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CITY NOTICEt. To Wiiom It May Concern : This is to certify that my husband, Geo. N. Mitchell, has been telling o different ones that I have a large amount of h:8 property invested in my household goods, whieh is entirely untrue, he claiming the amount to ba $7,000, and the fact beiEg that it is ore bedrcom set worth aboui $10. Aleo I wish to say Ihat whatever property he did have, he deeded awty to his mother sixteen days before our marriage to deprive me of any rights therein, and instead of his ever doing anything for me. I have had to support myself snd him too. Mrs. George Mitchell. Ann Aebok, May 17, 189. 06 Go to Hangsterfer & Co tor pure fresh candiee, Buttercups, Opera and Chocolate Creams 30c per 1b. Caramela, cocoanut, peanut bars and fine cream mixed 25c per lb. tf Children Cryfor P i te h er's Castoria . Wall Paper at 4, 6, 8 and lOcts. a roll at Wahr's. J. Andrea is going to have Cryetal Lake ice shippeii in here this season. Visit Nofcla's Hat Depertment. Ice Creains nd Ios served to families in 1 2, 3 or"4 qt hricks. Haogsterier i'c Co. tf Browns, Mie, Whitee, Bnlliantinf p, Datnusks, Einbosped Slik, Ingra'ns, Flock and all grades cf Wall l'aper at Wahr's. Wa'ir is doicg the Wall Paper business. He in offering tue bet Gilt Paper at 7, 8, 10, 12 ets. a ro!l, aud the best selection n the city. A. L. Noble visited Chicago last week and purchased a large stock of hats from the auction sale of Taylor Bros. & Co. Lcok out for some of the greatest hargains ever offered in this city. The Art Club will give their fifth animal exbibition during the first week of Juoe. Look out for notice next week. To-day and to-morrow and every day in the year you cin take the picturesque Erie for Philadelphia, New Yoik, and all S;a Board, cities and be assured luxurious travel. Elegant Pullman Sleepiog and Buffet crs, finest in the world ; Day Coaches and Baggage oars over the Ei ie Railway to New York. Attached to Grand Trunk train leaving Detroit 6.35 p. m. (daily except Sunday) Í9 a megüificent Pullman tleeper to Hornelhville connectinp at that point with luxurious Drawing Room car?, arrivirg in New York at 4.22 p. m. central lime, to run remainder of year. No extra charge for quick time and superior seivice. New York passengers landed up-town or down-town convenient to leadinj; hotels, wholeeale and retail business houses, 'steamship piers and stations of connecting lines. Cali on nearest ticket agent of any line in Michigan, Ohio or Indiana for through tickets to all points in the Esst, or addrets Frank M. Cadwell, Traveling Pms. Agt., 155 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. ; W. C. Rinearson, Ass't Gen'l Pase. Agt., Cleveland, Ohio; Geo. DeHaven, Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agt., New York; L. P. Farmer, Gen'l Pass. Agt., 21 Cortland St., New Yok. Mrp. E. Roehm is seliing at cost all hafs, flower?, tips, ribbons, fancy goodf, zephyr?, Germantown wooK transfer pictures, 6tamped goods, and material for fancy work. 08 The T., A. A. & N. M. 11.30 tiain now makes immediate connecüoi at Manhattan Jucc bn wilh W. & L. E. and B. & O. Rys. for Washington, Bukimore, Pniladelphia and New York, arriving at Washington and Baltirnore the following morning, 11 45 a. in., and Philadalphia and New York in the alternoon. Seeping car aceomuiodation on be re'prvfd in Toledo. Flre! re! ! lire!!! 3 Fires occur when least expected. Djn't wait too long; delay is dangerous. Protect your property and buildings with the Harden Hand Grenade, the best fire extinguishers every made. They are cheap but they are reliable andyoucannot afford to risk being without them. Every prudent farmer, merchant and manufacturer, in fact, every prcperty owner owes it to his own interesas as ■well as these of the community at large to fully proteot his property against a fire. We can save you money if you will investígate our appliances. A good test of these fire extinguishers was made a few years ago when the Allmendinger Organ Works was on fire and the Harden Star Harden Hand Grenade was successfull used and the results can be shown to anyone who will visit us at our office. H. D. Allmendinger te Co , No. 20 S. First Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Aun Arbor, Mich., May 28, 1890. On June 5, the T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. will sell round trip tickets to parties of ten wishina; to attend the great Sraues Imperial Court O chestra at Toledo, at $1.45 cents for round trip. If a party of CO or more deslíe to attend, and will leave their names with the undersigned, a special train will be run from ToleJj after the performance, arriving here about 11.50 p. m. We would tike to know early as poasible who will attend so that we may be able to arrange aooommodations. Forty seats have been reserved for Ann Arbor parties. G. H. Hazlewood, Agt.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register