. At Alexis Junctlon witb H . C R. R., L. 8. K'y and F. & P. M. R. K Ai Monroe JuncÜon wiiü L. 8. . M. 8. R'y. At Dundec wlth L. 8 4 M. S„ and M. & O. Ry . At Milau wlth W ., 8U JL 4 P. Ey. At Plttsfleld with L. 8. 4 M. 8. E"y. At Ann Arbor wlth Michigan Central E. E., and at South Lyon wlth Detroit, lansintr and North. ernR.K.,HdU. T. Ry. At Ashley with the Toledo, áairtnaw & Muskegon railway. H. W. ASHLEif, A. J. PAISLEY, Superintendent, Gen. Passenger Agent. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. TRAINS VJ GARRYING PASSENCERS LEAVE TOLEDO J Oirinhn I'.xpro-s 12:10 a. in. KnnNHB ii.v Rxpretts lv:2() u. in. St. l.ouis lxr s 5:20 p. in. Ilrfiance Accommodailon.. 4:45 p. in. Tralns marked thus run daily; other Tkains Run Daily Except Sunday. All Tkains Make Direct Connkction pjr Indianapolis Palace RecliningChairCarsfree on allTrains. SOLID VESTIBULE TRAIN SERVICE DAILY WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. ELEGANT WAGNER FLEEriNG CARS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS AND THE BEST EQUIPPED DINING CAR SERVICE IM THE WORLD. Six hours quicker time than by any other route from Toledo to Kansas City. and a similar saving to every point beyond the Missouri river. For lowest rates, maps, folders, and descriptlve printed matter, write to or cali on, C. S. ORANE, F. CHANDLER, Asst.G. P. A., G.P. A , St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. P. E. DOMBAUGH, Pass. & Tkt. Agt., 808 Madison St., Toledo, O. Drunkenness Or the Liquor Habit, Positively Cured BV AOMINISTERINO DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea, or in ar ticles of food. without the kuowlcdge ui the per son takiug it; it is absolutely iiarinless aud wlU effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patiënt laa moderate drinker oran alcoholio wreek, it NEVER FAILS. WeGUARANTEE a complete cure ín everyinstauce. 4Spage book FREÈ Adilrcs in confidence, GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO.. 1 85 Race St.. Cincinnati,


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