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DR. FRUTH OF NEW YORK, WILL BE AT THE (iink Home, Tueadny, June 10. DR. FRUTH, OF THE Provident Medical Dispensary, NEW YORK CITY, Ably assisted by a f all corps of competent physicians and eurgcona, treats "vvith uuparalleled suecess all Chronic Discasca and Diseases of Ihe Eyt and Ear of overy naturo upon the la test scientifie principies. He partieularly invites all whose cases havo Veen neglected, badly treated or pronounced incurable. Paticnts who are doing well undcr thO care of their own physicians need not callón us, as our provinco is to treat those who cannot find reli f otherwise. Believine that seience is truth aud "truth is mighty and will prevail," when known, and kuowing tuat disease ean bo cured "with positive certainty, he invitec íhe afllicted to cali and receive advice iree and be cured of their diseases. There is uo subject tbat requires so vnucb study and experienceas the treatmentand cui of chronic diseases. The astonishing succ-ess and reraarkablo cures performed by him is due to a thorougb. knowledge ot the structure and functions of the humas sysi jm, and the cure of disease by natural remediot . Let those given up by others cali for examination. Hehassuccppstnlly treated the following diseases since his arrival in this State: Eye and Knr diseases, Chronic lHartMMff, Chrortic Inflammatitmof the Womb, Chronic Inftamnialion of the B'fi'lttrr, Painui or Irregula) Mènstriiation, Ferrr Sore miit Ul'.ere, Jvmiilinenct of Urine. Tape Worms, ('rookcd Limbsand Knlaracá Joints, Spinal Curi'at ure, ( ub Foot, Hip Joini Disease, White SweUing, Discliargmg Abfcnses, SlerUüy or Barrenmss, KiTrumanana General Debüüy, Impotency, Disease of the Kidncys c?ic B'aáder, ijeiKorrhea or Whitcs, Flntelies, Pimples, Skin Dis easrs, DyspepsUl, Constipntion, íhopsy. Cáncer, EpLleplic Fits, ErvsipeJas, Gravel, Goitre, 'QUet, Oanorrrwea, nijdrocele,Heart''nDifiease,HeadaChe, Piles, Ihis'ria.Syphilis.St. Vitue Dance, Chronie Dijsetüeni, Enlarged Tunsiis, FUtulain Ano, Hernia qt Rupture, Orarían Tumors, Paralasis, Pro'opsus Vteri, Bronchitis, Astlima, Caiarrh, Srrojula, Consumption, Chronic Cough, Fcmate Wealness, Spermat KheHmatism,etc. Allsurgiral opi-rations performed Pree Examination of the Urine. Each person applying for treatmentshould bring an ounce of their urine, which wiilreceiveacaref ui chemiual and microseopi('al examination. Bemarkable Cures perfected in o1? cases whlch have bwn ncgleeted or uuskillfully treated. No expemeu ts or failures. Parties treated by mail jt express, but where possible personal consultation preferred. Curable caaea b'ua ïateed. List of questi sus iree. Western Add ess, DR. KK.X7TK; Tolt cl. O. PEBRUARY lst, 1890, - THE- Jt. hlil, fflijijieapoli? & fVI ajiïtoba and its branches neeame the Great NoÉernRy. Lnie. IF YOU AKE GOINO TO THE FKEE FARMS OF THE MILK R1VEK VALLEY, TAKE TH7 GREAT NORTHERN RY. LINK TO THE GOLD, BILVErTcOPPER, IRON AND COAL MINES OF MONTANA, TAKE THB GREAT NORTHERN RY. LINE. TO GRKAT FALLS, THE FUTURE INDUSTRIAL CENTRE OF THE NORTHWEST, TAKE THE GREAT NORTHERN RY. LINE. TO HELENA, BUTTE, SPOKANE FALL9 AND THE COA8T CITIE3, TAKE THE GREAT NORTHERN RY. LINE. TO FARGO, CROOKSTON, GRAND FORKS AND WINNIPEG, TAKE THE GREAT NORTHERN RY. LINE. TO ALL MINNESOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA. NORTH DAKOTA, MONTANA, IDAHO. OREGON, WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA, and MAN1TOBA POINTS, TAKE THE GREAT NORTHERN RY. LINE. For tickets, maps and guides, apply to your home ticket agent or write to F. I. WHITNEY, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Ag't, Great Northern Kailway, St. Paul, Mlnn. 49-The Great Northern Rnllway Line runB its own Magnificent Dining Care, Palace sleeping Care. Special Aptrtment Cars and Free Colouist Sleepers on Daily Through Trams.


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