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Each Season Has its own peculiar malady ; but witli the blood maintained tn a state of uniform vigor and purily, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the system readlly adapts itself to changed condítions. Composed of the best alteratives and tonics, and being highly concentrated, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most effective and econoniical of all blood medicines. " For some years, at the return of spring, I had serious trouble with my kidncys. I was unable to sleep Dtgbto, and suffered "reatly witli paina in ilu small of my back. I was also afflicted with headache, loss ol appetiie, and indigestión. These symptoms wen niucii wone last spring, espectelly the trouble with my back. A triend persuade me to use Ayer's Barsapwilla. I began takins; II. andmy troublei all disappeared," - Mri, Oanirra Belangeri 24 Briaga st., Springliülit, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PilEi'AKKI) BY DB. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. SoldbyDrugiBt. fl,êii$5. Worth $5 a bottle. DUSTERS ARE THE BEST. 100 styles, prlces to sult all. WK. Aykes 4 Sons, PhiladelphU. öold by all dealers. EMORY Mind wandering cured. BookslRamed Ín one reartinft;. Testimoniáis from all piirts f tlie Klobe. Prospectu post FBEK, flpnt on nphcation to Prof. A. Loisetw, 237 Fifth Ave. New York. ROTS itcM's Elenmatic Piasters. C7STAXT RELIEF IOB ALL ïmEÜTÏ ATIC T AC7S. 0 BtnaccRsforEheomatisin.Henr&lgUiandSciatica. boid by drnggiita everywhere, or by mail, 25 cents. Movelty riaater Work. LoweU.Mam. Zmóthers jpifRIEND" CHlLD eP5WTALBNoSR LESSENS PAIN rtR TQ UFE Of BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA qj SOLO BV ALL DRUGS1STS. BOLD Bï '. K. RBKKBACH. LQOSE'S EXTRACT uur) CLOÏEilLpSSOM Female WeakneBS Sores, Ulcers, Tumors, Abacesseg, Blood Polgoning, Salt Kheum, Catarrh, Krysipela, Kheumatism and all Blood and Skin Diaeases. Price i. per Pinl Bottle. or 6 Bottles for 5. i Ib can Solid Eitraa J. M. LOOSE RED,CLOVER CODetroit. Mich. soid bv au dru8giu. f! II TTinYflVT Take no thoei nnleil I.A I I I IIIIM W.I.. Dmirlun' name and UA i A JiUll price are Btamped on the bottom. If the dealer cannot supply jou, end direct to factor;, encloeing auvertiie wTl. douclas $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Oalf, HEiiyy l.iin-il Grain and Creedmoor Waterproof. Kest in (lip vrorld. Ktmnine hl fi.OO GENUINE HANJP-BEWED SHOE ■4.00 IIAM)-SKH II) WELT SMOK. 3.50 PÓLICE AM) FAKMERD' SHOE. '.;.. ro EXTRA V Al. lis (All' SHOE. 2.25 & J WORKÏNOMEN'S SHOKS. SU.OU and SI. 75 BOYS' SCHOOI. MIDES. All ïiimk; in CongreM, Button ;ml Luce. $3&$2SHOESla% 81. ?n SHOK FOIt MISSHS. Beet Material, l'.ect Slyle. Bent Fitting V. L. DouKlaH, Brockton, Mas. Sod by Examine W. %.. noaglmi 2.11(1 Slioe for (M'ltlU-llK'H itlMl 1. 1K1Í4'.. WM. REIUHARDT & CO., 42 S. NAM M'KKÏT, A ni) Arnor. ORSGON, lKSIPSIfEEXCE, WEALIH1 Come to the lamí of the setting sun. Send for FRKK circulnrs ltiscribin{ the -Garden Spot of Oregon." Purchai-t s uegoiitascd for fmler, hop, fruit, wheat Riid other lands. Sawmills flouring milis, canneries, dairits. and other enterprises asisted Eastt-rn capital profitably loaned. Ad dress iiimiu. PATTBHSOM .1 O.. liiiU'IX'iKleitce. 1'ulK (o. llrcton. All inquiries Aiibwered. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. This Is a cholee píoce of laúd, in Hurón county Mich., that wn iiikm on a mongage. aria is offered at íl.dOO andel valué. Frice 1.600; easy ii mi. Addresstbeowner. U. B. roWKLL. Woodbtock, Vermont.


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